Proper response

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I have seen an angry mob boil out of a bar for a street fight on the car in front of me. Pounding some poor fellow into that car.

It was a one way street. I did U turn (illegal) and zapped to the first side street.
Farmer Boy

First I will say that I would not ever advocate shooting into an uncoming mob. The odds of being leagally justified in a self defense shooting are tough enough. You would have to have a legitmant fear that every one of those 30 people posed an immeadiate threat to your life. I would call any such action reckless, foolish, and irrisposnible.

Second Let's talk for a moment about one man with 17 rounds in his 9mm pistol. If you are ever in a situation where you have to incapacitate 30 people in order to insure your safety that would mean that you would only have room for 4 misses assuming only 1 reload. Only shots that incipacitated the threat would count. The only way I would ever conisder firing on 30 people is if they were firing back at me meaning that you are going to need a heck of a lot of cover.

I guess my simplest point is that escape is the only option in this situation for any reasonable man no matter what he is carrying.

Mobs do not immeaditly disperse when police are in full riot gear and there are as many officers as rioters. One citizen with a firearm has only one chance which is to runn until you hit the county line and then trot until you are in the next zip code.

Farmerboy I hear you on the evening the odds thing I really do. I just can't imagine a situation in which I would consider that my best and only option.

With Kind Regards, Vermonter
Social rules vs. Training

At first I thought this was an issue of wanting to obey polite social rules - therefore not wanting to run through the red light. (see article on cornered cat website)

However since the man driving also exited the vehicle to confront someone/something - I think he was less focused on being polite so it was simply a training issue.

I doubt he'd thought about these kinds of things before so he didn't have a default course of action.

In retrospect what can anyone gain by exiting a vehicle and confronting even 1 person outside?

At most a description to tell the police I would think. There isn't much hope that the rock thrower would turn over his ID to hold himself accountable to be arrested by the police later. Or that he would outright apologize and hand over a few hundred for the repairs. And using force / threats to obtain that information is probably illegal. Not much you can do except save your hide from immediate danger - I guess in life sometimes material goods are simply lost.
I was in Miami, FL when the 1980 Liberty City Riots broke out. Without no warning. In broad daylight an angry, savage mob came running toward my Pick-Up, throwing all sorts of things.
With only 6 shots in my Model 10 revolver....
I just punched the peddle to the metel....headed right out of that city. Never went back.
Another case in which using a gun is not the best option. Insurance companies fix broken windows painlessly. A broken head is a different matter.
Seems news reporting is extremely biased these days against whites, conservatives, and Christians.

Demographics. The majority of people are white, so a crime is more likely to be committed by a white person. The majority of the country is xtian, so a bad act by a religious person is most likely done by a xtian.

Of course there's self selection bias. If you're a white xtian you're more likely to notice stories which involve white xtians.

Not going to touch the conservative bit.

Just an observation.
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