Primers too expensive . . .

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Threre has been a lot of primers dropping the last few days, CCI 400's for 75 per 1K all afternoon at Brownells. Still there as a matter of fact. Just keep checking that thread over at the reloading forum at Accurate Shooter forums

Me I am holding off, hoping the price will drop. When it does I will buy 5 K large and 5K small rifle. I don't shoot 1000 rounds a year in pistol so I have a lifetime supply of those
Bullets? 35 to 50 CENTS.
Well, just checked rimrock and 500 250g RNFP bullets is $63. That is 13 cents a bullet. So primers almost cost as much as the bullets at $10 per 100..... That is insane. That makes it $23 per hundred with just bullet and primers, not counting the powder and cases.... Did the calc for powder, adds about ~3 dollars if I load Green Dot. So up to $26 per hundred. Yikes.... Pushing $30 per hundred now.....

Anyone bought #10s lately?
No. I have a good stock that will last me quite a few years (#11s) . I bought a few every time I went to a gun store while they were plentiful. Good stock of balls, primers, and powder.
One of the local shops has them for $200 per 1K so Midway is cheap. LOL

Better get used to the high prices, with the present administration in the white house the prices are going to stay high. I hear $75 per 1K plus shipping & has mat is going to be the norm from now on.
One of the local shops has them for $200 per 1K so Midway is cheap. LOL

Yeah right ? haha

I used to laugh when guys would rant how they would never pay $40 a brick , It's like $.02 more per round loaded - shut up you cry baby . How ever someone pointed out to me that when load 308 or 30-06 yeah no big deal but when loading 9mm and you could get a box of 50 for $8 that extra 2 or 3 cents per round makes a big difference . So now that they are going for $100 with haz and ship , I can see with some cartridges it's not really worth spending the extra money .
One of the local shops has them for $200 per 1K so Midway is cheap. LOL

Better get used to the high prices, with the present administration in the white house the prices are going to stay high. I hear $75 per 1K plus shipping & has mat is going to be the norm from now on.
It is not the current administration's supporters who are/have buying/bought, horded the supply of primers and ammo that led to this situcation. It is the Right who are hording and paying outrageous prices.
Well, the Right may be buying (the "affect") as some on the left... but the left is sure the "cause"..... Ie. The charged atmosphere is pushing it. You can note we didn't have this during the last administration :) . Things were back to 'normal' and on track.... Until the derailment happened.... But I am optimistic and prices should be back to normal in a few years... I hope. For now, I am willing to wait and hold out.
You can note we didn't have this during the last administration
Actually we did. I have had a problem finding enough small pistol primers for years, especially Federal. However, when the stores did have them, they were not at inflated prices.
I guess I didn't notice. Every time I went to store, I could pick up some CCIs in all sizes. But since I was, at that point, just 'maintaining', I'd just pick up enough to replenish stock when needed.
A strange way of looking at things. People who buy 1000 primers @ $100 are NOT helping us... they are keeping the price up because a manufacturer will continue to charge what the traffic will bear. Only when the primers begin to sit on the shelves unsold will the price begin to come down.

Not anyone's job to look out for you or anyone else in this regard, what they spend and why is their business. We are all by Golly Americans who pulled themselves up by our bootstrops without anyone's help.

Now, live in a place where the haz charges are in the hundreds of dollars per shipment if they will do it at all (most don't). And I didn't ask to be born let alone stranded here.
Yes, primers are expensive these days, and yes, it may be due to politics. However, no, TFL is not a political site and that's what this thread has devolved to - a discussion on politics.

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