President Giuliani: My worst nightmare

As far as the authoritarian ruler wannabes go, I can't find much to distinguish between Hillary and Rudy. They are far too similar to me.
That anyone even considers Rudy a viable national leader shows just how low our expectations have fallen. He's a one-trick pony without a clue, and if his party nominates him, God help us all, 'cause it'll be down to him and Hillary. Time to learn Canadian.....
Agreed, EXCEPT that I don't give a dang about how other people bump uglies and I worry about the sanity of those who do.

Romeny and Rudy = a good ticket - is that because two negatives multiple make a positive?

If all the GOP is about is ranting about abortion and gays, who needs them. They are platform items to interfer with a person's private live and decisions - not very pro-liberty. Antigun - see guns are a proliberty issue. The others aren't.

Unless the GOP stops wanting to be the 'crotch' police, I have no use for them.
The problem as I see it is that neither of these two is strong on anything that might even be remotely called 'conservative'. You pick the issue. Fiscally conservative? Nope. Pro-gun? Nope. Pro-life? Nope. Strong on illegal immigration? Nope. Small government? Nope....
In fact, the only thing that really separates these guys from Democrats is their support for the war, and all that does is guarantee that they won't draw any support from the center or left.

I'm a strong supporter of the Second Amdt (as are the vast majority of people on this forum). This ticket doesn't just sound bad to me, it sounds like a nightmare. :eek:
"Strict constructionist judges" eh? What was it Eisenhower said-he made two big mistakes as President and they were both sitting on the Supreme Court. Reagan's reputation is sullied by his appointment of Kennedy and O'Connor and Bush Sr.'s reputation is tainted by his appointment of Souter.
My vote will go to the candidate who says that he or she does NOT believe
in the doctrine of Judicial Supremacy and when the Supreme Court makes decisions they do not approve of, they will work with Congress to overturn
them through legislation.
The Constitution of the United States, Article III, Section 2.
"...the supreme Court shall have appelate jurisdiction, both as to Law and Fact, with such Exceptions, and under such Regulations as the Congress shall make."
Reagan's reputation is sullied by his appointment of Kennedy and O'Connor

Wait just a second. To me, a couple of the most important cases of my lifetime just came and went.

O'Connor dissenting in Kelo

O'Connor dissenting in Raich

Getting back to the topic at hand, which wasn't Ron Paul, Fred Thompson, Ronald Reagan, or Justice O'Connor, what kind of people might Giuliani appoint?

I keep getting back to his Feb 2000 interview on Meet the Press, in which he said the Congress should pass a law saying, among other things, that we should prove that we need a handgun before being allowed to own one.

Now in campaign mode, he says 9/11 changed his mind on guns, though this 2004 interview suggests not much really changed...

And even if he has changed that opinion about handguns, just where did he think Congress got the power to make such a law, anyway? Would he appoint judges who shared his expansive view of the power of Congress?

And then there's that lawsuit he filed against gun makers, blaming them for crime. Have a puke bucket nearby, and watch his announcement of that lawsuit.

Isn't there a journalist, radio host, anyone out there somewhere who can hound him mercilessly about this? He apparently still believes this is a valid lawsuit, and gun makers should be blamed and penalized for criminal use of their guns. Would he appoint judges who would entertain such silliness in the courtroom?

The fact that Rudy continues to do well in polls and have Republican defenders is astonishing and depressing to me. About the only thing that can cheer me up is thinking of the Ron Paul Blimp. :D
Well spoken article and I agree. Rudy will do more damage to the conservative movement and the Republican party than Hillary ever could. Which is why the main stream media is pushing Rudy on us so hard.

I'm a Republican, and I don't think that I could vote for him.
The problem as I see it is that neither of these two is strong on anything that might even be remotely called 'conservative'. You pick the issue. Fiscally conservative? Nope. Pro-gun? Nope. Pro-life? Nope. Strong on illegal immigration? Nope. Small government? Nope....

Couldnt have said it better meself. :cool:
oh lawdie goslash - I had never heard of that...unfortunately I had to find out what it I wish I had still never heard of that. Oh, oooh, no, no. :eek:
If President Giuliani is your worst nightmare then you must have some pleasant dreams. :eek:

Not wanting him at all but I have had some nightmares worse than him being president. :)