Propaganda, breaking story

No surprise here. Just further proof that most of the American media outlets are influenced by the Government. One of the many reasons I stopped reading and watching American media some time ago. You get what you pay for, in this case nothing. I you want accurate in depth news you have too look elsewhere.
Both sides are feeding the public agenda-driven garbage. When I want to know what is going on in Iraq, I email and ask my friends who are there.

You get what you pay for, in this case nothing. I you want accurate in depth news you have too look elsewhere.

Sometimes I think the best way to find out whats going on here is to read foreign papers and websites. I'm sick of the tainted drivel that gets fed to us over television and radio and called news.

Reporters and "analysts" on both sides are lying. IMHO, the truth is somewhere in the middle. It's not as good as the Bush supporters would like you to believe and not as bad as the Bush detractors would like you to believe.

I stand on the side of those above who excersize reason and critical thinking. The only news about this news is that the media wants you to get worked up about what THEY DO, DON'T DO, MAY DO AND WHO REALLY DID IT!!! Watch us, read us, here another frenzy for you...the earth is at A CRITICAL TIME, we are all burning up, starving, the government is watching, Orwell is here, look, there is Brittneys you know what peeking out, barack is good, barack is bad, waco/compounds, bombs and dirty laundry,READUSWATCHUSBREAKINGSTORYSOMEOFUSAREBAD BUTOTHERSOFUSWILLSAVEYOUWEARETHEMEDIAWEAREIMPORTANT....

the media makes it look like were getting our asses kicked, not like were wining, like how tet was a defeat, not commies getting obliterated, or how we couldnt win somalia
not like were wining

Uhhh..... Prob 'cuz we're not winning. While we may be kicking ass and taking names with the military, the political situation is a disaster and we're doing nothing about it.

It's like getting a disease but only treating the symptoms and never bothering with the disease itself.
The common denominator here is to think for yourself. Don't rely on others to feed you the information. Do your own research find out for yourself. You will be quite surprised how opinions change from one source to another. All of them will have their own bias that you will have to weed out.
So why is it surprising that the Pentagon has (correctly IMHO) identified the American press corps as yet another enemy to be managed in a multidimensional battlespace?

The press busily and unquestioningly feeds enemy propaganda to the American public. They frequently generate pro-enemy propaganda themselves. This dates back to Vietnam, but can also be seen in the more recent past as well. Many members of the press are self-identified left liberals who are openly anti-military and thus highly unlikely to report favorable news about the US military but very willing to report bad news. Additionally, many of them have never realized that in order to report one must be well-informed about what one is reporting. That's another disaster and it spreads beyond reportage of the Iraq War to pretty much any other topic that the vast majority of reporters disdain, such as religion, guns, market economics, ethno-social causes of crime, and so on.

The NYT article mentions a paper written in the '80s that was circulated around the Pentagon blaming the American press for the loss of public support for Vietnam that led to our departure and the fall of S. Vietnam. I bet that it is a widely held view throughout the US military today that the press is just as much the enemy if not more so than the actual armed combatants in the field. The difference between the press and the armed combatant is simple: The armed combatants in the field never have defeated the US military with armed force, but the American press brought it to its knees in the late Vietnam and early post-Vietnam periods by turning the public against it.

The real tragedy of this is that the BS is flying so thick from either side that we need air traffic controllers to manage it all.
Are we talking about the same PBS that has people like Bill Moyers and every other tree-hugging burkenstock-wearing,socialist-loving-coom-by-ya type folks running it?

Yea,PBS is "Good News Right There".:barf:
"I never said I was ok with it. I said it's happened in every other war. IMO and will continue to happen no matter who is in power."

Well put.

I can't imagine why anybody would be surprised. Well, I suppose I can imagine why they are feigning surprise. ;)

The Government has dictated war news since there has been war news to censor dating back to the Civil War. WWII has highly censored both voluntary and involuntary by the press corp. Vietnam was less censored and the effect of daily footage of the carnage on the evening news was certainly felt in the political climate in the US. Live cable news during the first Gulf War was certainly censored and the reporter "pools" were a device to show reporters only what the military wanted them to see. The Gulf War II is no different. The US government, as is all governments to varying forms, is no stranger to propaganda and spin.

Government censorship is one thing that I can't blame on Bush and every President who presided over a war is guility of the same thing.
and the major media outlets.

There are certainly baised media on both sides. Someone mentioned above that "outside" news sources are a good way to look at issues and I certainly agree.

I think the is a good source and I often read, hold it, be prepared for the *gasp*, I like to see all sides of a story and decide for myself.
undt alzo,
This is not a case of "censorship". It's a case of domestic dissemination of propaganda.
/there's a difference.
NBC , CBS , ABC are total corrupt. PBS Pretends not to be by telling the truth every few blue moons. BBC ! The UK is so messed up they love to tell the truth about everyone else to take the heat off!:D
Al-Jazeera has alot more information on whats going on in Iraq than you will get in American media. American media always seems to lack in detail. Always broad brush strokes. Al Jazeera, like any news source, has its bias, but being an American reader it should be pretty easy to spot.
This is not a case of "censorship". It's a case of domestic dissemination of propaganda.
/there's a difference.

This is done in every war and conflict. Do you think the posters and movies from WWII were intended as anything else? Was "Remember the Maine" anything else?

As for the gov't pimping "independent analysts" to support causes, it happens all the time as well. Whether it's dealing with the "sodium in our diet" crisis, greenhouse gases, water conservation, or any other subject, analysts come out of the woodwork, often without disclosing their gov't connections.
There are still some who believe what they see on CNN & Fox News. These people still believe that we have a free media. Those people are simple minded.... not bad people, just too trusting of those who have taken advantage of this trust.
BBC ! The UK is so messed up they love to tell the truth about everyone else to take the heat off!

BBC admitted a couple years back that it had a substantial anti-American bias, and began "training" its personnel so that this bias would no longer affect news coverage.
BBC admitted a couple years back that it had a substantial anti-American bias, and began "training" its personnel so that this bias would no longer affect news coverage.

Your comment is an example of how media is not free. It is all biased... all media has an agenda of some sort. That is my point... in America, when we listen to the media, we assume the media is free to speak the truth. This is not the case. Everything that is reported is at the behest of someone more powerful than he/she that is doing the reporting. Our media is not free.
That is my point... in America, when we listen to the media, we assume the media is free to speak the truth. This is not the case. Everything that is reported is at the behest of someone more powerful than he/she that is doing the reporting. Our media is not free.

Add to that the fact that sometimes reporters themselves lie (NBC with the truck and assault weapon "tests", CNN with Tailwind and Dan Rather).
I don't believe in conspiracy. I believe in people, that is to say I believe in human nature. Human nature means that we see what we want to see, we see what proves our preconceived notion of what we believe to be true.

This is why we see Satan's face in a fireball, faces in clouds, and more elaborately, we see a government conspiracy in the JFK assassination, the 911 attacks, and other events. In reality, what is happening in the press is much simpler. The reporters look for what they expect to see. If they expect to see that we are losing the war, that is what they find.

If they expect to see that guns cause crime, that is what they see when they find that criminals have guns. They totally miss the cause and effect analysis, and do not see that there is a possibility that crime is attracted to guns, instead they see the opposite.

Misinformation is simply showing an adversary what he expects to see. It is misdirection, exactly like magic tricks, one watches the left hand when you should be watching the right. The constitution guarantees the right to free speech and of the press. Where in the constitution does it say the press must be spoon fed facts, does not have to do their own leg work, and must not be lied to?