Presidents With Guns

Does anyone know of any US presidents that have participated in handgun shooting or enjoyed shooting or collecting handguns? We have had some "posers" with shotguns, etc, for PR purposes, and "alleged" hunters, but what about handguns? Anyone have some inside info?
Here is a pretty cool link I found of different presidents shooting guns. Although just because it shows them shooting does not neccessarily mean they were gun people.

The only President that comes to mind is Teddy Roosevelt. Who is a Grade A bad a*& in my opinion.


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Teddy Roosevelt routinely carried a revolver (I don't know what kind) even when he was President. Eisenhower was shown with an S&W Chiefs Special presented to him, and I recall seeing Kennedy with a presentation handgun, but don't recall what it was. I don't recall seeing any pictures of a president actually firing an handgun, although there was one report that Reagan shot on the Secret Service range in the White House basement.

Here's TR's FN pistol in the NRA collection. Legend has it he kept this in his nightstand in the white house.


Mrs. Herbert Hoover's FN baby browning is on display at the presidential library.

Another of TR's guns, a Colt SA is on display at the Autry Museum, link to it here:

TR is probably the most famously active shooting president. Truman was a collector and at one time owned a pair of S&W's that reportedly had been owned by Jesse James.

Grover Cleveland was quite active in bird hunting.

Eisenhower installed the Skeet range at Camp David and it's been reported to have been used by the subsequent presidents (Obama used it for his famous photo op).

Here's a link to the history of the Camp David range:

DeSantis reportedly made a custom handgun holster for a POTUS but they didn't say who.

I'm sure a few recent POTUSs shot or even packed sidearms but for a # of reasons they aren't public with it.
FWIW; a retired US Secret Service told how he had to carry a modified Browning Hi Power 9x19mm with an extended barrel to use on protection details for President Jerry Ford. Ford enjoyed downhill ski trips which were hard on his US Secret Service agents to organize.
I wouldn't doubt that some POTUSs had a S&W J frame or even a ASP 9x19mm on them at some point.
Ronald Reagan used to carry his own personal gun. The Secret Service was initially surprised, but delighted that he was ready to defend himself.
Nixon had a skeet range on the White House Grounds.

And of course, there was Thomas Jefferson:

A strong body makes the mind strong. As to the species of exercise, I advise the gun. While this gives moderate exercise to the body, it gives boldness, enterprise and independence to the mind. Games played with the ball and others of that nature, are too violent to the body and stamp no character on the mind. Let your gun be your constant companion of your walks.

Thomas Jefferson Letter to Peter Carr 1785
Side question; POTUS, CiC....

I'm curious to know if by US law if the POTUS is considered on active duty in the US armed forces if he/she is "commander in chief".
Does the oath of office include the military service?
If so, then the POTUS could carry or wear nearly any sidearm/weapon.
As I always understood it, the CIC is a civilian and not military. Can't exactly explain the reasoning but it is basically a separation of power between military and civilian leadership.
I'm not sure what kind...but President Nixon received a pair of S&W revolvers, as a gift from Elvis Presley.

W. Bush...received a gift from the Special Forces, which I believe was a Browning Hi Power, that was retrieved from Saddam Hussein's rathole; during the time he was captured.
OIF; Browning Hi Power, Glock 18 full auto...

Bush(W not 41) got the gold plated Browning Hi Power 9mm from the troops who cleared out a few palaces & offices in Iraq.
When the CAG(now called ACE) & US Army support troops pulled Saddam out of his hidey hole, he reportedly had a unloaded Glock 18 9x19mm with a extended magazine. :confused:
I guess he didn't think he needed any rounds for his sidearm(s).

President Bush displayed both pistols. I think the gold plated Hi Power 9mm is now in the NRA museum in northern VA. The Glock may go to Bush's Library & Museum in Texas.
Many presidents received guns as presentation pieces; most, like other gifts to U.S. officials, went to the State department for storage, since they are seen as gifts to the office, not to the person.

I have no idea what Mr. Obama's reaction to a presentation gun would be but, not wanting to be shot on sight, I would not care to be the one who would try to make such a presentation.

Great Thread


...And of course, there was Thomas Jefferson:

A strong body makes the mind strong. As to the species of exercise, I advise the gun. While this gives moderate exercise to the body, it gives boldness, enterprise and independence to the mind. Games played with the ball and others of that nature, are too violent to the body and stamp no character on the mind. Let your gun be your constant companion of your walks.

Thomas Jefferson Letter to Peter Carr 1785

Thanks for posting that--One of those things I read years ago and the post "re-awakened" me to it so to speak.

Great words from a a Great Man indeed. I could easily see that on a nice wall plaque in my house in the very near future.
Good ol' Teddy Roosevelt couldn't pass up a chance to shoot anything. Bears, elephants, Spaniards, etc.

While president, he used to ride around public parks in D.C. on horseback and shoot at tree stumps with his revolver; much to the dismay of hikers. This was between his skinny dipping sessions in the Potomac.
President Reagan also had a Gyrojet. There is a letter from him, as governor of CA, where he asked the Gyrojet company where he could get more ammo as his reserves were running low.
Not POTUS but close,,,

Eleanor Roosevelt asked her Secret Service bodyguard to teach her to shoot a revolver,,,
The legend has it that she then carried one on her person at all times.

Click here please,,,


P.S. I was so impressed when I first read about this,,,
That I named my pristine 4" Model 12, Eleanor.

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The facts speak for themselves.
Mrs. Roosevelt's New York State concealed carry pistol permit is on prominent display at the FDR Museum and Library at his home in Hyde Park, NY. It is listed as a Smith & Wesson, .38 Spl. revolver. Her occupation is listed as "Lecturer". It was carried in one of those awful looking handbags she always used. Gets funny looks from the New York City crowd.
I assume that when she was out of state, her name was all the permit she would ever need. What cop in his right mind would ever ask to search her?
When out of the country, she had diplomatic immunity. No searches permitted.
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