President signed gun control bill

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Ok, I read it. It sites two specific cases. One is Our lady of Peace Church 2002. The other is Virginia Tech in 2007. The latter should be the most familiar. In both cases the shooters obtained firearms legally despite being diagnosed with some psychosis. I suspect the parents of the Virginia Tech kids might see some logic in this bill.
Where does it mention veterans and how did it morph into veterans disarmament?
Just the fact that McCarthy is so happy this bill passed is the biggest reason for me to NOT support it. And if the NRA supported it...either the NRA is a bunch of sellouts, or someone at the NRA really :barf:'d up
voice votes in general have only two functions

That's interesting. I thought that it was an efficient way to pass legislation, and specifically authorized by the House rules. And I thought that a member could have suggested that a quorum wasn't present, or objected to a voice vote, or requested a recorded vote. Which must mean that the GOA possesses no lobbying influence over democrats and republicans; after all of the GOA screeching about the bill, the GOA was unable to convince even a single representative (of either party) to request a recorded vote.

But ignore the House rules. After all, we're talking about a nefarious conspiracy to prevent a recorded vote on legislation that prevents mentally ill and dangerous people from obtaining firearms.

Don't worry though, the GOA is working on a "gun giveaway" for those who've been adjudicated as mentally ill and dangerous. And future GOA legislation will support providing guns to crack dealers and convicted murderers, too! :)
They sold us out- Im not renewing my NRA membership,the Gun Owners of America is the real friend of gun owners.

NRA Certified Instructors are responsible for having trained, or helped train, most of the LEOs in this country. Exactly how many LEOs have been trained in the use of firearms by GOA?
I support our NRA. This bill supports the right to get a gun if you were at one time not able to get one for some select reasons (mental instability caused by PTSD in some of our Boys)- now you can show yourself fit to get one instead of being permanently blacklisted.

In post #25 you appear to have quoted Brett Bellmore, who actually said the following.

To be blunt about it, if the bill was really that easy to defend, they wouldn't have felt the need to pass it anonymously. It's as simple as that. It really is.

As anyone who has followed the functioning of Congress closely enough to shed the nonsense they feed you in high school civics knows, voice votes in general have only two functions:

1. To allow members to lie to their constituents about how they voted.

And, far more often,

2. To hide the fact that the vote took place without the constitutionally mandated quorum present, meaning that the supposed 'law' wasn't actually legitimately enacted.

I'd guess that they scheduled the vote on this sucker without warning any opponents, to prevent any nasty floor fight over it, and as a result had to resort to a voice vote to hide the fact that there weren't enough members voting to have the right to enact diddly squat.

Meaning the law wasn't really passed in compliance with the Constitution, not that that scrap of parchment means anything anymore.

At least, that's the most reasonable conclusion whenever a controversial measure passes on a voice vote.


As to other aspects of the thing, such as protections offered to the aggrieved individual in/by this legislation, my own experiences with government in what were really minor money matters are less than encouraging, respecting the largess and or fair treatment that the individual might expect from the bureaucracy and or government agencies.

In one instance, involving the IRS, one year they asked a legitimate question about my tax return. I answered, in writing, keeping copies of all correspondence, which was sent certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested. They accepted my response, stating in writing that all was fine. Next year, the same question again, to which I again responded in writing, including copies of earlier correspondence. Didn’t help, and they threatened to audit my return. I advised them to go ahead. Mt wife went to speak with these clowns, asking why it seemed that they were either unable or unwilling to read their damned mail. The threatened audit was never had.

The PA Dep’t. Of Revenue (Income Tax) rather than issuing a requested refund, claimed that I owed additional monies. When a court ruling on a similar matter was cited, they ignored this, and continued dunning me. I requested a hearing in this matter stating that I wished to attend. Nothing was heard till I got a postal card from them which said in effect, “we had the hearing last week and you lost”. When I filed suit against the state, they folded their tent and snuck away, in the dead of night. Eventually I received two (2) refund checks, I cashed one, I had it coming. Seems that the idiots didn’t even realize that they had sent two (2).

I’m neither the brightest not the dumbest guy around but I can add and I am bad tempered. I can also recognizes when government is trying to screw me, as was here the case, and I will not put up with such foolishness, so long as I can fight it.

The foregoing were minor matters, of no great import other than to me, a matters of principle. I did what I could, which might be a lot more than some would or could do, and remember that all that was involved here were essentially nickels and dimes. Re the legislation above referenced, a whole lot more than nickels and dimes are involved.

As I said earlier, based on personal experience, neither the bureaucracy (government) nor the Congress is particularly trustworthy, sad to note. As for Gun Control itself, I’ve been fighting this battle, doing what I could, since the early to mid 1960’s, I know I’m old, don’t rub it in. Perhaps I should have long since thrown in the towel, perhaps I’m simply to damned dumb to so do.

In any event, I submit that this battle absolutely must be carried on, and that raising the question I originally attempted to raise, that of unusual procedure, respecting legislation that was quite far from NON-CONTRAVERSIAL is part of that battle.

If it turns out that you have more faith and or trust in government than I do, I do hope that you never suffer any major disappointments. For myself, I lean toward President Reagan’s Trust But Verify. Problem us, in this case, verification might take some years, during which time all manner of harm might be done to the civil rights of individuals. I expect that you would be less than happy seeing such outcomes.

Thanks for your time.
Okay, maybe I am just having trouble wading through all the whining but I am not sure with what parts of the bill people are really unhappy.

I see people complaining about being "sold out", taking about conspiricies, and pointing fingers but I am not getting what is the actual problem.

Could someone dumb it down to a simple list of complaints so I do not have to think too hard while reading? :)
Well, what I think is---

Wait. Oh, crap! Can't write anymore--the black helicopters are circling over my house and intercepting my FIOS internet signal.

I'll rub my GOA card and RESIST the commie, nazi sob's. Rubbing, rubbing, come ON card, do your magic . . rubbing, rubbing. Oh please Lord Platt, help me, help me . . . rubbing--


Holy crap! Ohmygodohmygod!!! They just zapped the mind-control spy chip in my head that the New World Order Zionist CIA goons illegally implanted! And the stinkin' NRA helped them violate my BRAIN!

HELP ME SOMEBODY FOR THE LOVE OF HUMANITY HELP ME HELP ME!!! Oh no! the Men In Black are rappelling down from the black helicopters. Must . . . fight . . . them . . . off. Too. . . late, they drugged me and I'm getting sleepy, sle--

(And thus, GOA's membership is reduced by one. Repeat episode with a new GOA member will air in sixty seconds.)

For those who actually want to learn what's wrong with this law, read the exchange I had with Antipitas which started here.

In a nutshell, the provisions for people to restore gun rights have been in the law for over a decade, but have been defunded each year. THIS time, they absolutely doubledarn SWEAR they will not be defunded AGAIN, and the GOA is being derided for being a bit skeptical of that promise.

I agree with Brett on the use of the voice vote.
I suspect it passed quietly with a simple voice vote because nobody but the fringest of the fringe thought it was a bad bill.
I don't care how 'non-controversial' the issue, the legislature is not to be trusted-not for a half second. Every vote they cast, every bill they sponsor or oppose, every oral argument needs to be available for public scrutiny the minute that issue is closed. 40 years of smelling the 'product' of their efforts tells me this is necessary.

And on a side note: Much political hay is made anytime congress passes 'NRA endorsed' legislation. Congress needs to be reminded occasionally that there are significant numbers of us who NRA does not represent- and who will hold their feet to the fire for bad legislation, regardless.
I believe the entire constitution is void of aseriks. They didn't mince words when they wrote it. "The right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." This is an infringement.

Mental illness implies that one can acquire mental illness and can be cured. Therefore, I do not equate mental illness with permanently insane. As long as you are capable of participating in society, you should possess all rights of a member of that society. Period. Even former felons should have every right to self-defense, just as they have the right to speech, worship, from self-incrimination etc...

This issue is very black and white, and this law is very wrong. Shame on Bush. Shame on congress.
Just the fact that McCarthy is so happy this bill passed is the biggest reason for me to NOT support it. And if the NRA supported it...either the NRA is a bunch of sellouts, or someone at the NRA really 'd up

Do you think McCarthy would be happy if we actually captured Osama Bin Laden? Of course she would! Does that mean that you should then doubt catching him would be a good thing?

Logic is our friend.

As far as the GOA... they seem to spend more time attacking the NRA than anyone else. Of course that makes sense. When looking for a motive always look first at the money trail. If money from 2A supporters stops going to the NRA where is the next most likely place it will go?
Yeah, shame on them! A dangerous, mentally ill person has an absolute, unfettered constitutional right to buy a gun. It says so right in constitution! I'm offended that President Bush, and every member of congress, are involved in this conspiracy to disenfranchise dangerous, mentally ill people from buying guns. Thank goodness the GOA exercised its lobbying muscle against this legislation. Once again, the GOA demonstrated its effectiveness by the results it obtained concerning this legislation. Of course, the GOA couldn't even lobby effectively enough to require a voice vote on the legislation, but at least we at the GOA can still rail against the vast conspiracy -- and complain about the NRA, President Bush, and congress.

Well, we'll just have to go back to lobbying against the Lawful Commerce in Arms Act. Perhaps it can be amended to allow some of the silly lawsuits against gun manufacturers and gun dealers to continue.
In a nutshell, the provisions for people to restore gun rights have been in the law for over a decade, but have been defunded each year. THIS time, they absolutely doubledarn SWEAR they will not be defunded AGAIN, and the GOA is being derided for being a bit skeptical of that promise.

I think this has more to do with ensuring the path is left open to restoration of rights than is being let on by the GOA.

So what was the GOA's response to VT? You would have to be a complete moron to NOT expect legislation to flow after that incident. The NRA took the initiative though and controlled the legislation from the start. Morons like McCarthy and Schumer attach their names to it knowing it will pass. Don't doubt for a second though that they hate having missed the boat to load up their own bill from the start with as much anti garbage as possible.

Sorry, but I really do not see the problem here.

Do people in prison still have a right to a gun? Where does the COTUS say the gov't can ban them from owning and carrying one?

If you agree that the gov't can ban convicts from having weapons then you have agreed to regulation of the 2A. Banning the dangerously mentally ill and having a mechanism in place to identify them is then completely legal.
Do people in prison still have a right to a gun? Where does the COTUS say the gov't can ban them from owning and carrying one?

Fifth/fourteenth amendments. Just can't do it without due process. Doesn't mention guns specifically, but obviously that falls under "liberty" and if the government deprive you of life with due process I'd say firearms are a given.
As I read it it's clear that those who are NOT able to function in society are those being addressed. Adjudicated mentally incompetent being the key word NOT diagnosed with a mental problem.

As for voice votes. They are the normal course and parliamentary rule. It is a matter of the chair speaking 'All apposed say AYE' then the Ayes are heard 'All opposed say NAY'' and all the nays are heard, then the chair determines which side has it. 'It appears that the AYES have it, the do indeed have it, the measure passes. It takes a member to request a roll call vote for one to take place anytime there is a vote. Any member may do so, and such a request, made timely, cannot be denied. No conspiratorial odd parliamentary behavior by virtue of voice votes. They always happen first or unless a roll call vote is requested.

Voice votes as a means for intentional anonymity isn't viable. Any opponent to the bill can simply ask for the roll call vote and burst the bubble. And if there are no opponents and it is unanimous then anonymity is gone because ALL present had the SAME vote.
It starts with a voice vote and before you know it masked men with machine guns are rappelling from black helicopters into your yard, abducting you and implanting mind control chips.
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