Price of a Mosin?

Very true. Russian ammo started to arrive....very inexpensive. I bought a case of the Russian “Junior” .22s for less than $100. Steel cases, outside lubed, dirty. Accurate.
Still have two bricks left.
Has anyone kept track of a used Marlin336!!!

I've kept steady track of the one in my "gun closet" for the past 30+ years...:D

Everything has gone up in $ over the years, though some things have changed $ amount but not value.

Right now, we're in a kind of panic bubble and people are asking and getting high prices when they wouldn't in more normal times.
Has anyone kept track of a used Marlin336!!!
Yes. Especially the half dozen in my safes and the one currently going under the knife on my workbench.
If you're looking at auction prices, you're wasting your time. They were ridiculous before the panic. Now, they're insane.

If you want good prices on a used Marlin, shop local. They may be up slightly, on average, but not much.
I'm sure there are pockets across the country where the local shops are price gouging and inflating prices, just like the auction site prices. But from what I've seen, that is not the norm.

Demand has increased. But prices are only skyrocketing where greed is reinforced by idiots with more money than sense.
44 AMP:
Everything has gone up in $ over the years, though some things have changed $ amount but not value.

Exactly! Several years ago I came to that conclusion when moist-nuggets 1st went over the $200 mark and sold mine and several cans of ammo and switched to a K-31. I was constantly fiddling with my M44 since I could never get the accuracy I expected and my 91/30, though accurate, was too long for the woods. Not everyone has to make the same decision I made, but I saw more value in one K-31s that 2 moist-nuggets.
I bought my first Mosin a Polish M44 for only $69. I had to go through about 5 crates of them, they were cosmoline soaked & I had to wipe it off to see what I was buying.
It took me two weeks to get enough cosmoline off to safely shoot it.
Last gunshow I was at, all the Mosins were overpriced and looked pretty, ah, rough.

Not inclined to pay a bunch of spendy dollars for a Mosin junker.
I stopped looking when I saw them at $350, that was probably 2 years ago. Bought one back in the Day for $99, wish I still had it, it was fun, but I wouldn't do it again for the price. if your thinking of cashing in remember, a dealer is gonna give you maybe half of that 400.