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Pricing in Sale and Trade forums


New member
The list of reasons I enjoy TFL is endless, as is the list of reasons I don't enjoy AR15.com. The latter, however has a one-up on TFL, IMO, in the fact that they require a price be set when offering for sale or trade any item. After seeing a lot of postings here for firearms and other stuff without a price listed, I am thinking that a rule ammendment is in order. It is seriously annoying when you see the title of a sale post and think this might just be the "buy of the week" only to discover that the poster is only taking "serious offers". TFL is not a private auction site, and I view it as more of a classified section. After all, it is called The Firing Line Gun show. Every gun show I have been to has prices clearly listed....

I agree with you. TFL is not an auction site so a definite price should be required for all items offered for sale.
I too love TFL over anyother gun site. But I do like the way that brianenos.com requires a post-count of 25 before you can post in the classifieds. Realy cuts down on trolls.
If I wrote the rule, then if you were looking to trade an item, you would be required to at least list some items that you are looking to get in trade.
one more "yes" vote

However, I like the cynical approach of multiple mega-lowball offers. Seemed to get the attention of the individual in the above-linked post.. ;)
Nobody is twisting your arm to buy from Wildalaska

Negative comments about the For Sale items, the price posted, or the poster's hygiene should be given via the Private Messaging feature, or via email. The bottom line is this: if you think the person is asking an insane amount, or is selling something you wouldn't take if given to you, don't buy it.

If your not willing to take the leap of faith that Ken asks for, then don't buy from him, He's not gonna force you. I have heard nothing but Great reviews from Ken and WildWestGuns and look forward to doing buisness with him in the future. Just because your curiousity to find out the SET price on something is getting the better of you doesn't mean he has to change his buisness model.
Just because your curiousity to find out the SET price on something is getting the better of you doesn't mean he has to change his buisness model
I hope that wasn't directed at me. In fact, I never thought about WA's offerings when I started this thread. I won't go into his business model, as that is none of my business and I don't care. I still feel that if someone, anyone, feels like they have to post a specific item for sale, they should have to post a specific price. When I see an ad that catches my eye like "S&W 29-1 4" WV" and I click on that topic and all it says is that the '29 is for sale, it really turns me off to that seller. Like having a storefront, the seller should be the one doing the leg work like posting an introductory price, or a price and an inclusion that he is taking offers too. It really turns me off to someone if I have to take my own time to track him/her down just to get an idea of price.
I can see your point, however

That is just how the game goes sometimes, thats like saying that when someone wants to sell a "Glock17" for $700 They have to post it cheaper because everyone knows they are posting a high price to be haggled. I don't like haggling, but if I want that "Glock17" bad enough I will haggle it down.
Whats the point? why post a beginning price? if you are considering buying a specific gun 1) Odds are your going to reserch the MSRP and get a good idea of what used "Glock17's" are going for, 2) Your going to see if you can find the "Glock17" cheaper somewhere else & 3) Your allready going to have a set price in your head that your willing to pay, so make a offer on a PM.
I hope that wasn't directed at me. In fact, I never thought about WA's offerings when I started this thread.
That actually was directed at you but I stand corrected, I apologize, I was referring to the whining in the
Thread that you had no part of.
I guess it comes down to the fact that I am a "NO BS" kind of guy. In all actuality, WA and myself are kinda the same, but on different sides. WA knows he has something lots of folks here want, and that he has it at a great price. He is just waiting on someone to make the call. I, on the other hand, know I have money, and know someone else would like to have it. I am just waiting on them to show me some way to spend it that is worth my while. If you won't post a price, I'll pass. I may also be annoyed, but I'll still pass. If you post a price I might buy it. If it's too high I won't but, you wont' even get a shot if you don't list a price.
I would just make posting a price a suggestion. I have gotten some great deals from Ken and it doesn't irritate me much if a price is not posted. If they don't post a price and it bothers you -don't deal with them.

Seems to me there is only one reason that this price posting requirement won't happen so we're just all wearing the paint off the keys for nothing. Antipitas has made is clear (to me at least) that this is not going to happen. Oh well no big loss to me, No price= No interest.:D
Antipitas has made is clear (to me at least) that this is not going to happen.
Contender, when you attribute something to me, do me the curtesy of getting it right.

In a Private Message about the now deceased Poll: Price requirement in FOR SALE forums, I said to contender: It won't change the way Wild does business (It's his business. He can run it how he sees fit.), and it won't change how TFL views such things - which is mostly, hands off.

That statement does not in any way say it won't happen. It does say coercion will not work. Your poll and your continued statements in this thread are designed to do one thing: Coerce the PTB to see things your way.