
If you plunge the quail into alomst boiling water for 20 seconds it plucks clean without any trouble and then you've got that beautiful skin to add flavor to whatever you do with it.
These are what's known around here as the "House covey". You don't shoot the house covey, you trap them. Trap what you want to eat and let the rest go. You start shooting at them and they will leave. (wouldn't you?) Use a live trap and you'll always have quail around.

As for preperation, pluck the entire bird, clean them and put in a salt bath for 8-10 hours.(in the refer) Get a cake pan 6-8" x oh say 12-14" and make a bed of stuffing. Take the quail and wrap in bacon strips and nestle them into the stuffing. (sounds soooo cozy don't it?) Bake at 350 for 30 min +/-. Serve with fried okra, pinto beans, green chili, and biscuts and milk!!!

See ya, I'm hungry :eek:
I take the skinned quail breast and wrap them with a strip of bacon. Bake in the oven over a bed of wild rice or rice pilaf or BBQ....DeeeLish!

Also be advised- The guts really STINK. At least Valley, Gambel's, Mountain and Mearn's do. The only thing that smells worse is Chukar. But they all eat great. Hungarian Partridge is good, also...
A better way to clean them (and this works with birds up to pheasant size.)

Lay the bird on the ground, with the breast up toward you. Spread the wings out a bit.

Put a foot on each wing, as close to the breast as possible.

Sllloowwwwly pull up on the bird's two legs. If you pull fast, you may be holding double feathered drumsticks. But if you pull slow, you'll have skinned drumsticks and breasts in your hand, and everthing undesirable left on the ground. Just rinse and prepare.

First time I tried it was with Dove. Couldn't believe it was so easy.