Proposed FL Carry Law Changes...Your Thoughts

Did i misunderstand ...

... display license near holster.
Well it looks like i didn't.

Extract from the bill quoted
(a) Carrying openly requires that the firearm be secured by
45 the carrier in a Level 2 security holster.
46 (b) Carrying openly requires that the carrier display his
47 or her license to carry a concealed firearm in a clear sleeve on
48 or near the holster in such a manner as to be visible.

Note: The numbers are the line numbers of the bill -- makes it easier to track down a particular phrase in a fifty page bill.

I find it hard to imagine a police officer, seeing someone open carrying, walking over -- stooping down to holster level -- and trying to read a license.

Does this make any kind of sense to a Law Officer ?
goofy, in the link in Al's post above, where is it stating "handgun" all I see is "firearm" and my mossberg is a firearm last I checked....

Yep just lit off a round and fire did come out the end of it...:D

28 licensee. For the purposes of this section, concealed weapons or
29 concealed firearms are defined as a handgun, electronic weapon
30 or device, tear gas gun, knife, or billie, but the term does not
31 include a machine gun as defined in s. 790.001(9).

Here it is...
But we are not talking about it being a "concealed" weapon if it is "open" carried...:D
Yeah I know, I am splitting hairs but it is what it is...

Dissected folicles aside, I believe there will be no distinction, where Florida law is concerned. The ability to OC will be predicated upon possessing a concealed carry license.