Psychology: Carrying Concealed Weapons

Paul Revere

New member
Since I live in a State that does not allow legal CCW, I was interested in understanding the psychology one might have while carrying. It is your "personal" psychology that interests me.

Do you conciously think about it while carrying? Do you take on a protectionist's attitude about what's happening around you? Are you anymore confrontational, or less? Do you play the "what-if scenarios" through your mind while carrying? Are you concerned about keeping it concealed at all times? Have you been tempted to draw your weapon since you've been carrying? If someone saw you with it, what would be your response if they made something about it? Do you think carrying is a right that should be shared by all law abiding Americans, now that you've actually done it yourself? Or, do you just not think about your concealed weapon at all?
I am twiddling my thumbs waiting for my CCW to get to me from the TX DPS. But I have thought a lot about these same questions you put forth. So, I will go ahead and put in my thoughts.

I expect I will be quite conscious of the gun's presence at first, while I get used to the idea of carrying. I know I'll be paranoid about keeping it concealed, since the laws on that here are, to me, kinda broad and open to interpretation.

I already play thru my mind "what-if" scenarios, while I'm out and even when I'm at home. When I'm out in public, I am very aware of what's going on around me, and the environment I'm in, so that I can be prepared to react if needed. I want to get prepared for the "mindset" of carrying now, so that when my license comes, it will be more second nature to me.

I'm not very confrontational to begin with and will be even less so once I start carrying. It's not a good idea to go around with a chip on your shoulder, while at the same time packing a gun. As my instructor told me and my class, "when you have a CCW, you have 120% citizenship and you have to act like it."

Without getting into the Second Amendment and RKBA, I personally think that there should be a nationwide CCW law, so that law abiding citizens could carry in all states, rather than just the ones their state has reciprocity agreements with. (TX CCW holders can currently only carry in AR, AZ, LA, and OK).

"Liberty or death, What we so proudly hail... Once you provoke Her, rattling of Her tail- Never begins it, NEVER- But once engaged never surrenders, showing the fangs of rage. DON'T TREAD ON ME!!

[This message has been edited by Darthmaum (edited October 07, 1999).]
I have been carrying for about 10 years, and you never forget you have it on. I have never had to use it. I would rather Talk my way out of anything rather than have to draw down on someone. Why do you even carry do you say? Because I can, and because I consider my Life a valuable asset, and dont want to loose it. enough said.

10MM Magnum.... tried the rest, now I got the best

I too currently live in a state in which CCW is not possible. I have, however, lived in states where it was allowable and I did carry at those times. My answers to your questions would be as follows:

1. No.
2. No...I'm always at condition yellow, even when not carrying.
3. Non-confrontational...anyone who carries a handgun and who is confrontational is an idiot and should not be allowed to carry period.
4. Like most interested in self defense, I run "what if" scenarios on occasion. It may or may not be at the same time I was carrying.
5. is the mark of a rank amatuer to flash their weapon or spare ammo carriers.
6. No.
7. Ignore them to the max extent possible. If they persist leave...if that's not possible invite them to call the police to settle it. This assumes that they saw the weapon through bad luck on my part...a strong gust of wind blows jacket up, etc.
8. Yes.
9. Once used to it, I never really thought about it, unless it was digging into my ribs while driving, etc.

I'll bite on this one...

I am non-confrontational as it is. I get even easier to deal with when carrying. I am aware at all times that I have a pistol strapped to me (try it... how could you forget???) and guard it accordingly. Very aware of what is behind me... I do look for escape routes. Nevada has the "preclusion" clause that requires you to attempt to get away first. I am good at keeping it concealed at all times. It can hinder what you do, but this is a choice you make before you start to carry concealed. If detected, I would be really surprised! I would state that I held a permit and make it available for inspection.

I would only draw as a last resort. For myself, immediate family, or emminant danger situations.

I think everyone who meets the currently set forth standards should be allowed to carry in every state of the union! Should almost be mandantory for people traveling out of state.

I'm less confrontational now than before I started carrying a concealed handgun. In part, this is because of the training course for the concealed carry license. In part, it's because I want to avoid shooting anybody, not only as a matter of Christian and humane principle, but also because I'd be crucified by the local anti-self-defense DA and assault media if I did. IOW, I'm prepared to shoot, but of course my family and/or I will have to be in a last-resort situation before I do.

I don't go anywhere with my pistol that I wouldn't go without it. I'm aware that I'm armed and try to be aware of my surroundings, but I'm not self-conscious about being armed (as I was at first). I've never been in a situation where I was tempted to draw the pistol, and hope not to be. I'm convinced that concealed carry is a good idea and I have a good deal of confidence in 99% of the people with concealed handgun licenses. The other 1% can be expected in any human endeavor and are not an argument against licensing.

My $0.02.
Its funny... I was in Az this past weekend. AZ is an open carry state. But I just couldn't bring myself to do it. My Tx CHL has receprocity in Az, so I just stayed concealed.

I don't want anyone knowing I am armed. I don't go looking for a fight. As has been mentioned, I look for a way to walk away; safely.

My pistol is not a total solution. It is there to save my life if I am placed in a situation where I truly believe I am about to die. Then and only then do I use it to end the life threatening challenge.

On the whole, it has been good for me to carry. I have been forced to be much more aware of my surroundings. It has made me engrain Col Coopers Color Codes into every second of my life. I do not look FOR a fight... I look to avoid any situation that could put me in a life threatening situation. And I am more responisble for it.

IDPA# A04739
It is long been a principal of ours that one is no more armed because he has possession of a firearm than he is a musician because he owns a piano. There is no point in having a gun if you are not capable of using it skillfully. - Jeff Cooper
I just recently got my TX CHL, so I'm still getting used to carrying. I try not to be too conscious of the fact I have a gun on me, yet I don't want to forget it's there. I try to keep it concealed at all times, as that is what the law requires, and I don't want to frighten anyone. I've become more aware of my surroundings since I took my CHL class, always in Yellow. I also play "what-if" with myself. It helps you to prepare your mind for what to do if the doggie-doo hits the fan. I'm not tempted to draw it (unless absolutely required to end a life threatening situation), because that would be just plain dumb and irrsponsible. It's bonehead moves like that that make gun-owners look bad, and I've never been confrontational. I avoid fights at all cost if I can. If I can't, I will respond appropriately.

As for how would I respond if someone saw it and made a big deal? Non-confrontationally, of course. ;) I would inform them I am a CHL holder, there's no reason to be scared of ME, as I'm not going to go on a shooting spree. If it gets too hairy, like if they are a hysterical bannit, I will just get out of there. Always take the high road.

Lady Justice has been raped, truth assassin;
Rolls of red tape seal your lips, now you're done in;
Their money tips her scales again, make your deal;
Just what is truth? I cannot tell, cannot feel.

The ultimate in vanity
Exploiting their supremacy
I can't believe the things you say
I can't believe, I can't believe the price we pay- nothing can save us
Justice is lost, Justice is raped, Justice is gone
Pulling your strings,Justice is done...
Seeking no truth, winning is all,
Find it so grim, so true, so real....

If it isna Scottish, it's CRAP! RKBA!
I have had a carry permit for 23 years. I am VERY aware whenever I have my pistol with me. I have never been in a situation where I have needed to draw the pistol and pray that I never will. I do play the "what if" mind game, I feel that it keeps me aware of my surroundings and my possible reactions to an event.

I am very careful to keep my pistol concealed as I feel with todays concerns regarding guns, people may be liable to call the police if they saw the weapon. I am also a non-confrontational person and find that carrying a gun makes me more so, knowing that I could cause great harm to others when the situation may not require it.

I do feel that all responsible and law abiding citizens should be allowed to carry if they so choose.
Yes, I consciously think about it, but I think about it more when I don't. I feel naked somehow. :)

Yes, I take on a protectionist's attitude. Not everyone carries or have a protectionist's attitude. I can't not stress enough that this is not a Rambo-like attitude. I don't itch for a fight. In fact, I abhor them. In my mind, if I ever had to fight with my guns, I made a mistake somewhere. But, if I should pass out, I would hope someone with an EMT background would come to my aid. If my car broke down, I would hope someone with a mechanics background would come to lend me a hand. And if they were being assaulted with immediate and obvious danger to their lives, then I would not hesitate to step in if it was the most prudent action to take.

Yes, I play what-if scenarios. When I was young and had to take a high school driver's education course, we were taught to indentify possible traffic problems, predict the likely outcome, determine the most prudent course of action to take, and execute them. Situational awareness! Works great for me when I'm driving. Works great for just about everything else I can think of actually.

Yeah, sometimes I fidget to see if I am concealing properly. And it always has.

No, I have never been tempted to draw for real. Sometimes, people rub you the wrong way, but I never think, "Shoot them". It would not be as satisfying as beating the living daylights out of them with your fists. Hehe! :) But no, it never got beyond thinking, "Why, I oughta...." and leaving it at that.

The only people who have ever "made something about it" were my friends who knew what I carried, how I carried, and where. No amount of concealment can save you then. Other than that, I have never been caught before. Never, and I intend to keep it that way. So no, I've never had anyone comment about it beyond my friends.

Yes, I do think carrying is a right that should be shared by all Americans. Bad guys who don't follow the rules will do it anyways regardless of legality. Good guys, well, who cares? They are not the ones robbing and mugging people. What difference does it make if they are armed or not? However, like owning and driving a vehicle, I do believe in education and training. This is where I veer off from the concensus. In America right now, you can own some kind of firearms without ever having had any type of training, formal or not. And that, I think, is a big mistake. But that's an entire subject all together.

In an ideal world, however, guns would not have such a negative stigma. We are used to seeing police officers having guns on their side, why not citizens? What's so different about that as opposed to having them concealed? While my state is open carry, I've never done it and probably never will because of the horrible price you pay socially. But, I have talked long enough.

[This message has been edited by SB (edited October 07, 1999).]
Paul Revere and all,
This is a very personal question and in restrospect I will try to give you my answer.
I have always carried a pocket knife. I used one once for a tool intended for another purpose and broke the tip from the blade!
I loved that knife so I will always take the time to go and get the proper tool if it is available.
When I get dressed I have all the handy proper tools ready to wear so to speak.
I carry the broken knife with a reground tip,
a Leatherman tool with which I am happy and a
Colt's Officer's Model.
I carry quite a few tools in my truck, some tools in my car, have quite a few tools at home. In my experiance the Leatherman tool has saved me quite a few steps at work and has come in handy in the field. I would hate to break my Leatherman so I will take the time to walk to the shop and get the 1" drive if that is what is needed!
Tools is Tools! Just know what they will and won't do, have handy ones near and know where the rest are! It's really very simple!
Best Regards,
Hank Lampe
Paul, I would really like to know what that
physologicy is !:^}

[This message has been edited by HankL (edited October 07, 1999).]
The first couple weeks of carrying were really wierd, inducing an extreme awareness of its presence, power, pointing (pointed direction during concealment), and whether anyone could see it. The experience was quite disturbing.

Eventually the "does anyone see it" fear wore off.

Do you conciously think about it while carrying?

Not much; I'm aware that it's there, both from power/responsibility and from two pounds of metal chafing me.

Do you take on a protectionist's attitude about what's happening around you?

Sorta kinda maybe. Mostly it's a side effect of what comes first: protecting me and mine.

Are you anymore confrontational, or less?

Less. I'm pretty mild mannered to begin with, but I'm a bit more interested in avoiding situations that could escalate, being more aware of where it could go.

Do you play the "what-if scenarios" through your mind while carrying?

With _or_ without. The fact that I _should_ be carrying makes me aware of when I'm not.

Are you concerned about keeping it concealed at all times?

Yes. Being seen can equal trouble.

Have you been tempted to draw your weapon since you've been carrying?


If someone saw you with it, what would be your response if they made something about it?

Grin politely, say "licensed", finish my business and exit.

Do you think carrying is a right that should be shared by all law abiding Americans, now that you've actually done it yourself?

I think the 2nd Amendment puts it rather well: "...shall not be infringed."

Or, do you just not think about your concealed weapon at all?

Its physical weight and legal weight remind me often.
I live in Tennessee which is a shall issue state. I have my licence and have been carrying now for almost two years.

I never forget that it is on me. I dress conscientiously. I blend in.

I always watch. I have never had to draw attention to myself, or to my sidearm.

Now the big question, why? Because it is a whole lot better to have it and not nead it, than nead it and not have it. It's my responsibility to protect, take care of and provide for my family and myself, not someone else's.
Better to have it and not need it, Than to need it and not have it!

CT & john, the keys I used to haul weighed more than what I carry now. I just leave some of the keys at work as well as my 3/4 " tools etc. I just keep the handy tools around!
If I had my choice I would keep my 10MM Delta
Clark longslide in my tool belt but that is hardly possible as I live in the South and am not very large.
Carry something, it's better for you to show up at a knife fight with a gun in your hand than your d"#k. Just know your tools like every craftsman does!
My last tirade,
Hank Lampe
I have owned a number of firearms over the years, and have had a carry permit for 11 plus years. Though many years ago, I was once into a "sticky situation", even then, it was not quite necessary to fire, my undesired, uninvited guest headed the other way, which was fine with me.

As to actually carrying, most of the time, I put my pistol on, immediately after putting my pants on. It's sometimes a bother, but I would rather carry all my life, and never need a pistol, than once need one, and not have it.
Do you conciously think about it while carrying?


Do you take on a protectionist's attitude about what's happening around you?

I'm not sure what you mean by this question. Am I more aware? Yes.

Are you anymore confrontational, or less?

I've never been one to be confrontational, but study and education regarding the proper use of a self-defense weapon has made me more confident, so that I don't duck my head when asked about why I carry.

Do you play the "what-if scenarios" through your mind while carrying?


Are you concerned about keeping it concealed at all times?

I have bowed to the pseudo powers that be and obtained my CCP, but living in Arizona I carry openly nearly all the time.

Have you been tempted to draw your weapon since you've been carrying?


If someone saw you with it, what would be your response if they made something about it?

It has happened. Not much, but enough that I no longer make light of it.

First I'll ask them what country they are from, then I'll let them know that they are making the common mistake of attributing the carry of a gun to the profession of the bearer. Next, I will inform them that by the nature of their question they have just broadcast to all in earshot that they are unarmed and would be a helpless victim of a violent crime unless they change their attitude and get educated and become pro-active.

Do you think carrying is a right that should be shared by all law abiding Americans, now that you've actually done it yourself?

Most definately.

Or, do you just not think about your concealed weapon at all?

It's always in the back of my mind (and on my hip!)


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
Hmmm... is somebody trolling here?
Sounds like a Barbera Walters question

I mean, if I went around saying I was an Emperor because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, people would put me away!

I've carried a weapon all the time since 1980. Both on Duty Openly and Concealed, and off Duty consealed. I'll talk about Off Duty only.

Even though my pistol goes on with my pants, I'm always aware that it's there.

Protective? Well I've been law enforcement one way or another since 1974 (Army) So that is second nature, as is Condition Yellow.

What if scenarios, Constantly!

Confrontational. Less off duty, you just don't sweat the little stuff. I'm even less likely if my family is with me, at least until I know they are safe.

Have I ever drawn my weapon. Off Duty 2 1/2 times.
Once to stop a knife attack, on another person, while in my own town. Another time also in town to back up another officer on a felony stop.
The 1/2 I started to draw in a Store out of town when a very nervious man made a sudden move to grab the Cashier while reaching into his own pocket. I started the draw and the man had obviously seen the move before as he reversed direction and left.

" keep and BARE ARMS....." is aslo part of what I swore to protect. There are rules on carry that I enforce, selectively, but in general I believe that responsable Carry is a boon to Law Enforcement.

Hope this helps.

[This message has been edited by Raymond VanDerLinden (edited October 08, 1999).]
Like our pal from TX here, I'm waiting for my FL CCW to some through (almost halfway through the wait). So, I'll answer the questions best I can.

Do you conciously think about it while carrying?

I'd imagine so. It'd be hard not to be aware of it

Do you take on a protectionist's attitude about what's happening around you?

Probably moreso. A lot of people remain in mode "white" because they don't have the option to defend themselves if anything did come up.

Are you anymore confrontational, or less?

It's interesting to see all the replies to this question--most responded with "I'm already nonconfrontational." That in itself challenges the notion that Concealed Carriers are vigilantes itching for a gunfight. I'd have to throw my lot in with them as well. I've always been more diplomatic than forceful. With the gun, I'd have to be even moreso. I came across this realization when I first brought my gun home--I had crossed a threshold--from that day forwardI'd have to exercise a little more responsibility, since a mistake could permanently change my life or the life of another.

Do you play the "what-if scenarios" through your mind while carrying?

I'm doing that even now!

Are you concerned about keeping it concealed at all times?

Yep, I would be, at least until I was confident about how I carried it and what I wore while carrying it.

Have you been tempted to draw your weapon since you've been carrying?

Can't answer that, yet.

If someone saw you with it, what would be your response if they made something about it?

Depends on how they'd react. Generally, I'd opt to say, "It's OK--I'm licensed," and continue on with what I was doing.

Do you think carrying is a right that should be shared by all law abiding Americans, now that you've actually done it yourself?

If I didn't think so, I wouldn't have applied for a license in the first place :)

Or, do you just not think about your concealed weapon at all?

I'd imagine it would be hard not to think about it.

Forget Scottish--if it's not TEUTONIC it's Dreck--think about it: H&K, Glock, and SIG-Sauer :)