Preparedness, BOB's, and Serious Discussion

One thing I'm thinking about getting is a flare pistol... they're about $40 and if I'm stranded somewhere they're probably a better way of attracting the attention of rescue helicopter than shooting at it.

Does anybody know if flares will fire through a 12 guage shotgun? Last time I looked they seemed pretty close...
Found two hand crank pumps that looked interesting.

First looks better quality than second. But remember, these would be for getting access to gas in a place like a gas station. Even when the pumps cant get any more, there is still plenty in the very bottom of the tanks. And every gas station has pretty easy access to the tanks, just lift the lid in the ground. To attach rubber hose to these you will have to use a tightening band of some type - plenty at Home Depots and such.

If you need to get gas from abandoned or 'found' cars, just use length of rubber hose and good ol suction. Maybe buy a box of Tic Tacs with the hose.
What is the ultimate survival food?

Rice? It has worked for a zillion years for a zillion people. Easy to store and carry and if packaged right wont go bad. You will need water to use it though.

Beans? Same thing.

Parched corn? Light but bulky, doesn't need water. High in carbs.

Pemmican? Indians and trappers used it quite well - might be a bit heavy, but certainly contains the calories and doesn't require water.

Chocolate? Don't laugh - it is compact, high in calories and energy and doesn't require water. Not sure about long term storage even if vacuum sealed though. Anyone know?
Guess I subscribe more to the "bug out truck" school of thought. Keep 22 pistol, usually SKS and about 500 22's and 100 or so 7.62x39. Have a large camping box just inside the garage which could be loaded in minutes....tent, Coleman lantern/stove, mre' need to address H2O situation, though.
First aid kit, Maglite(s). Always seems to be a change or two of weather appropriate clothing in the backseat.
I use this truck for mobile repair work, so there is an ample supply of duct tape, baling wire and other jury rigging supplies which always come in handy.
We live in a small town in southeast NE, about 40 miles south of Lincoln. My plan would be to bug out to a very good friends farm about 15 miles away. These plans would have to be adjusted according to the situation. I don't fear governmental collapse/anarchy, and the biggest threat here is probably a tornado. Fortunately, with tornados, the damage is not widespread enough to require a long range bugout, but it dosent hurt to have a plan in place.
I'm curious; I dont consider myself to be a very good christian, but think I'd want to add a bible to my bug out gear. Anyone else?
Chocolate is great idea. Shame Hershey never did anything with that 'Desert Bar'. They created a limited supply of it for Desert Storm I. It doesnt melt below something like 130 degrees F. And it didnt taste bad either - they were giving away samples that year at the AUSA show in DC. Being young and goofy I found one of the bars 2 years later as I was cleaning out my closet. Unwrapped it and ate it and still tasted good!

Sadly they never made any more. Would be a great thing to have around in a BOB.
M&M's were created as a food supplement for the army.

I would rather take honey though. You dont have to worry about it melting and you could spread it on a lot of things to make them taste better.
"the new car has a trunk large enough for all my guns (including long) and ammo, the BOB, 5 to 10 gallons of water, two boxes of MRE's and still have room for the camp stove, propane, and three person tent."
You need more guns, if a single truck of a single car can hold them all...
Is there a non dairy substitute for chocolate.

milk chocolate does terrible things to my stomach and probably would not be a good choice for me in an emergency situation
Want chocolate that can take the heat? Tootsie Rolls!

It was on John Ratzenbergers Made In America show about a week ago. They said Tootsie Rolls had been used by US troops since WWII, and that they were the only candy that could take the heat in Iraq. They said that there were units in Iraq that got cut off from supplies for several days that survived on Tootsie Rolls.
Remember only one thing if you wish to survive any major event when the feces hits the rotating electric device. All events lead to chaos..There is never a panacea from your will be on your own for an undetermined amount of time. No government regardless of what or who it is can respond as soon as individuals think they can. Only you are responsible for what happens. There is much good advice from many of the postings here. Heed it. I have lived through a few hurricanes in Florida. That old Boy Scout motto still prevails----BE Prepared.....