Product Review: Mil*Spec MRE's

OK- here come the age comments- are these things any better or worse(taste wise) than Cs ? If you have to ask what Cs are don't bother....

The early MRE's were mostly freeze-dried crap. We're into the 3rd generation (at least) of these things, and they're pretty good. I'd say they're every bit as good as C-rats. However, neither will hold a candle to Adjimah's noodles or Addachi's yakimandu. Unfortunately, the John Wayne Bar is only a memory for those of use that used the pot to heat water and soak our feet...
They put the peanut butter in the C's to heat the spaghetti with if you didnt have a little C4.
Im going to have to try MRE's.

Better days to be,

Ah yes...the memories. Is there anything worse than a cold can of Ham and limabeans at 4am in the botom of a wet foxhole. Ouit complaining about the current MRE's, you don't know what bad is.
I had the honor of being enlisted at the time of the great C-Rat to MRE switch. I dined on C-rats at the infamous E-beach at PI as a recruit. Then when I made my first trip to the field it was MREs. My recollection is that at the time C's had it over MRE's by a long shot. I managed to keep a Cinnimon nut roll from the DI's, at great risk to the platoon, and I do remember it being well worth it.
I will be dinning on MRE's with my 6 yr. old son the next time we go plinking. I will let you know how it is. For some reason he is real psyched about eating "Marine Food"!
MRE's came long after I left but I do remember C-rats. I liked 'em. Used to lay them up on the intake manifold for a while to heat them up.
Ed- you've got it all wrong. The peanut butter was for heating the instant coffee!
Now how many of you are scratching your heads trying to figure that one out? ;)
Grayfox;Here's a war story.I was in Vietnam with a South Korean Infantry Regiment and few Koreans used the C Ration coffee. So every morning one of the Korean troops would present me with a bunch of the coffee packs. Very Oriental-with both hands extended and much bowimg by both of us.

These were the same troops who woke me on Christmas Eve singing Christmas Caroles.

And who had the biggest body count.

Better days to be,

I'm currently stationed at Osan AB in the ROK. During every 4-day exercise, we eat MREs. I love 'em. Some of my troops complain a little, but then eat them. I suspect its more a matter of societal tradition to complain about any "institutional" food. Get any group of people together and give them meals they had no say in selecting or preparing and they'll complain. Kinda like complaining about hospital food or about about taxes. I really do think MREs are quite tasty, balanced, and a lot of variety. They never plug me up, but then I intentionally push a lot of fluids because we "suck a lot of rubber" (gas masks) during the exercises and sweat like pigs. I figure I'm lucky...what do ANY of our enemies have to eat or wear as protective equipment. I'm the luckiest man I whinin'
Cheaper than dirt has them. They have a contract with the manufactuer to make them up special just for them. Price is $49.95 per case of 12.
Grayfox, I wonder if you have the necessary info to do us a *great* service. I was apprised that the MRE's on which I originally based this thread do not meet military nutritional stds. I am looking for those that do.

If you can shed some light on this, many of us would benefit from a new thread on the subject.

Thanks in advance.
Sorry Rich, all I have is whats on the catalog. According to it CTD's version is made by the same manufactuer as US issue MREs. But, CTD has a 10 oz entree instead of govt 8oz and entree is packed in polymer tray instead of a bag. Other than that it's supposed to be the same as military stuff.

Just ordered a case. When it arrives I'll start a new thread and tell you what I think of them :)

[This message has been edited by Grayfox (edited 01-23-99).]
Rule for eating the new style MRE's: Don't eat the M&M's! The chocolate just doesn't age well. They may be safe to eat, but the flavor has left the building. Give me that maple nut cake anyday...
And to think that no one spooke of the treasured fruit cocktail found in the C's. Man that was worth gold in the field. Another thing the C's have over the MRE's was being able to mix a couple of ingredients and come up with PUDDING! Takes me back.
I'm glad for the review. I've been thinking of picking up a couple of cases this spring. My wife says why ? I said Y2K not! only real problem is here in south Texas it's real hot and I'm concerned with storage.

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It's been so long since I made that crack, I'd almost forgotten it. Ok, the peanut butter in C-rats came in little flat cans. This stuff had been in storage so long that the peanut oil had seperated and floated to the top. Guess what? Peanut oil will burn just like alcohol. So, open the can, strike a match- Presto! instant stove! The really great thing is that when you're through with it, you can still eat the peanut butter. Ain't it wonderful to learn new things? :)
Ok, I promised a review of Cheaper than dirt's MRE's. I ordered a case via internet about two weeks ago. I called today to check on my order and they never got it. Dumb computer! (or maybe dumb computer operator). Reordered today, report still coming. Sorry about the delay.
We mix "Ranger Pudding" from MREs. Coffee, creamer, sugar, coccoa powder, and water. I heard of a couple other "recipes", but forgot them.