Public safety: local PD issued M-16s

For me, if you armed the Police with M16 full auto as their issue gun, they don't look like a police anymore and they are more fearsome in looking. It is alright to have the M16 for the SWAT team but regular patrolman on the street carrying M16 in a city seems not good.

As for the purpose of equalizing highly armed criminals, yes it is advisable for cops to have such automatic rifles. I think most cops are not comfortable to carry M16 in their routine job.

Whatever the other purpose, non could stop Police Dept to issue M16 to their forces.

Perhaps later on, the Civilians will be issued UZI and Ingram also as carry gun. Why not? there will be a possibility, as times goes on people adapts to his newly created environment. No matter how you armed the LE with high power, the highly trained and moneyed criminal can always have a better arms. Having M16 for the LE will not solve the problems but it is a contest of rearming every sector.

Also, why should we always look at BG's as underdog. We should note that many former LE, Military, and Professionals that turn to BG. How about the organized criminals. I just remember what the Priest in the "Fifth Element - Film" that using greater force is only answered by a greater force. Evil begets evil. That is what it counts all.

[This message has been edited by stdalire (edited December 18, 1999).]
Next county over from me just got a batch of old army M-16s. No three round burst control just safe, semi, rock and roll. They got little training and I see no need for full auto. I figure the first time one of their officers empties a full mag they will be modified. "Just hope no innocent gets hurt" I have fired a "few" full autos but could never get any burst over 3rds to stay on a target at over 30yds.
So I agree with a rifle but don't on full auto. It is loads of fun "and if I could swing a MP-5 I would in a heartbeat""esp the SD" But for every officer I would say NO>.
Jeff thomas, Prohibition never failed, it set up the father of all our federal gun laws the 34NFA a piece of worthless garbage that spawned the 68 GCA another backwards ass red headed step child, whats left 89ban,91, 94 I live in Kali so I forget which is state, and which is federal there are so many.

All the patrol cop need are Rem pump 30-06 carbines, will dispatch anyone and same training as 870. Essentially same gun just has the longer range for the cops who cant use discretion with the gauge and swith to slug.

Good thing I got those 20rd mags for my 308 will shoot further and more accuratly with them. yeah right.

"Don't want no teenage queen, just want my M14."
The village matriarch.