Proof that Obama supports the confiscation of semi-automatic guns

Obama's old presidental canidate webpage clearly stated that he supported banning all semiautomatic guns, as well as a federal ban on CCW.

I think he has taken both positions off his new page.
If I remember correctly he requested Secret Service protection before any other candidate in history.
I don't really care for Obama, but come on you can't blame him for wanting Secret Service protection. I mean after all if you were competing against and beating Bill & Hillary for the nomination, wouldn't you want protection?

I think AZ MED18 was pointing out Hussein's hypocrisy. Like Feinstein being against the unwashed masses carrying guns when she has a carry permit.
And as the 1st African-American with even a chance, you know there's some dumb white-trash WASP just itching to draw a bead on him.

not all of us are dumb and white trash. :p

Obama, even with his extreme support from the media, will still have to have a lot more backing before he can start taking guns away from the people. Just pray that someone doesnt knock him off (if he wins), or we all would be in a world of crap.