Prefered round for defense in 9 mm

I'll agree with gunpowder and chime in with the legal angle. I plan to use the Hydra shok because that is what Law Enforcement uses. If you happen to defend yourself against Little Johnny who is amped up on his first hit of meth and decides to do whatever violent act the forces someone to defend can bet the Little Johnny's lawyer is going to dredge up everything that he can find, including memberships like THIS board and any place else you have posted on the 'net, and to try to make you look like the bad guy. I will stay with a stock P7M8 and the FBI load of 9mm (don't know what that is yet....).
Think about it, look at the huge anti-gun mindset that we have today. Imagine a female "housewife" (no offense ladies) juror being handed a Super-Black-death-penetrator bullet in the jury box and rolling it thru her fingers. She's mad because she got pulled in for jury duty and will miss a week of Rosie. These people don't care that the round you pick may actually be better than anything else out there for stopping the perp, but you are opening yourself up to one more thing you will have to defend. I guarantee the lawyer on the perp's side will paint you as a nut and "hunter", that actually was looking for a gunfight.
Let the FBI or other LE agency do the research, use the round that works reliably, and practice, practice, practice.
Hey Pthfndr, A friend of mine who is a weapons instructor for the Texas DPS said their tests reveled that the 124 grain had the best penetration results. Obviously there is a trade-off between velocity and bullet weight so he recommends the 124.

He personally likes the Gold Dot, Cor-bon, and the Hydra-shok.


GOA, TSRA, LEAA, NRA, SAF and I vote!