Edison, can you clarify on how you've evangelized in the past? I'm just curious because in the times I've tried persuading folks, things went one of three ways:
A: I went full-on into how the gun grabbers are trampling all over our rights. This got the same response as ranting about any other topic which, to the uninformed, seemingly has no impact on their lives. End result? They get annoyed that you're ranting at them, and you represent gun owners as whiners.
B: A few times, I've tried being rational -- but at the same time, I made it readily obvious that I was a gun nut. Guns = good, rights = good... You should try it sometime too! Etc... Well unfourtunately, it's just like an infomercial -- lots of great info, viewpoints that make sence, and no decent interaction... Therefore, lack of interest and failure. (This, by the way, is what I'd consider evangelizing... Hence why I'd like a little clarification on how you've tried.)
C: The way that's worked for me is to get a good conversation going. Ask what their views are, find out why they hold those views... Make them think, but not too hard -- afterall, it's probably something they've never really considered before... Eventually, being friendly and respectful will get you milage... Before ya know it, you can ask them about going to the range without them wondering what you're up to (
It's friendly, rational discussion with an upbeat tone vs. options A and B that's worked for me...
Of course, despite our differences in opinion on how to persuade folks, it's nice to see we can agree on one thing: A range trip is a great way to get a fence-sitter in on the action and over to our side.
(EDIT: I forgot option D... It's sort of like A, but worse... Taking the approach that probably seems most scarey to someone on the fence: Spewing rhetoric and such. Nugent's "Kill 'em all!" (in reference to criminals) is definately inspiring to those of us who're on the gun side of the fence, but it's not the best way to convey yourself as a reasonable person. The two times I tried persuading with concepts like that, it didn't just get things nowhere -- it actually sent things backward.