
That's an apples and oranges question. Like lamarw says, they are completely different firearms and there is no basis of comparison.
More like Jonathans and Red Delicious question.
The "basis of comparison" being that the 357 Sig has been touted from the beginning as a semi-auto equivalent to the 125 gr. 357 Magnum.

It's a simple question: .357 Mag or .357 Sig?


.357MAG revolvers. Great medium-bore cartridge that allows a good range of bullet weights and loads for various tasks and circumstances. Much more versatile than the 357SIG in a pistol.

Pistol? Dedicated defensive weapon (but not for medium-sized dangerous or feral game)? 9, .40 or .45ACP.

Although I'm not particularly interested in "conversions" for dedicated carry weapons, I once came close to picking up a factory G33 barrel to use in my G27 (after having confirmed with the factory rep of that time that the serial number of my G27 permitted the use of the G33 barrel), but changed my mind. He told me I had to use G33 mags if I wanted optimal reliability, and combined with the higher cost of the ammo, adding a bunch of G33 mags didn't appeal to me.

The caliber simply doesn't interest me, and as an armorer trained by some of the different gun companies who make 357 pistols, I've been told that it's harder on guns than even the .40 S&W. As a firearms instructor I tended to shoot my guns quite a lot.

While the 357SIG appears to be seeing some declining use in the LE field, that doesn't mean private owners can't continue to enjoy it, though.

Like you stated in your OP, it's a preference thing. ;)

If you like it, enjoy. If you don't, enjoy what you do like. No biggie either way.
I watched a Paul Harrell video in which he compared the .357 mag to the .357 sig. That got me to wonder what is the preference out in the shooting community. That was the basis of the original question. Nothing more, nothing less.

You, as the responder, can determine the need and what ever puroose you might require for your preferred caliber. I was just curious as to what others favored. I selected those two caliber based on the video I watched and thought it a fair question since Sig is allegedly the semi auto counter to the revolver.
Sig is allegedly the semi auto counter to the revolver

They are not...

357 Sig was developed to mimic the performance of 125 Gr 357 Mag. IIRC, there was a perceived need for additional umph against barriers by some LE agencies. Anything heavier than 125 grain fell short of 357 Mag performance.

Cheapshooter's comment on 357 Mag = 10mm is a closer comparison in terms of ballistic performance.
Just get both. Or get a 10 mm, which beats both handily. You pays your money and you takes your chances.

Uhh… No. 10mm is about equal to 357 mag but less versatile. Don’t agree? Check and compare the numbers. They don’t lie

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That is a hard one for sure, one has to weigh out the options. I own a few of each, but bought most of the .357 Sig Semi Autos because I got a heck of a deal on them. For years I have shot and reloaded the .357 Magnum and it is for sure a more versatile firearm caliber for reloading and shooting cheaper rounds, especially since one can customize their .38 Special loads for target practice or defense. As far as a self defense caliber the .357 Sig can hold its own any with some good defensive rounds, but its expensive as heck to feed.

As far as for carrying a defensive round for CCW I will take the .357 SIG any day due to capacity. However my main CCW gun is a 9MM so generally the .357 Sig guns are on hand for home defense. My S&W .357 Magnum revolvers get carried a lot during hunting season and have the capability to shoot shots shells for snakes and other vermin's.

So if I did not own either one and was going out to buy one it would be the .357 Magnum in a good name brand stainless steel revolver, since it is cheaper to feed and is way more versatile.
My preference...

In .357mag I own a 2" Rossi 461, a 3" Rossi 461 an a 3" S&W 65LS. I used to own a 4" S&W 19 (P&R), a 6" S&W 586, and a Taurus 605. I plan to replace the 2" Rossi and my .38spl Taurus 85 and S&W 442 with a 2" Kimber K6s, and I'd like the 3" Kimber K6s and/or a 3" S&W 686plus. Someday I'd also like an 8 shot S&W N-frame in .357mag. I'd also like a lever rifle in .357mag, though I may go .44mag or .45LC instead.

In .357SIG I own, nothing, and I've owned nothing. I might get a conversion barrel for my S&W M&P40c or (if I can find one) a conversion kit for my SIG P250c. There is a very slim chance I may buy a Glock 33 (or 27 with conversion barrel) or a SIG P229 in .357SIG. If I get one, the main reason is to be ready for the next ammo shortage, the more calibers you have, the better chance you'll find something you can shoot (and during the last shortage, even when a store was out of .40S&W, they usually had .357SIG remaining, that is, if they carried it to begin with).

So, for me, the clear winner is .357mag. Very few calibers are as versatile...You can run low powered .38spl for easy practice or to teach new shooters, 158gr .38+P can be a great choice for home defense or all around defense, you don't have to chase brass for easy hand loading (and thus cheaper practice), you have 125gr .357mag for one of the most effective self defense cartridges, and you can go up to 180gr hardcast for defense against anything in North America. That is if you don't hunt, and if you do its versatility just goes up from there.

.357SIG, it is a good caliber for CCW, but then, so is 9mm, .40S&W and .45ACP and they have more platforms available and cheaper ammo.
357 magnum. Hands down!
S&W model 66 , 4 inch barrel , adjustable sights , K frame , able to shoot mild light target loads , paper and tin can, all the way up to heavy magnum hunting loads , deer , hogs and black bear....what's not to like?
I have both so I have more bases covered. I can pick and chose when I shoot either one. Sometimes I can carry both at the same time. No worries, no problems. I'm big enough around now as I've gotten older there is room for both, plus a 9mm (or two) on my belt. I may need to get some heavy duty suspenders if I carry all of them at the same time though . . . . . but life is good.
It depends on whether you want/prefer a revolver or semi auto pistol.


Because no one makes a .357 Sig revolver????

but not for medium-sized dangerous or feral game

I just have to ask about this, medium sized dangerous I get, but aren't they all feral? Or do you shoot domesticated game?

The number you're "shooting" for is 1,430 fps with a 124/125 JHP
as a minimum, ok. I get significantly more than that out of my 6" S&W and my Desert Eagle with top end loads. Like 1670fps and 1720fps, respectively. Not that it matters to me as my carry guns are a .45acp Browning BDA or a Mauser HSc .32acp, or a Colt Agent .38.
I prefer .357 Magnum. No chasing down brass. No having to lube cases for sizing. Wider selection of bullets. Brass is readily available on the ground at the range for me to pick up.