Pretty gun mind state


New member
What are your feelings on pretty guns? I think of my gun as a tool. My tool has holster wear, scrapes and scratches from range time and years of carry.
Pretty guns

I love 'em. I think that's why I find Glocks offensive to look at.
But, when I say pretty I'm referring to the majority of the guns people put up in the monthly photo contest here on TFL.
BTW, thanks to everyone who contributes to that!
I wouldn't have a gun too prety to shoot. That's not to say I don't like them pretty. I just wouldn't want one so fancy, or beautiful that I would be afraid of lowering its value by shooting it.
I have a great admiration for the older Royal Blue Colt Pythons and it saddens me to realize that when they're gone they will be gone.

The price is so ridiculous that I would not buy one now.

Guns were made to be shot but once again I'm sad they are slowly but surely going away.

Maybe in the future you'll be able to feed the specs into a computerized milling machine or take one apart and have the device 'scan' each part and it will produce identical (read incredibly small tolerances) parts. Still wouldn't get the Royal Blue finish but I'd be happy that the mechanics of the thing could be reproduced.
Depends on what you own firearms for. Are they strictly tools? Hunting/defensive guns? If so use and weathering are to be expected. Aesthetics are tertiary.

Me, firearms are a hobby. I like all kinds. I can certainly see the utility and industrial appeal of a Glock 17 but at the same time the lines of an older Smith revolver or Browning High Power have there allure as well.

I enjoy trigger time and although i own Glocks some of my favorite arms are all wood and steel. Hell some of my favorite arms are air rifles partly due to aesthetics.

For most of us arms will, God willing, never be needed or used in anger or fear. So why not enjoy the industrial art.
I own some for function and some for aesthetics. My favorite among the latter is a Beretta 92FS Inox with nice walnut grips. Beautiful thing to see, to hold, and to shoot, and I take care to keep it nice. One of the things I like about Glocks for carry, though, is that they start off ugly enough that holster wear and the occasional ding doesn't matter.
What's with the all the omphaloskeptic "Feelings" threads?

Gun? Is tool. I "like" good tools ...... discard bad ones.

I have "feelings" for people.
I don't hunt and getting a carry permit in this state is not the easiest thing,almost impossible really. So than what would my reason for owning a firearm be? Well, its a hobby. And as such, there is no room for what I consider an ugly in my collection. Best looking pistol I have, a SIG SAUER X5E. The rest are all pleasing to my eye, even my plastic fantistic FNX-9 (just couldn't bring myself to buy a glock), and all have their place and use. Everything I own if taken out and used when I can. Nothing will ever be a safe queen. I do rotate all my guns for home defense and nothing skips the rotation. BUt being my money, I buy what I like. Nothing wrong in that. Nothing wrong what others buy and for whatever reason. We all enjoy them for what they are, one way or the other.
Unless there's something outstandingly hideous about a shootin' iron, how it looks is the last thing I'd notice.
Far more important is how it handles and shoots, and maybe a desirable feature or two, like ambi mag release and good sights.
But looks and finish - not so much.
Same for cars and people.
Beretta autos, Lugers and older Smith revolvers with a dash of Octagon barreled Contenders. Works for me.;)
Part of the answer depends on how you define "pretty." I don't care much for flashy guns. I like my guns park'd and a little scuffed. Holster wear is sexy. ;)
Mixed emotions. For example, I love by Rem 760 BDL. It is absolutely beautiful with the basket-weave checkering. It also shoots as good as any bolt action I've ever owned. However, it is so pretty that it gets very little time in the woods. With some of the nasty areas I hunt, I'm just afraid it will get messed up.
For my taste form and function have to fit and if they do the object, be it a handgun, a car, a light switch or a chair back, has a natural aesthetic beauty. I dislike carving on wooden furniture and pin-striping on cars.

I prefer my guns plain vanilla too; I dislike gaudiness and consider it vulgar. Thus my semi-autos are almost all black all over, or the darkest color offered. I don't need or want them to be pink or purple with a rose engraved on the slide, so they're not. Two-tone silver and black combinations usually look to me like something a pimp would carry. At no point before I fire would I want to draw unavoidable attention to a gun I was carrying.

I have two Ruger revolvers, GP100 and SP101, that are stainless steel with black grips. I was told that stainless steel would survive better if exposed to the elements, and these are my potential hiking guns. I don't consider them gaudy, but the do catch the eye.

Wait, I think I have some lint in my belly button...
I don't care for ugly guns, although I do own a few. What you call pretty is sometimes in the eye of the beholder. Some of my rusted, pitted antique guns and some milsurps are pretty to me.
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