Pretty gun mind state

I'm not a collector so I don't seek out pristine guns.

I shoot everything I own. Some get worked harder than others. Only a couple actually get carried.

I have a number of guns that came into my hand already wearing a lot of character.

If a gun is just too "ratty" I don't buy it. Silly to buy a gun planning to rebuild it.
I like pretty guns. Browning Citori XS, Remington TC Trap guns, Pythons, the S&W and Colts with the polished blue finish. I also like the not quite as pretty ones, Ruger SR1911 CMD, Kimber CustomII, SA 1911A1 WW2 that looks like an new GI. I don't like the pink ones or the green ones or those trimmed with gold or pearl handles.
A pretty gun is like a pretty car; no reason it can't be used and remain pretty.
I will side with those who would not pay a premium for "mint", when a really, really nice example might cost 2/3 as much, and after some use, a mint gun will be only really, really nice, anyway.
Nothing wrong with pretty tools. Take these Victorian Garden Tools, for instance.

SaxonPig said:
If a gun is just too "ratty" I don't buy it. Silly to buy a gun planning to rebuild it.

Well, now hold on! For example:

Ruger three screw Blackhawk .357 Magnum, with transfer bar conversion, bought used:

Transfer bar conversion removed, converted to .44 Special, case hardened frame and replaced aluminum parts with all steel parts:

Bob Wright
I do buy new and high condition used guns. No interest at all in beaters, no matter how much "character" that may indicate. I do like good quality, good looking, guns. I take care of my guns,even Glocks, but they all will get wear and misc. marks on them from use. Most of my guns are recreational and have an easy life, but the carry, and my former duty guns especially, did get dings and scratches. I don't consider wear, dings, scrapes, scratches,etc. desireable. I try to minimize this, but accept it as normal.

I agree that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but that case hardened single action definitely IS pretty IMHO...ymmv
I also don't believe that, generally, wear diminishes beauty of which we've established is in the eye of the beholder. However, I can think of plenty of Hi-Powers I've looked at for screaming deals that just looked way too ugly to plunk down the rent for. I think that the world views as almost every Browning gun as absolutely beautiful (I am one of them), but some wear can look so terrible that even if the gun shoots, it would just tear my heart to pieces looking at it. It really depends on the state of wear and will be completely subjective. There is certainly an allure to a completely battle torn but usable Glock 17. Probably because it looks right at home on it. I don't tend to buy beat up guns but the advent of CCW in Illinois has convinced me that a total beater with a working ticker just might scratch that itch. Only because I'd be devastated to mess up any of my other guns which are all in great condition with normal wear.
sounds nicer than "don't give a rat's a$$"

I cannot see it whilst shooting it, so I care not one whit.

And since 'appearance' has ZERO affect of function, feel, or accuracy, I really really don't care.

A Glock has a pleasing enough form to be pretty. A deep blue 1911 is just as much a tool as a Glock.

Hi Points and RG revolvers are ugly.
Nothing wrong with having nice tools...

It can be compared to Vehicles; they are tools as well, and I like to ride a nice vehicle that is also reliable. A few minor scratches is ok, dents and rust not so much.
If a gun is just too "ratty" I don't buy it. Silly to buy a gun planning to rebuild it.

I count on guys that think this way...

But most guys can't tell the difference between cosmetics and function. Mr Saxon is NOT one of these guys. He knows what he is looking at and I understand what he meant.

Mechanically sound, scuffed, scraped and ugly Good Years...


Two beers, a little Mother's mag polish and a boring football game, new "stocks" - voila...


And I do know that Mr Saxon doesn't buy safe queens. He has some examples of "working" guns that I'd kill for.
I like them "pretty" to a point; but I honestly scoff a bit at overly emblazoned "weapons" that probably do nothing but sit on a shelf. Sort of reminds me of a dog that gets dressed in sweaters by it's owner but never gets to run and play.

To me, functional guns come first. Right now I have some guns that are special to me (they were grandpas) but they aren't especially pretty. Every gun I have purchased has been of the "ugly but works" variety. That said, I do plan on buying some "pretty" guns in the future.

I can't stand stuff like Kimber's and Sig's with flames or weird designs though. I just don't get why you would want "punisher" grips on a $1500 1911. I would gladly take a stock configuration HiPower or GI style 1911 thanks.

For pretty guns I tend to lean towards revolvers; of which I currently own none. :rolleyes: So maybe pretty isn't that important to me. I find old S&W revos very nice looking and would especially like to have a Model 19 and Model 29 of some vintage in my collection.
While I have a modest "collection" to be sure, I have both guns that are used for defensive roles and sporting guns and then a few firearms that I rarely shoot and admittedly "pamper" so to speak as I look at them as collection pieces, family heirlooms etc. So may look at my stuff and understand and others may not--to each his own is my motto in this particular case.
I like my guns to be pretty I don't need them to be perfect. I shoot and carry most of my guns. They have scuffs and dings and are still beautiful.
my EDC is a SD40VE from smith. its blocky like glock. but its reliable as an ox.

my safe has a few beauties.
my grandpa's old colt anaconda .44
colt 1911 from sometime in the 70's or 80's also from grandpa
sig 226 elite
HK usp45 2 tone

those dont get carried. they are for show and tell or range trips. i beat up on my EDC and keep my beauties looking A1
If all guns were Glocks and Glock-a-likes, I'd probably only have one gun. I have two "ugly" guns - a glock and a ruger lc9. I don't care how banged up they get. However, all of my other guns, the ones I really like, are "pretty guns".