problem with forum


New member
I have been having a problem with all of the forums that I visit. For some reason, my preferences aren't being saved. They won't remember my name/password, and I'm not getting the new message indicators. Is anybody else having these problems?
Yep, same problem here...also having the same problem with Don't know what the problem is, but I am glad it aint just me.
Same here! I thought I did something but I guess not. Weird Y2K bugs I guess :) Here I thought maybe it was hint because I am posting too much ;)

We are as one as we all are the same fighting for one cause -Metallica
Verrrryyyy strange!

Both my preferences and my little colored folders seem to be okay. Hmmm.

Ahem! (deep pompous voice) Thank you for pointing this out to us! I'll pass this on to my superiors for their attention.

(That means, "I'm over my head here. I'll tell the Administrators." ;) )
Same here.

The first time I log on, I don't get any of the crosshairs or holes that show if anything has been added since the last visit.

Then, when I actually enter one of the forums, all of the little folders are yellow--even if somethings been added since my last visit.

If I remain on the 'Net and come back later, it seems to be back to normal. Until I log-off the Internet, then we do it again.

Rich sent me this last night:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>There's evidently a problem with the current version of UBB due to Y2K.
It affects your cookies.....well not necessarily your cookies, but you
get the picture. Anyway, our UBB license info is in FL, Spark hasn't
returned my request to send me the zip, UBB hasn't responded to my email
and I need to do the 12 hr NC/FL run tomorrow.

If no one complains, good news. But if there are a bunch of complaints
and I haven't yet posted an announcement about the problem, could you do
so tomorrow? Thanks in advance. [/quote]

So Rich is in transit to FL and that takes care of today, so its likely tomorrow before anything can be done. Sit tight or, ya can do like I do....never used the cookies, so I've never seen targets, colored folders or anything else :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
I'm willing to kid around about quite a bit, but not when it comes to my cookies ... ;)

Actually, I've got a computer whiz friend who discourages cookies because of privacy concerns. To each his own.
same thing happened last year with UBB software

at the year roll over i think cookies expire

I've gone through all of the UBB boards that I visit and tried to reset the preferences to no avail. I even checked my Netscape settings to make sure that they were still set to accept cookies.

It's not just this board, it's all of the UBB forums. I guess I'll just have to wait patiently until it gets fixed and write down my last log-in time so I can check for updated threads.
I'm using IE 5.00 and having no problems at all. The cookie issue has been brought up on the Feedback forum in the last few days. Coinneach installed IE 5.01 and is also having no problems. Don't have an answer for Netscape users.

Coinneach - did you upgrade from IE 5.00 or from an older version?
I have no cure, not even a diagnosis, but I can add a symptom.

I believe everything was working for me earlier this morning. Then I went surfi..., um... I did some heavy research which put a bunch of cookies, temp files, and internet temp files on my hard disk.

I went to internet explorer and deleted all the extraneous junk. Now I am missing my little red crosshairs, my bullet holes, and all my folders are yellow. (pout. pout.)

I'm using IE 5.01(I think).
I'm cured! I'm cured!

I have red crosshairs! I have bullet holes (don't say it, Coinneach! ;))

I have orange folders and yellow folders!

All I did was go all the way out to and come back in!

I'm healed! I can throw away my little bell!
(ahem. Decorum. Yes.)

I suggest members leave TFL entirely and re-enter through the appropriate initial "welcome" page. Determine if said procedure corrects previously noted problems.

Thank you for your assistance.

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited January 03, 2000).]
Ah ha! That explains it. I thought everyone was doing that. I mentioned that I had problems similar to those reported here about 6 months ago and both Spark and Rich chastised me for not going through the front door each time. I haven't had any problems since I started doing that way back when.
Uh....sorry to bust your bubble :) but I dont have this place bookmarked, so I type it in each time, it still happening to me. I am on Netscape 4.7 . Dennis, try hitting your preferences, then delete the history and the temp files, close the browser, then come back. See what happens then. I guess the cookies are getting stale :)

We are as one as we all are the same fighting for one cause -Metallica
That's weird, I know I sent Rich the zip-file containing the entire new version of the program as soon as I got his email, maybe it bounced for some reason or another...

Pretty weird. I'll send it again later tonight


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for
Well, now I am using IE 5 and the marked-read thing is at least working...though it still won't work on Netscape. Wish I knew more about computers so I could have some clue as to why this is.
I've been using IE5.01 (yeek!) with zero problems. Shrug.

Dennis, no comment. :)

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
Not one problem here, I am using MS Explorer 5.0 and 5.01 (work/home) and I am experiencing "Zero" difficulties at this time. Guess I should count my blessings!

...“ They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” --Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759.

Take care and God Bless, El Jefe
Dear Miss Demeanors! (heh, heh, heh)

Let me see if I understand you correctly.

*MY* computer is working just fine and you want me to see if, by following your wonderful instructions, I can make MY computer work as horribly as yours....

(Heh, heh, heh.)

I seem to remember a thread, oh, just a short time ago, where another gentleman and I were reminiscing about being on TFL for just over a year. One of us made the unfortunate choice of using the word "anniversary".

And, if I remember correctly, some tacky individual created some very tacky impressions about what was otherwise a very pleasant experience. (heh, heh, heh.)

Please correct me if I remember incorrectly, but did I not say that one day revenge would be sweet? Did I not say that?

Now you need my help - to make my computer malfunction?

Read my lips, lady! OKAY? Just read my lips! OKAY? "Okay! I'll check for you!"

(Har, har, har! I FOOLED you!!!) :D :D :D