Proof that Obama supports the confiscation of semi-automatic guns


New member
Saw this on a blog:

Forget what he said in a survey, in 2003 Obama voted FOR IL SB1195 which would have banned the sale, possession and manufacturing of any semi-automatics (as well as magazines) capable of firing more than FIVE rounds. During the Senate Judiciary meeting on the bill, Obama commented that giving folks 90 days to surrender thair weapons was essentialy confiscation.

And then he voted YES.

NRA link on the topic

He obviously supports it as he voted for it. But it would be nice to have a direct quote showing he understood what he voted for.

Anyone know how to get ahold of the minutes of that meeting?
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Obama is very against guns but wants them all around him for his protection and use. Calls the secret service for protection. If I remember correctly he requested Secret Service protection before any other candidate in history.
If I remember correctly he requested Secret Service protection before any other candidate in history.

I don't really care for Obama, but come on you can't blame him for wanting Secret Service protection. I mean after all if you were competing against and beating Bill & Hillary for the nomination, wouldn't you want protection?
I don't really care for Obama, but come on you can't blame him for wanting Secret Service protection. I mean after all if you were competing against and beating Bill & Hillary for the nomination, wouldn't you want protection?

Yeah, he might end up "dying of natural causes"

How many people were on that list again??

And didn't one get beheaded??

Oh well, don't mean to dig up old dirt.

And as the 1st African-American with even a chance, you know there's some dumb white-trash WASP just itching to draw a bead on him.

Just hope none try, cause you know they'll try to blaim everyone who ever touched a gun for it.
Obama plays for votes, he would do anything to get elected. I am sure he dislikes guns but I doubt its his main issue.

If his supporters were pro-gun in a pro-gun area he would probably vote for any pro-gun bill.

(Whats wrong with WASP's?)
If his supporters were pro-gun in a pro-gun area he would probably vote for any pro-gun bill.

Doubtful, since he only joined the Senate in 2004 and has consistently voted an extremely anti-gun position there, even after he knew he would be campaigning for the 2008 Democratic nomination.

Whatever need he feels to satisfy pro-gun voters, it clearly doesn't extend to actions.
He's a product of the Daley Chicago machine and clearly has the same anti gun sentiment of all Chicago Democrats. No guns, no guns, no guns.....
I don't doubt that he will pass any anti-gun bill, only that he is as much of a vote "whore" as an "idealist". He will pass anything his base wants him to.
he's a hard left marxist democrat...we don't need anymore information then that to be convinced of his disdain for guns and gun owners.

- bitter clinger.
And as the 1st African-American with even a chance, you know there's some dumb white-trash WASP just itching to draw a bead on him.

I may hate Obama but the above is a valid point when it comes to seeking Secret Service protection.
You can be assured Obama knew exactly what he was voting for. Look at it this way, if he didn`t we surely don`t want him running the country not knowing what he`s voting on:eek:
the man doesn't seem to remember sitting in a radical, racist church for 20 years...he doesn't remember filling our questionnaires involving gun rights...what's next?
I do not doubt for a second that he would pass any anti-gun laws the congress put on his desk.

I don't doubt it either. I don't think gun banning will be his great white whale, but I certainly think he'd be happy to sign it if someone else got the ball rolling.
Obama is one of 32 Senators who voted to ban .30-30 ammo by name. I think those of you thinking he would even be neutral on the matter are fooling yourselves. Know any semi-autos chambered in .30-30? Obama wants to ban a lot more than semi-autos.
Obama will be a disaster for this country on so many levels, it's only a desperate and frightened public that would put him in office under the auspices of "HOPE and CHANGE" He will say anything to get votes. It's funny because just about everything this country truly needs right now is the opposite of what he's planning to do.

I've always thought most all politicians were BS but he's taking it to a whole new level. Whatever is popular is his position ... even though anyone with an ounce of intelligence can see it's not. He's banking on the stupidity and gullibility of the average voter to not fact check or dig into his history. As a former NW Suburbs guy with most of my family in Chicago ... I can tell you most people that know him , think he's a joke.

It reminds me of a joke I heard about him ... (Hopefully not beyond the delicate sensibilities around here)

Senator BARACK OBAMA was invited to address a major gathering of the American Indian Nation a few weeks ago in upstate New York.

HE spoke for almost an hour on HIS future plans for increasing every Native American's present standard of living, should HE one day become the President. HE referred to his career as a Senator, how he had signed 'YES' for every Indian issue that came to his desk for approval. Although the Senator was vague on the details of his plan, he seemed most enthusiastic about his future ideas for helping his 'red sisters and brothers'.

At the conclusion of his speech, the Tribes presented the Senator with a plaque inscribed with his new Indian name - Walking Eagle. The proud Senator then departed in his motorcade, waving to the crowds.

A news reporter later inquired to the group of chiefs of how they came to select the new name given to the Senator. They explained that Walking Eagle is the name given to a bird so full of $#!t it can no longer fly.