Presidential candidates and their stance on gun control


New member
I took a look on CNN of the current top four candidates for President and their stance on gun control:

Barack Obama
Supports extending the assault weapons ban. Supports national law against carrying concealed weapons, with exceptions for retired police and military personnel. Supports limiting gun sales to one per month.

Hillary Clinton
Voted for a 10-year extension of the assault weapons ban. Voted for requiring extensive background checks at gun shows. Supports licensing and registration of handguns, mandatory trigger locks for handguns, holding adults responsible for their children's use of guns, raising the youth handgun ban from age 18 to 21, limiting gun sales to one per month and allowing the Consumer Products Safety Commission regulate guns.

John McCain
Sponsored legislation requiring background checks at gun shows. Voted against a 10-year extension of the assault weapons ban. Opposed legislation requiring trigger locks for handguns. Opposed 1994 crime bill, which contained the assault weapons ban. Has a C+ rating from the NRA.

Mitt Romney
As governor, signed into law a permanent ban on assault weapons. Supported the 1994 federal assault weapons ban. Supported the Brady Bill requiring waiting periods for handgun purchases, but says it is no longer needed due to instantaneous background checks. Joined the NRA
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Ron Paul
I share our Founders’ belief that in a free society each citizen must have the right to keep and bear arms. They ratified the Second Amendment knowing that this right is the guardian of every other right, and they all would be horrified by the proliferation of unconstitutional legislation that prevents law-abiding Americans from exercising this right.

I have always supported the Second Amendment and these are some of the bills I have introduced in the current Congress to help restore respect for it:

* H.R. 1096 includes provisions repealing the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act and the Federal Firearms License Reform Act of 1993, two invasive and unconstitutional bills.
* H.R. 1897 would end the ban on carrying a firearm in the National Park System, restoring Americans’ ability to protect themselves in potentially hazardous situations.
* H.R. 3305 would allow pilots and specially assigned law enforcement personnel to carry firearms in order to protect airline passengers, possibly preventing future 9/11-style attacks.
* H.R. 1146 would end our membership in the United Nations, protecting us from their attempts to tax our guns or disarm us entirely.

In the past, I introduced legislation to repeal the so-called “assault weapons” ban before its 2004 sunset, and I will oppose any attempts to reinstate it.

I also recently opposed H.R. 2640, which would allow government-appointed psychiatrists to ban U.S. veterans experiencing even mild forms of Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome from ever owning a gun.

You have the right to protect your life, liberty, and property. As President, I will continue to guard the liberties stated in the Second Amendment.
pesta2 you must be a forgot Ron Paul....see Pat's post

(sorry pesta2, I'm just a conservative wondering why people that call themselves for moderates -and then wonder why Rights are compromised)
Don't forget a canidate with a chance*, Huckabee. Pretty strong record there. I doubt that he forgot, pesta2 is likely an agent of the media trying to silence Dr. Paul's message.;) A member of the Wingspan Conspiracy, if you will.:D

*has placed in the top 3 four out of seven times as opposed to placing second once.
Ron Paul said:
I have always supported the Second Amendment and these are some of the bills I have introduced in the current Congress to help restore respect for it:

Ron Paul: ever the benchwarmer.

For the sake of argument, let's suppose he does become president...

"Hi y'all! I'm Ron Paul. I support 2A and these are some of the bills I have proposed to the Congress...but those mean old congressmen didn't play nice with me."
Ron Paul: ever the benchwarmer.

For the sake of argument, let's suppose he does become president...

"Hi y'all! I'm Ron Paul. I support 2A and these are some of the bills I have proposed to the Congress...but those mean old congressmen didn't play nice with me."
That's it! Let's mock and turn our backs on the one candidate who's actually tried to reverse a lot of the anti-gun legislation, rather than just playing along with it after it passed! Yeah, let's make fun of him! :rolleyes:
The remaining 4 candidates candidates suck on 2nd amendment issues, Obama being the worst, then the rest following close behind, with Mccain being the best.

WildhaveyouhuggedyourwalkercolttodayAlaska TM
Surefire_U2 said:
Mitt is clearly IMO a gun hater. Is he just joining the NRA to trick voters?

Though I grudgingly retain my membership, the NRA cares more about hunters' rights than about keeping non-sporting combat weapons in the hands of We The People. I'm sure Mitt has little problem with that view.

Wildalaska said:
The remaining 4 candidates candidates suck on 2nd amendment issues, Obama being the worst, then the rest following close behind, with Mccain being the best.
I think you mean, "the remaining four candidates to whom the media is paying any attention...."

There are still pro-gun candidates in the race: Ron Paul and (as far as I can tell) Mike Huckabee. The question is, will gun owners turn their backs on them?

I think they will. Then, one day, they'll be longing for the time when 30-round AK magazines didn't cost $100 each.
I think you mean, "the remaining four candidates to whom the media is paying any attention...."

No, I meant what I said.

Huckabee has no chance of winning the Republican nomination, decent guy that he is.

Ron Paul is the Lyndon LaRouche of the net age. Some of you may remember Lyndon. Same philosophy, same crowd. No chance.

But then again, didnt we have a poll as to whether folks here are one issue voters?

WildhaveyouhuggedyourMauserHSCtodayAlaska TM
I'll be voting for RP in the upcoming caucus. If I'm the only one there, I'll even nominate myself to be a delegate. (not looking forward to that.)

Assuming Ron does not make it on the ballot in November, I will vote for Huckabee if he's the Republican candidate. If neither Ron nor Huck is at the top of the Republican ticket, I don't know who I'll vote for. Who are the Libertarians and the Constitution Party running?

Don't tell me I'm wasting my vote, or giving the presidency over the Hillary, or any of that nonsense. The ones doing that are the folks who don't vote in the primaries, or they *do* vote but wait for the TV to tell them who's "electable" because they wanna vote for the winner (and then they bitch about the outcome.)
You are new here so I will ask you to keep your language in check.

Don't tell me I'm wasting my vote, or giving the presidency over the Hillary, or any of that nonsense.

A vote for anyone but the person opposing Hillary is a vote for her, that is not idealistic spouting, that is simple mathematic fact.

The ones doing that are the folks who don't vote in the primaries, or they *do* vote but wait for the TV to tell them who's "electable" because they wanna vote for the winner (and then they *edit* about the outcome.)

So I should have caucused based on the purile rantings of Ron Paul supporters on an internet forum? Newsflash, I have a brain with my own opinions and I watch less than three hours of television a week and I do not support Ron Paul.
A vote for anyone but the person opposing Hillary is a vote for her, that is not idealistic spouting, that is simple mathematic fact.

A vote for the lesser of 2 evils is still a vote for evil.

(At least Giuliani is gone. I think he would have been *worse* than Hillary)
Peace of mind in my opinion is achieved by doing what I know to be right, even if I know I only have a snowballs chance of getting the result I desire.
A vote for the lesser of 2 evils is still a vote for evil.

(At least Giuliani is gone. I think he would have been *worse* than Hillary)
Agreed on both counts.

Imagine the following election scenario. It's a three-way race:

Candidate A: Wants to ban ALL guns. Has a projected 48% chance of winning.
Candidate B: Wants to ban everything except single-shot .22s. Thought to have a 48% chance of winning.
Candidate C: Wants people to be legally allowed to own ANY rifles or handguns. Thought to have a 4% chance of winning.

From a lot of the talk I hear, I get the feeling many gun owners would vote for Candidate B, since "at least he has a chance of winning, and voting for C will only make it more likely that A will win." Then they'd turn in all their guns (except the single-shot .22s) when ordered to do so. After that, they'd congratulate themselves on having avoided the even worse fate of losing ALL their guns. :rolleyes:

This is why gun rights and freedom in general are doomed in this country. Our children and grandchildren WILL NOT have the (limited) freedom we now enjoy.

If you keep walking toward a certain destination, you will get there eventually, no matter how fast or slow you walk.

If you keep voting for the lesser of two evils, then your government will continue to get more evil until it's nothing BUT evil.
That's it! Let's mock and turn our backs on the one candidate who's actually tried to reverse a lot of the anti-gun legislation, rather than just playing along with it after it passed! Yeah, let's make fun of him!

"Tried" being the key word here. Ron Paul tries a lot of things. If Ron Paul were president, I bet he would try to get pro-2A laws passed. His legacy will be that of a president who tried.
Trying is better than not trying. Especially when the trying is for the right thing. If the colonists had never tried, we would not have the freedom which we have now. We must never give up.
The remaining 4 candidates candidates suck on 2nd amendment issues, Obama being the worst, then the rest following close behind, with Mccain being the best.

this is my problem with gunowners that say that support gunrights. You are a part of the problem. Your are just like the MSM.

Wildalaska, Tell how Ron Paul's record is worse than McCain's????

(I cant wait for your answer)