Presidents With Guns

Although it doesn't necessarily correlate with gun usage, most Presidents of the 20th Century were NRA members, and I think the string may have been broken by Jimmy Carter?
JFK was something of a gun guy. He apparently was so enamored of the AR-15 that they were supplied to his Secret Service detail, and he kept one on the Presidential yacht for his use.
Ronald Reagan used to carry his own personal gun. The Secret Service was initially surprised, but delighted that he was ready to defend himself.

Yes, Reagan carried routinely until he once used the gun to shoot at something chasing his ducks (or some such thing, don't recall the exact detail) and it scared Secret Service so bad they asked him not to carry anymore. :D

RIP, Gip :(
I concur with the awesomeness of Theodore Roosevelt in this regard. I think he owned and shot enough guns to cover all of the other presidents who didn't. Also didn't let getting shot himself slow him down.

I will add as a humble addendum to aarondhgraham's post:

Always thought this was a cool pic.
Not POTUS but VPOTUS Richard Cheney is/was a avid bird hunter. I have no proof but I could certainly imagine him carrying a sidearm.

Also it turns out that as a citizen the POTUS can carry. Some old document says "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed"
Any of you guys ever see that?
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Sorry, the 2nd Amendment doesn't give the president anymore right to carry than the rest of us, and you know how much of a problem that has been lately, especially in D.C.
I have no idea what Mr. Obama's reaction to a presentation gun would be but, not wanting to be shot on sight, I would not care to be the one who would try to make such a presentation.
If you google the image of Elvis giving the 1911 to Nixon - that's probably the same reaction Obama would have.
Maybe even less.

Nixon was a rabid anti gun type. Maybe more so than Obama.
I guess being president is a busy job, and unless they are driven to shoot guns as true enthusiasts are, then the job may be just going from one "approved" thing to another. For example, if they like to golf, they can recreate, doing something that their advisors approve for public approval. More people would approve of golfing over shooting. Teddy Roosevelt probably did not give a rat's butt what anyone thought about his shooting, in an age when shooting was much more common. Any president that likes to rip off 30 rounds from an AR, or indulge in combat shooting would probably hear about it, and suffer for it, during the next election.
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Teddy Roosevelt probably did not give a rat's butt what anyone thought about his shooting

I was reading about TR riding his horse through a park in DC, shooting at targets of opportunity on the fly. In those days, you didn't hear ABOUT a President's shooting!
The Burr-Hamilton Duel

The former Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton and sitting Vice President Aaron Burr, on July 11, 1804. At Weehawken, New Jersey, Burr shot and mortally wounded Hamilton.
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It was said that when Abraham Lincoln was presented a new rifle for army troop consideration, (possibly the Henry?) he took it out back and plinked with it.:D
They should all be required to carry and have extensive training in it's use. I might open some of their eyes and others to the importance of the need to be able to defend yourself.