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Problems with Legal & Political

* Should the L&P forum posting privileges be limited only to members with a certain amount of membership time?
* Or, should posting privileges be limited to only members with a certain number of posts in other sections of TFL?
IMO, No.

Neither the length of time one has been a member, nor the number of posts one has made is a good indicator of the ability to make intelligent contributions to L&P. Mike Irwin probably has the best solution.

As far as my personal reading satisfaction is concerned, sure, ignoring those threads is the simplest way to go. As far as improving the overall quality of the forum however, that doesn’t work...

Neither the length of time one has been a member, nor the number of posts one has made is a good indicator of the ability to make intelligent contributions to L&P.
Fair enough.
You know, without L&P, this would be one dry bulletin board. L&P never really gets calm. Sometimes it's just in more turmoil than other times. Consider the season.

I agree with Dave. The biggest problem is that a silly post sits there for the world to see until one of us can get to it. We all have day jobs ... except for Mal. :D

.....you can ignore what YOU PERSONALLY find that is not up to snuff (read: your standards)...you can raise Cain with the MOD's and staff...or the "Boss" can just ban the offenders...not sure why this is a concern...there are a variety of members, with differing backgrounds, levels of maturity, degrees of experience, some military & police, some couch potatoes with guns...should we just allow a few of the chosen to dictate a narrowly defined set of standards acceptable to an even smaller number of the privileged? Why not just have a questionaire with a thousand questions that meet YOUR standards, ahenry, prior to being accepted as a member? These forums (and all others) do what and when and how they please...I say just suck it up if you can't stand a newbie with an opinion, and let the boss hoggs decide what threads should be locked, and who should be banned...it;s really not all that complicated...;)
Why not just have a questionaire with a thousand questions that meet YOUR standards, ahenry, prior to being accepted as a member?
Wow! What’s with the hostility my friend?
you can ignore what YOU PERSONALLY find that is not up to snuff (read: your standards)
You are absolutely correct, ignoring posts and threads that I am not interested in is something I have been doing since I first came to this forum. I just find it unfortunate that for me to ignore those posts/threads, means I now ignore far more on L&P than I ever did before. To the point that my visits to what I believe was, and should still be, the best forum on the internet, have become fewer and farther apart. The noise to signal ratio is way too high, in my opinion. Seeing as how one of Rich’s mantra’s regarding TFL is “more signal, less noise”, I figure this is a worthwhile point to bring up. Look, my point, or at least a tangentially related point, has even been made by a staff member in L&P. Apparently I’m not the only one that feels like this...
should we just allow a few of the chosen to dictate a narrowly defined set of standards acceptable to an even smaller number of the privileged?
No, “we” shouldn’t “allow” anything, it’s not our board. I understand your point though, and in that light; what “we” should “allow” is a set of rules that allows TFL to be filled with quality discussions that advance the purpose of TFL.

....the signal to noise ratio is, and can be, at times, biased towards a lot of noise...my point is that imagine a board where everyone is of the same knowledge base, experience, carrying the same gun, married with children, all living in the suburbs, all driving the same car(s), all Ivy League graduates, all with incomes above $250,000....could get boring...what on earth do you talk about?. I agree, there are some threads/posts that are moronic, but, from my POV, I find that these doom, gloom, nut job posters provide some comic relief, especially when some of the arguements get real heated. Just my opinion, and I do understand that the owners want to clean up the bandwith, and I will do my best to not be guilty of some of these cardinal sins.;)

With all due respect, the visual assault of an entire message in bolded, italicized text immediately makes me abandon it.

Signal vs noise isn't just limited to message content.

It can also apply to a message's visual presentation.