Preventing a Break In

Make it hard for the thieves to get in. For the majority of thieves don't want to work hard or risk capture.
Go talk to the folks at your local hardware store and they can set you up so that only real determined thieves can break in.

Plan on what you will do in case the alarms go off and practice that plan. Make sure your family is involved in that planning and training.

Don't forget to harden the inner doors as well as entry doors. It should be difficult for thieves to knock down bedroom doors.

Remember that you and yours should also have a way of getting away that doesn't involve walking by intruders.
Natural landscape items work, especially under windows - roses, blackberries, or anything with massive thorns make those points of entry not worth pursuing - that leaves your doors. Steel doors, hardened plates and bolts, lights, alarms, dogs all add to that protection
Expensive locks=false security

A locksmith or lock dealer will try to sell you an expensive deadbolt over a Kwikset or similar device. The truth is, it isn't the lock that fails but the doorjamb itself. It splinters under sufficient force. A burglar with the skills necessary to pick your locks will not be bothering with random homes. He's looking for the mother lode and already knows there's something worth his time before he strikes. I like to run extra long screws through the hardware to insure I'm into the studs and, if there's room, I'll back the doorjamb with a glued in piece of 3/4" plywood, then long screw through that.

There's much information on the net regarding burglary prevention and it is all sound advice, such as not letting newspapers, mail acumulate, cutting back shrubs, etc. Also, most burglars don't want to tangle with noisy dogs whether or not they bite.

I might add, never leave handguns in the master bedroom when you're not home.
Mainah, the circumstances were an armed BG facing an armed GG .Would you want to be nice to the BG under those circumstances ???
Large barking dogs work VERY well.

Not a lot of burglars are interested in finding out if they are friendly.

We used to joke that the Cairn Terrier was the alarm, and the pair of labs was the repellent.
If your windows are exposed you could always run a border of gravel around the house so no one could walk up to a window without (alerting the dog) you being able to hear them.
lot of really good hardening ideas in here. Every measure helps

ETA: NOT true about expensive locks helping. We need to clear that up ASAP. Lock bumping is HOT right now. using a rake takes less than a second. I practiced for 2 hours (locksport, educational, white hat) and i can pick ANYTHING at a big box store in 5 seconds or less. I'm nothing special. 99.99% of house locks can be bumped.

Invest in good locks. Abloy. Bi-Lock. etc. The master jewel thief thing just isn't true. look up lock bumping on youtube
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Mainah, the circumstances were an armed BG facing an armed GG .Would you want to be nice to the BG under those circumstances ???

No. But to be clear I'm asking about what to do when I'm not home. The recent criminal activity in my area has all taken place when no one is home.
I believe that those responsible are as eager to run into me as I am to run into them.
Think like a theif. Do you have any valuables or anything that would attract that type of incident. Have fun with it and try to find an easy point of entry and fix it.

Or, put lots and lots claymores around
Take one of your best grouping targets, with lots of holes in the ten ring, tape it to the closest window to your front door, attach a message in large red letters that says "NOTHING INSIDE WORTH DYING FOR.". Even if they can't read, they get the message of the target with the holes in the ten ring. Shield yourself.:mad:
Even if you don't own a gun, the BG don't know that.:cool:
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We've discussed how things like that can work against you in court. In an ambiguous shoot, that sign might be used as premeditation to shoot away.

Bad idea - sounds good on the Internet though.
There is some good advice here like a dog and the alarm system alerting the residents thus disorienting the home invaders and giving you a warning to respond to the threat. I suggest keeping outside shrubbery close enough to the house to give a burglar concealment as he breaks in trimmed. Motion activated outside security lighting mounted high enough to prevent bulbs from being unscrewed. Good locks on entry doors, and if possible solid doors with no windows and a wide angle peep hole.
Take one of your best grouping targets, with lots of holes in the ten ring, tape it to the closest window to your front door, attach a message in large red letters that says "NOTHING INSIDE WORTH DYING FOR.".

Is it really the best idea to advertise that you have a fairly good chance of having guns in the home for them to steal?

They are already hitting homes during the day when no one is home. If you make your home a target, it doesn't take a master thief to watch for you to go to work.
Over the years I have had several Doberman's, they have all had the instinct to protect family members. I went to work part time for the guy I bought them from since he was a professional guard dog trainer and K-9 officer in the local Sheriff dept. He taught me how to train a dog for guard and attack work as well as tracking. I have since trained every Doberman I have had, including not to take any food or treats from strangers. I walk him daily so he is visible in the neighborhood and he spends time in his kennel outdoors when I am home and can be seen by anyone casing the neighborhood. I believe this is a great deterrent to burglars.
I also have the security signs on my doors and windows. Knock on wood there has never been a problem with burglars or thief's in our neighborhood. In the very remote chance someone did get past my dog, I also have a very large and heavy gun safe in my basement. I ran a 220 line into the back of the safe and put a sign on the safe door saying "this safe is equipped with 220 volts to a mercury switch inside that will electrify the safe if any attempt is made to move it or break into it. Naturally it is not connected to power, but would you take the chance ?
Turns out that digital cameras are quite inexpensive now. I found a pretty good one for less than $100, and I'm mounting it high on the garage facing the driveway with a big sign. I've also put signs warning of recording on all of the entry points.

My co-worker informed me that the police have to suspects in custody, they were caught at the scene of a break-in by a homeowner. They took off when he arrived, he got their plates before they left. They admitted to several local thefts, and told the police that they simply traded what they stole with their dealer.

Nice that they got caught, but they'll be out soon, and there's no shortage of junkies out there- unfortunately.

Thanks for all the advice.
A great deal of good info on this thread. Hardening doors advice is top notch. Washington State has had a rash of "home invasions" lately. Some of them have been pretty rough. Some of them tho, have picked on armed citizens and have come out on the short end. When the Manse is undefended by you, other measures must be used. Fortifying is a good start, as is landscaping to protect the windows. Alarms and cameras seem a bit "after the fact". The motion actuated outside lights can be hooked to a radio. Break the beam, the radio goes of giving the impression someone is home. I have the "two dog alarm". They are small and very protective. I have experienced situations where BGs target a house and start by poisoning the dog. Outside food dish may not be a real good idea.
I live in a city park and the world walks by my house. I use something like this in my rear area perimeter. They can be used almost anywhere. Windows, doors, gates.

You can load them with pepper spray, blanks, or whatever. Someone suggested using Claymores?? No, I would not recommend a Claymore
Alarms and cameras seem a bit "after the fact".

That was my initial thought. However my favorite nugget of advice in this thread was that I should make my house harder to break into than my neighbors.

I know from speaking with a trooper that alarms are not completely effective because the criminals know that the police are usually three towns away. They can get in and out before they need to worry.

They'd have to drive 50 yards up my driveway and park in front of my garage. My relative seclusion makes me vulnerable. But a highly visible sign mounted high on the garage, with a camera would demonstrate that they and their vehicle have been captured, at least in a digital sense. That could deter them.

I like the idea of a motion detector that triggers a radio. My front door has a small frosted glass window, I've placed a lamp on a shelf so that when you approach the door you can see that the lamp is on. I'm hoping that helps too.

And my big dog will bark like crazy. She's going to be a good watchdog for a long time, she's only 11 months old. But folks in my town shoot all the time, and a gunshot during the middle of the day wouldn't raise an eyebrow. So I'm hoping to keep her and my stuff safe.
Another good idea is to make friends with your neighbors. An extra set of eyes can be really useful. Its nice to know that if I'm not home someone will notice a vehicle in my driveway.

I know from speaking with a trooper that alarms are not completely effective because the criminals know that the police are usually three towns away.
^I live 6 miles from one police station, about 8 from the next one. Best response time yet: ~25 minutes
another idea: cameras fed into your television PIP (picture in picture) so you can notice things peripherally in the small camera window while watching your program.