Product Review: Mil*Spec MRE's

For all you Y2K fans out there, I have to state that I hardly expect utilities, the banking system, the government or civilization to fall apart on 1/1/2000. I don't expect Clinton to declare Marshall Law and UN Troops to flood the nation moving door to door to collect our weapons. But, with the growing risk of biologic and computer based terrorism, it's nice to know your options.

I recently decided to try a few different Meals Ready to Eat (MRE's) while ordering other stuff from a catalog (Cheaper than Dirt? Brigade QuarterMasters?). And so I found myself in posession of a package from The Wornick Company in McAllen, TX.

The meal comes in a heavy, sealed plasic pouch. The pouch indicates:

Pasta and Vegetables in Tomato Sauce.
Menu #2.
Contains: Pasta and Vegetables Entree, Applesauce,Crackers, Strawberry Jam, Chocolate-Covered Oatmeal Cookie, Orange Drink Mix and Condiments.
A complete nutritional breakdown is provided, along with ingredients and prep instructions. (850 Calories)

Now I gotta mention that I'm second generation Italian...and I cook. I know pasta and I know sauce. I don't eat in fast food places (with the exception of an occasional Mickie D's Egg McMuffin, hash browns and coffee). I don't appreciate prepared foods in can or container. In short, I'm not easy to please...a real sumbitch, if you will. However, being charitable and cautious, I approached the contents with an open mind(?).

Upon tearing open the package, I found everything as described, in individually wrapped containers. The one exception was the substitution of Instant Coffee for the Orange drink (the manufacturer reserves the right to make minor substitutions).

Included were plastic serving dish, plastic utensils, including a very long spoon, plastic wrapped napkin, salt, pepper, powdered non-dairy creamer and two sugar packets...thats right, two. For those of you who drink coffee with more than one sugar, you know what it's like to pull out of the Golden Arches to find the inevitable one (or zero) sugar packets. Perhaps you even know the frustration of a hotel 2 cup coffee maker with 1-2 sugar packets (Grrrr, don't get me started!).

The meal may be eaten cold, but I opted for immersion of the entree packet in boiling water for 5 minutes. I spread the Jam on the crackers, opened the applesauce and emptied the hot entree onto the plate.

I can't tell you what a pleasant surprise this meal was! While it was hardly 5 star dining, it was actually quite tasty. The pasta was not mushy, the vegetables were readily identifiable and the tomato sauce was more than palatable. The applesauce was a good as any from a jar. The jam was delicious and the coffee was hot and appropriately sweet. :) I waited for the stomach distress that often follows intake of strange prepared never materialized.

Based on this one sample, I intend to order others and highly recommend these items for those who maintain disaster stores, "bugout kits", for camping, remote getaway homes and hunting sites.

I have been cautioned that purchase of a six month supply might trip certain agency triggers, given the hype about that latest of "public enemies", the "Militias". While none of us welcomes Big Brother scrutiny, I have to believe that the Y2K hype has expanded MRE orders to such a degree that an extended supply for one or two persons is now commonplace.

The increased demand also has the benefit of drawing down outdated MRE stocks and increasing the probability that your order will be relatively fresh.

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited 12-06-98).]
No Gum? When I was doing some little prep for OCS (I was in the PLC program with the USMC) we had MRE for two meals and they both came with gum. so that we could get the taste of the meal out of our mouths. at least thats what the Gunny said it was for
Well, My favorite always used to be the chicken stew and tuna with noodles and beef stew wasn't bad unless you get one with an extra dose of fat.
try then cold Rich, any of the meals with red meat leave a horrible coating of cold fat in your mouth when you eat them cold.

I've had quite a few leftovers from field excercises that have piled up, (most of a duffel bag full...) but I received all of them at least 4 years ago- god knows how long before that they had been packaged.
what is the word on when I should start feeding them to my stepkids and replensih the stock??

btw- I'm with you on the coffee, Rich.. I'm not happy until the spoon sticks straight up.

Honestly, I forgot! There certainly was gum included. Thanks for the reminder.

I'm told a 10 year shelf life in cool not freeze. Mykl provided me a wealth of great info a few months back...perhaps he'll weigh in here.
Get the barbeque pork, or something with pound cake in it. And if you're going to be living of them, some laxatives can't hurt either ( :D).

PS- What ever you do STAY AWAY from the beefsteak!

[This message has been edited by PCurrent (edited 12-05-98).]
I'm here Rich.

Gotta agree with you PCurrent, the MRE's will plug you up like a welded in butt-plug! The military normally rotates the MRE's with "A" or "B" rations to ensure that sufficient green stuff and water-packed food gets in the digestive system. The MRE is designed for the physical intensity of combat environs, and subsequently is loaded with about 3200 Calories. Chompin' on these for the 3-squares without that level of energy burn will ensure not only that you're moving bricks thru your bowels, but that you'll grow to accommodate them. Drinking lots of water before & after eating is highly recommended when using the MRE's as a primary food source.

The cardboard cases, in which military contract MREs are packaged, are stamped with the expiration date. Just because the date has passed however does not mean the meal packs and condiment packets aren't still potable, just suspect. Watch for bloated or pressurized entree` packets as they may have a gas producing bacteria in them or possibly even toxins such as botulinum. Don't purchase or eat any packets that are opened (tears, pinholes, and faulty edge seals are the most common). I would be suspect of the individual meal packs sold at some surplus and low budget outfitters, as they are probably discarded military stocks that have been separated from the tell-tale case. The same goes for the individual entree and condiment packs. Once they are separated from the case, most don't have the expiration date markings on them.

The MRE is excellent for cold weather snacking, emergency stores in the storm shelter, boat airplane/'copter & the car/truck/4x4. If in vehicles, protect from heat if possible, as this will cause them to breakdown & spoil faster.

Other items to consider for stocking with the MREs are UHT milk, & sterile water, both of which have extended shelf lives. Set up a plan to rotate stocks by using them periodically, this ensure the entire stock isn't about to go bad just as a blizzard pops over the mountains or swoops across the praires or Great Lakes.

A great advantage of MRE over the traditional "6-month" or "1-year" cache of bulk foods is that it is consummable in small quantities, unlike the gallon size cans of corn, beans, pudding, & etc. found in many of the food cache marketeers catalogs & adverts.

[This message has been edited by Mykl (edited 12-05-98).]
Okay, okay, don't keep us in suspense -- from which catalog did you order these culinary delights? The catalogs typically do not specify the contractor that manufactured the MRE.
I honestly don't remember, though I'd give even money it was Brigade Quartermasters. In any case, the source company's site is at .

I have received private email to the effect that military MRE's are no longer available to the public; Wornick's MRE's do not meet the standards for military MRE nutrition. I don't know if this is true. Stats for the meal I reviewed:
850 Calories (155 from fat)
Fat: 16g 25%MDA
Sat Fat: 8g 40%MDA
Cholesterol: 5mg
Sodium: 511mg
Carbs: 164g 55%mda
Fiber: 8g
Sugar: 97g
Protein: 12g
Rich, you are correct on both counts, the Military MRE is no longer available on the surplus markets, and the version selling in BQ does have a lower calorie count.

The military versions have a higher calorie count for obvious reasons, but the new surplus ones remind me of the "humanitarian" or "relief" meal packs that were started....

Either way, if you have $50 to spend, this is one place where it would be well invested.

Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for
My reflex reaction when hearing of MRE’s is “Yuck ! No thanks”. Yes, I know it is a good idea have durable rations on hand … and I do … and they are MRE’s . I’m just saving them until I have absolutely nothing else left to eat. Rich, your review of this product sounds very familiar yet soooo different from my recollections of the MRE’s I consumed while in the Marine Corps. They very well may have improved considerably over the last several years. Bob Foster (my production Manager) A retired Marine 1st Sgt. acquired a few cases of the newest MRE’s several weeks back and he has them stored at the shop. One morning he was raving as to how good the new MRE’s were. I was skeptical and had errands to run and was gone most of the morning. When I returned it was near noon and the guys had broke for lunch … A double take was necessary on my part as I walked buy and noticed that each member of the crew was gleefully chowing down on a different meal from Bob’s MRE stash. (quite a sight if you know my crew) I was offered one but took a rain check. . I may just try one next time ….

A side note:
Yesterday the crew ate “Bear Chili” … Frank Piper prepared it from the Black bear recently taken from the Edge-Works back 40 (actually back 20). Now that’s good survival food.
I walked past the guys eating lunch today and sure enough what I thought I saw … I did … They were eating MRE's … again. I once again passed on the offer to partake. YUCK … I mean no thank you. I did not think anyone would believe me so I took a snapshot. If any one would like to see 1Sgt. Robert Foster (retired) raiding his own Y2K stash check out Crew.htm

Either MRE's are really good or Bob is having flash backs :)

[This message has been edited by Scott Evans (edited 01-06-99).]
You need the "http://" before the "www". Even with that, however, your url is not found on the server.

Could you find out what brand these guys munch on?
Rich the brand is:



e-mail, or call and Bob will send you one of his MRE's to compare. Bob's come with the new heater/cooker.

[This message has been edited by Scott Evans (edited 01-07-99).]
I just noticed on the Wornick site that the "mil-spec" MRE's only have a shelf life of 3 yrs. I wonder if there is a tradeoff for taste?
As much as I enjoy the MRE, I must point out that there is a bit too much salt used (probably for long term storage) for my taste.
The MRE is portable, versatile and will do well for a short term menu - requiring no extra water to prepare (except for that darn salt taste.
Remember, the best rule I've found is " Store what you eat"(and watch those expiration codes).

Yours - from the feedbag,
Douglas in CT
The pork in barbecue sauce was always my favorite! And if I got one of the MREs with chocolate chip cake in it, I was in heaven! Can't say I enjoyed the cookie bars though.

I hear they've got burritos, lasagne, etc. nowadays.

BTW, those MREs were versatile. The plastic wrapping was recommended by our drill instructors for stopping 'sucking' chest wounds!