Proposed Mag Ban: "Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Device Act"

I'm referring to the proposed mag ban of the OP.
Oh yeah. That. I'd pretty much forgotten about it.

If anyone feels like doing something beyond discussing the same stuff over and over again, I'm fairly certain someone here has a representative co-sponsoring the bill. The list is here. Start calling and writing.

If you're really well-spoken and really prepared, you may be able to change a mind or two on the whole issue.
It's pretty much a guarantee that the Texas co-sponsors are NOT properly representing their districts. :mad:

I voted on the bill at PopVox last month and it looks like it's still returning fairly sensible results. Still 85% against in Texas, ahead of the country again.

(anyone else know why the quote buttons in threads would have disappeared for me?) :confused:
sprale said:
(anyone else know why the quote buttons in threads would have disappeared for me?)

Um, because there hasn't been a "Quote" button around here for many, many years? Overly abused and option taken away.
Every time I use PopVox, it tells me I'm one of the first fifty people in Texas to register an opinion on the subject. With usage rates like that, I don't see PopVox having much impact.
Took Robert Dold until TODAY to respond to me about this

got the following message

August 9, 2011
Dear Mr. #######,

Thank you for contacting me regarding H.R. 308, the Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Device Act. Your communication is a vital part of our legislative process, and I appreciate hearing your thoughts on this issue.

Representative Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) introduced H.R. 308 on January 18, 2011. This bill would prohibit the possession or transfer of a large capacity ammunition feeding device. It would also prohibit the importation of these devices to the United States. Finally, it requires any large capacity ammunition feeding devices manufactured after the date of enactment be marked with a serial number to indicate the date of production. Through these provisions, the bill intends to keep high ammunition feeding devices out of the hands of all people other than law enforcement and military officials.

Currently, H.R. 308 has been referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary where it awaits further action. While this legislation will not come before the House Financial Services Committee on which I serve, I will monitor this bill as it makes its way through the legislative process. I will certainly keep you views in mind should this come up for a vote before the full House in the 112th Congress. I share your concern for keeping our communities safe and I support reasonable restrictions regarding gun control.

I want to thank you again for contacting me about this important issue. Please feel free to visit my website or contact me again should other issues of concern to you come before the Congress. To stay better connected to current legislation and join our online community, please sign up for my e-newsletter.

It is an honor to serve you in the 112th Congress.
This was referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security back in February, and it hasn't moved since then. There are only two Representatives on that subcommittee that I'd see supporting the bill, and they're a very, very small minority.

The list of co-sponsors is 100% partisian, and they're not in the majority by a long shot. Like all of Ms. McCarthy's other bills, it's an exercise in windmill jousting.

Of course, that doesn't stop Dudley Brown from screeching about it, so we'll likely be hearing about it constantly over the next few weeks.
Of course, that doesn't stop Dudley Brown from screeching about it, so we'll likely be hearing about it constantly over the next few weeks.

Brown often screeches when there is little or nothing to screech about.
The Speaker of the US house has made the statement that H. R. 308 is going nowhere. i believe him.
Tom Servo, I too, received the NAGR email and in it, he (Brown) states that there are some backdoor dealings being discussed, involving staunch pro-gun legislators. Is there any truth to that? Or any evidence to the contrary?

I agree that the text most likely is designed to elicit support but would he go that far, to implicate friendlies, for his contributions?
thallub, I too, received the NAGR email and in it, he (Brown) states that there are some backdoor dealings being discussed, involving staunch pro-gun legislators. Is there any truth to that? Or any evidence to the contrary?

There are 262 NRA A-rated members in the House currently. That means that even if 40 NRA A-rated members suddenly double-crossed us for no apparent reason and voted for a ban on normal capacity magazines, it still wouldn't have enough votes to pass the House.

Even assuming that the "backdoor dealings" accusation is true, I personally don't see that as a realistic threat at this point.