Pro-Gun wife giving me!

Wel, basically, I have already started carrying the extras, but after she used the "psycho" word (not about me, just the act) it made me want to give her a different perspective.

Racegunner, no offense, but save your breath (fingers?) I've already used all of the real reasons for carrying extra mags...the reasons I decided I'd carry them. Those reasons just got funny looks. Now I've already done some talking to her tonight. She seems to be either coming around or faking. There has always been an undercurrent in her opinions about carrying that has leaned to this. Although she's sincerely interested in gun rights, being armed when at home (especially when I'm not around) and such, she doesn't have the commitment that many of us here consider "prudent." That's something I can't force...basically, I say, "Honey, I wish you'd carry when you go to (whatever) today, but I'm not making you." She takes that really well, and normally decides to carry. However, she has often made small comments about folks (myself included) carrying an "awful lot." Fortunately, this is decreasing, and her intrest in carrying is increasing. In fact, she just decided to become an instructor (NRA Pistol and Personal Protection) just last week. That's a pretty long course (where we take it) and she knows it's a thing that takes a lot of dedication. She wouldn't do that if she didn't believe in it. (Did I mention that all of our 45 instructors are volunteer?) So the intrest and belief is's just this magazine thing now. My Californian wife is coming around...just slowly. Well, four years ago, the only guns she'd seen were in the hands of police or gang members, and now she's pistol packin'...I should be grateful. Thanks everyone on the tips, and keep 'em coming if you have anything.
Being psycho doesn't mean you are wrong just as being paranoid doesn't mean someone isn't out to get you. By carrying spare mags, you mean one or two, and not 10 or 12, right?

There really is no reason not to carry a spare mag unless you just don't have room for it.

Sometimes it just boils down to this -

"Sweetheart, I love you dearly and I wouldn't dream of doing anything to upset you, but sometimes, a guy's just gotta do what a guy's gotta do, and this guy's gonna carry a spare mag. You don't have to if you don't want to, even though I think you should and I wish you would, just for safety's sake, but you do what you think is right. Now - where did you want to go for dinner?" ;)
If you have to ask your wife's permission or have her consent, maybe you should just let her carry the piece and don't you worry about it. She'll be responsible for taking care of you.

