Pro-Gun wife giving me!

Steve Smith

New member
Ok, my wife and I are both very pro-gun, I'm an NRA certified instructor, and she will be son as well. We both have carry permits, and we both use them (but I use mine more). Recently, I've decided to start carrying spare mags. My wife sees this as a little "Psycho." How do I counter this? Much thanks.
When off-duty, I always carried spare magazines. Ever had a magazine failure? It happens, and you never seem to be able to call 'time out' in the middle of an incident....

An extra magazine is considered by most 'experts' (as well as the rest of us who actually USE autos) as a necessity. Don't carry one, and get murphed. whatever bad that can happen will happen.

By the way, my mag failure came early in my career from clothing lint in the magazine. The follower failed to advance in the tube due to the buildup on the inside, thus a major feed problem. I learned, and now tear down my magazines every week for cleaning. Still, I'd rather have a backup mag with me.
Spare mags should be mandatory when you're carrying. As posted above malfunction clearance can require them. People say "Well most gunfights have 3 or fewer shots fired." Well be being in a gunfight you have already beaten the odds once. Plus they help balance out the weight of the gun. Just read a post recently where an individual dropped his sidearm and the magazine busted open and could not be repaired on the spot. Since he ahd a spare he was ok. Otherwise you've got a single shot gun. There are enough variables as it is. Spare ammo is one that you can control. Just my $0.02, byerly.
Already used the "mag malfunction" reason, which is the best reason for carrying extra mags...that rationale got a seriously disbelieving look, and "Our mags work great...I've never seen them fail, and neither have you." That was the truth, but saying, "Just because they always work doesn't meant that they always will," didn't seem to help.

Keep 'em coming.
Well, I think "magazines" may be overdoing it unless you travel in dangerous circles. I think a spare mag is a good idea, but multiples seem like over-kill. If I really think I'm in that much danger, I don't go to that place! Note that my comments don't apply to LEO's, since they are far more likely to actually use more than one mag.
Are you crazy????

I carry a spare gun. :D
G27 in da pocket and a G30 in the fanny pack. :D

That oughta get her going when you start carrying a second gun. :D

Why do wives sometimes become the "Fun Police"?
Of the couples that I am friends with, some wives feel it's their duty to limit the husbands freedom. Why is it her business what you carry? Is the extra mag bothering her in some way? What harm does one or two thin mags do?

Tell her she is "infringing" your rights :)

I'm not a sexist and certainly am not bashing your lovely and intelligent (as she carries as well) wife. I'm just a hard core believer in personal freedom, married or not. I suppose she would think me a real "psycho" for carring 2 guns while driving through Detroit...

Put is this way: If you are wrong and overly prepared; no harm done. And in the off chance she is mistaken . . .?


"It is in vain, Sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace! -- but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the North will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that Gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"
-Patrick Henry, March, 1775
Ditto what racegunner said. I started out being as liberal a husband as possible. Over the years I realized that I had to overcome the fun police. Do what you want and give no excuses for it.

If that doesn't work, start carrying a second gun and a bayonet in an ankle sheath. ;)
spare mags

I see nothing wrong with carring a spare mag and/or keeping another in the glovebox in my truck......Mike
Mags vs. mag

The reason I use the words "spare magazines" is because I shoot IDPA and have a couple of double mag puches...I see no reason to buy additional equipment to carry with. I'll use what I pratice with.

Why would an off-duty LEO be more likely to use more mags than a civilian? According to the Supreme Court, when dealing with a lethal force issue, an LEO is operating in the same capacity of a civilian, and does not have a legal responsibility to protect other's life. Therefore, the off-duty LEO stance doesn't really hold water, since if he's involved in a shooting, he'll be operating as a civilian.

Now she's really not being the "fun police" (not that carrying a concealed handgun is for "fun" anyway. She just sees it as overboard. We both let each other do things that we don't necessisarily like, and she's already told me that if I want to, it's fine, but she thinks it's weird. I like to keep things "happy" with my wife, and I'm just looking for a way for her to see this as a "good" thing. I can't think of a gun toting woman that carries extra mags...maybe it's a guy thing (warrior mentality), but it just seems like a "be prepared" thing to do.

...I only carry one spare mag, unless you count the one in my Beretta Tomcat, too. ;) Spare mag, spare gun, heck I even carry a spare pocketknife (A CRKT KISS that's less "aggressive" looking than my Kershaw Ken Onion "Blackout". Folks look at you funny if you deploy something like that just to open a package... ;) )
WESHOOT2. this is getting a little OT, but my point was that anytime that a police matter goes "lethal force" then it's not the legal or occupational responsibility of the policeperson to engage. The Supreme Court has ruled that way weveral times. When they decide to use lethal force, it's them doing the right thing as a person, not as a policeperson. Therefore, on or off duty, the lethal force aspect is the same, and therefore is the same for me.

BTW, I'm not trying to "ruffle feathers." Just trying to figure out a female friendly way of convincing her that it's a smart thing to do.
Ok, this is probably going to sound one hell of a lot worse than it really is, and if I offend anyone, I apologize for that in advance.


Does your wife carry "spare" tampons or pads? (I've not met a woman who doesn't.) Ask her why, and the answer you'll probably get will come down to "just in case."

Point out to her that spare magazines fall into the same category. The "just in case" category.
Ouch, Mike Irwin...
I think the point is to stay married. :)

I have a mag that has functioned flawlessly for many many rounds at the range. One day on the third shot, the follower stuck down in the mag well. It never happened before or since then. Random failures happen!

Here is the answer you seek:
The mag is the weakest link in a semi-auto. It is the most likely piece of equipment to cause a failure. It just makes sense to have an extra or two.
If you apply this logic you will seem more sane and you won't have to sleep on the couch.

Or you could start carrying a bayonet in your sock... ;)
Then by comparison she'll beg you to just go back to the extra mag...

When my girlfriend asks why I have 2 Kevlar vests under the bed; I answer because I care as much about you or it would be "A" kevlar vest. Can I ever imagine having to don a vest in my house? no. maybe I have fear of death issues, or maybe because I was a boyscout...maybe just because I can.
I gave my other half a subcompact 45, she wanted me to order her 2 extra 10 round mags. I gave her a SKS and she took all my 30 round mags. I got stuck with a lot of10 rounders. I am NOT allowed to touch, clean or oil her guns unless she is there. I guess I have a one of a kind but she believes in extra mags.

Do you think women who carry, more rarely carry spare mags?

Perhaps, part of that could be the difficulty concealing things in general for a woman. If I'm in jeans and a bulky sweatshirt or jean jacket or winter coat, I can conceal a lot, including a spare mag. But in business clothes everything gets really hard. As if concealing a gun isn't hard enough.

I don't carry a spare mag much of the time because it's just too difficult and uncomfortable. In the mag carrier the bottom of the mag sticking up is really rough on my ribs, a result of my shape and my (lack of) height.

However, I certainly don't think it's weird for you to carry a spare. Do you carry a spare car key that you hope you'll never need? Youbetcha. If you can carry it and it's not a burden for you, carry it! It's certainly not "weird."

Ask her if she loves you. Ask her if she would feel guilty if something happened to you because you got into a situation and needed that extra mag. Tell her that you know it might be a long shot, but wouldn't it be better to have the extra mag and never need it as opposed to needing it and getting killed cause ya didn't have it. Simple and to the point. Also remind her that she too could possibly be in a similar situation, but you would never tell her not to do what she felt necessary for her peace of mind. If she still doesn't agree, carry the extra mags anyway. Because you never know what's going to happen. As the Boy Scout motto says; BE PREPARED!
racegunner, it's funny how things work out that way. I am amazed at the amount of things I do (basically everything) that my wife has an opinion about. But she's pretty cool about almost everything I do, with the exception of hunting. I'm actually lucky to have her, although she got a good deal too. :)

Steve, until you become clairvoyant and can pick winning lottery numbers in advance, I'd say you don't know what situation you'll run into, so it's best to be prepared for as many scenarios as possible. Like a man who wears a belt AND suspenders, an extra mag. or two is just a little extra security.