Pulling the old "Gun in the toy bin" bit

What ever happened to the school of thought about gun saftey that said "If you you touch a firearm without permission you get your a** whipped?"

..........Oh, right, liberals and child welfare............................

I think you are living in a world that never really existed. Like how people look back at an ideal childhood that never really existed anywhere but in their fuzzy memory. :)
Some in this thread seem awful scared to teach that for some reason (more a feeling than a reason).
No one is afraid to teach anything but we are responsible enough to realize we are adults and fully capable of understanding consequences and finality. Children are not.
Nice try. I've seen it, lived it. Whitewashing wasn't always the norm. Parents actually DID used to teach something besides fear.
And just when and where were these good 'ol days where parents taught their kids to...
Point in safe direction with finger off trigger.
Remove magazine or open cylinder.
Unload completely or hand back to owner.
If they were handling a stranger's gun? :confused:

Sounds like a pretty weird scenerio for anyone to do...much less a small child.
Sheesh how old are you? You sound like you're either in your 20s or like someone who's only lived in urban areas. In the real world where you wake up in the morning and take care of animals before you take care of land for your livelihood, you don't have time to waste with feelgoodisms, you go straight to education when it comes to kids. I've seen pre kindergarten kids be able to do exactly what I said and it be totally normal in a family AND a small community. Sorry you've only seen subways and concrete or whatever.
In other words...never. :)
Sheesh how old are you? You sound like you're either in your 20s or like someone who's only lived in urban areas. In the real world where you wake up in the morning and take care of animals before you take care of land for your livelihood, you don't have time to waste with feelgoodisms, you go straight to education when it comes to kids. I've seen pre kindergarten kids be able to do exactly what I said and it be totally normal in a family AND a small community. Sorry you've only seen subways and concrete or whatever.
you do realize that the world where you take care of animals first thing has comprised a minority of the population for a few generations now, right? :p
you do realize that the world where you take care of animals first thing has comprised a minority of the population for a few generations now, right?

I thought this last night when I was telling PBP about how easy kids learn, etc.. Even though I taught my kids starting at ~3 yrs old, and at ~ 6 yrs old was the last time either of them did anything stupid with a gun, and I trusted them (but not with unrestricted access to unsecured guns) by 8, and ~12-14 they had loaded handguns in their rooms...and never had an incident. I have to be in the minority here.

I almost posted those facts but was hesitant because of the thought that most people nowadays are not competant enough to undertake such a thing. It's not that the kids wont or cannot learn it, but that the parents are not cognizant enough to be 100% solid in their instruction. With all the media fearmongering, the lack of societal acceptance of kids being taught about gun safety, and the lack of the parents skills to teach properly...probably a bad idea for most.

Doesn't mean it's not possible, just that I probably have superior kids, and they had a dedicated instructor(s). I better give credit where it is due and say Massad Ayoob's excellant book "Gunproof your Children" guided me well because it did.

So even though you guys are wrong because it is possible, I can see where generally speaking...don't try this at home is probably good advice nowadays. A sad but true fact of modern society.:(

ANd PB, kids are taught to steal cookies if you think about it.
No I don't agree. Prior to the feminization of males, THIS was what boys (and some girls) were taught:

If you see or handle a stranger's gun:

Point in safe direction with finger off trigger.
Remove magazine or open cylinder.
Unload completely or hand back to owner.

Thats laughable - you didnt grow up in my house with a bunch of esoteric weapons. You ever try to empty a C96 Mauser of its ammunition? Without pulling the trigger? Or SA Colt that does not have have a cylinder that opens? Or blackpowder firearms? All these and more are firearms that were in my house - with the express knowledge that if I touched Dad's guns without him around, my ass was in for a tanning.

And while the kid is trying to figure out a way to unload it - turning it this way and that, let's hope he doesnt let his finger slip on the trigger.

And if he's handing it back to the owner without unloading it, does he hand it muzzle first or butt first? Does he know if the owner is responsible and wont grab it and accidentally squeeze the trigger?

Best to ignore it completely and not touch it.
IN order to be a real test we would need to see the same test with "Eddie Eagle" and "Brasco Bear" kids.......

But it tells us what we already knew, children need to be educated about guns from the minute they can crawl.