practicing advancing fire

No offense to you, Blackfeather. But rounds in the target=blood coming out. Regardless of where, it is a good thing.

I'm a firm believer in moving offline (whatever direction and and angle the terrain allows) and firing while doing so. If I'm moving, I'm a more difficult target for the BG to hit, while simultaneously putting hits on him.

Can I shoot one-hole groups at 7yds while moving offline? No. But by doing so, his loop is being continually reset, both by the hits he takes and trying to track a moving target.

Can't say it better.
I carry CCW to protect my wife (whom also carries), myself and other family members, There is no way I'm advancing to fire.

My primary mission is to protect them, not to get into a firefight.

Sorry just my .02 cents

Most of us also have a spouse and family to protect. If you are forced to defend yourself or them with your firearm its called a gunfight. In a gunfight the prime directive is to survive uninjured. If advancing increases your chances of survival why would you not do so?
If advancing increases your chances of survival why would you not do so?

Real simple, I've been in combat once and a knife fight once, both times I've had to advance, I'm a civilian horse farmer now, I'm putting my wife/family member between ermmmm. BEHIND me and the BG and backing out of the situation.
BTW you said you were gonna put your family between you and the badguy..........sounds kinda like a human shield LOL. I knew what you meant.

Edited to make me not look like a total SOB:D
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I personally don't get slow movement while firing. Shooting on the move is a valuable game and real world skill, but if you need to be moving wouldn't hauling butt better serve you? Get the hits you need to while doing so. If you need precise aiming perhaps you should consider a large bullet resistant object while you take the time you need to do such.

Starting slow and doing it correctly builds proper muscle memory and correct fundamentals. Have to crawl before you walk.
Real simple, I've been in combat once and a knife fight once, both times I've had to advance, I'm a civilian horse farmer now, I'm putting my wife/family member between me and the BG and backing out of the situation.

If it were that simple there would be no need for other tactics. If backing out is the tactic that gives you the best chance of surviving uninjured then by all means do so however if backing out is more likely to get you injured than moving laterally or advancing why not do so?

Why buck the odds?

BTW you said you were gonna put your family between you and the badguy..........sounds kinda like a human shield LOL. I knew what you meant.
BTW you said you were gonna put your family between you and the badguy..........sounds kinda like a human shield LOL. I knew what you meant.

Oh crap!!!!!!!!!:D
Yeh, what you knew is what I meant.

Avancing while firing

They say in the Military it takes five or six guys advancing on a fixed position for every one soldier defending that fixed position. There is a reason they say that, most of those five or six guys are going to end up wounded or dead.

While there may be some situation where advancing while firing is the best situation for civilians, it is usually only a tactic for heavily armed, with body armour and a team for law enforcement and the military. In most situations I would only move foward to cover and would prefer hitting the dirt firing back and taking whatever cover I could find or moving laterally to the enemy to find cover. Most guys in combat who remained standing or even kneeling were wounded or killed, however if I am upright running left or right of the enemy's position while firing at the enemy while trying to get to cover is certainly better than just standing there blasting away. My combat was without body amour I do not know what the combat SOP for Soldiers with body armour is.

As for room clearing if you can, don't do it. There is an old saying "Never go to a Man, always if you can let a Man come to You, the First Thing the Eye sees is Movement" If you know you have an intruder in the home, collect your family and call 911 and go or stay in a preplanned room where you can provide hopefully hard cover or at least concealment for your family and yourself and go into your preplanned ambush, rather than clear the house and walk into the ambush the intruder sets up for you, let him come to you into the preplanned kill zone of your ambush.

Lastly I love IDPA and I plan on getting into 3Gun, in IDPA you shoot and reload from cover, you learn gun safety and fast and accurate shooting under some stress, however these are games or contests and meant to be fun and advancing is a necessary part of those games or scenarios, however advancing is not part of my game plan, sometimes what is boring or logical or does not seem heroic will actually save your life.
There is also shooting while retreating such as I had when a Rapist tried to escape from his victims apartment While attempting to put a knife in me.

