Propaganda, breaking story


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On Sunday, The New York Times published a report exposing the Pentagon’s secret campaign to use analysts in order to “generate favorable news coverage of the administration’s wartime performance-” Since that time, TV news organizations have largely been silent on their role in the propaganda- Ari Melber notes that last night, PBS’s Newshour finally broke this blackout, but couldn’t convince the other networks to participate:

And for the record, we invited Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC and NBC to participate, but they declined our offer or did not respond-

Any which way you cut it, this is bad news. If you're reading this, you have internet access. Find out for yourself what's going on in the world. Take nothing for granted when watching the news.
This suprises you? :confused:

I'm WAY too young to of been around but I remember reading about the "5 O'clock Follies" in Vietnam, while doing some reasearch. Why would anything be different in Viet-raq?
Given that the liberal MSM will automatically try to spin any story AGAINST the government, how excatly is trying to put a positive face on any story automatically "propoganda"? Shouldn't most MSM reporting be called truthfully whgat it really is: "anti-government spin"?
I watched it and then looked at the other "related" videos and when I noticed they were a bunch of 9/11 conspiracy videos I stopped watching and simply thought
Well- poison much?
Perhaps you shouldn't have stopped watching. They've got some 4,000 pages of transcripts and correspondence backing them up.

Still and all, it's always easier to ignore unhappy news than concede it's legitemacy.
DonR101395: LOL! I almost fell out of my chair. I love the Kitty with the Sig!

But this is the same pattern as those briefings for the retired officers who got "inside" info as long as they pulled the party line. It's getting harder & harder to not see that we're squandering lives, treasure and time trying to solve a Civil War.

It's time to "Sh*t or get off the pot" and either withdraw or quit screwing around and actually pursue a policy that will work. i.e.- Make Kurdistan, Sunnistan and Shiitestan or bring back the loddie-doddie-everybody can go draft, change the ROEs to a no-BS status and send everyone over there until the war is "won" in a clear measurable manner (as we did in WWI and WWII). None of which will ever happen......:(
Given that the liberal MSM will automatically try to spin any story AGAINST the government, how excatly is trying to put a positive face on any story automatically "propoganda"?
Because these analysts were not presented to us as Pentagon spokesmen, but as independent analysts.
When they're telling you what the SecDef wants them to say and disguising it as "independent", that's propaganda.
Perhaps you shouldn't have stopped watching. They've got some 4,000 pages of transcripts and correspondence backing them up.

IMHO, it's not news. I can't imagine it hasn't happened in every other war. Of course those in power are going to try and get out the message they want to get out.
Just so I'm clear on this: You're okay with that?
Let's see if this opinion holds next year when President Clinton or Obama is doing it.
In fact, let's try a hypothetical here:
The BATF&E recruits a cadre of Constitional scholars to go on the major news networks in a coordinated effort to convince the American people that a nationwide handgun ban is constitutional. These people are coordinating their talking points with each other and the head of the BATF&E, but are not presented as government spokespeople but rather "independent analysts".

You okay with that too?
Just so I'm clear on this: You're okay with that?
Let's see if this opinion holds next year when President Clinton or Obama is doing it.

I never said I was ok with it. I said it's happened in every other war. IMO and will continue to happen no matter who is in power.
Reporters and "analysts" on both sides are lying. IMHO, the truth is somewhere in the middle. It's not as good as the Bush supporters would like you to believe and not as bad as the Bush detractors would like you to believe.
Reporters and "analysts" on both sides are lying.

Both sides are feeding the public agenda-driven garbage. When I want to know what is going on in Iraq, I email and ask my friends who are there.
Whether it's governmental propaganda or private business yellow journalism, slanted journalism, etc., truth is a perception... and oftimes a hidden agenda may be surmised by the thoughtful (sometimes however, news is just news).
Freedom of the press does not mean that it is to be trusted or will not be manipulated (as we all know and have seen). How does that old saying go? "If you can't beat 'em...embed 'em, feed em, disguise them to look legitimate." Outside Contractors work well too... sorta.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Hopefully you and I.

PBS???:D Ya gotta love it. It's a brave soul that'll bite the hand that feeds it. Worthy of some support, perhaps.
Take nothing for granted when watching the news.
Or reading the news. Tho' the Wall Street Journal does seem to toe a conscientious line.
Sometimes I think the best way to find out whats going on here is to read foreign papers and websites. I'm sick of the tainted drivel that gets fed to us over television and radio and called news.