Powell set to endorse Obama.

I for one am one of those foolish people that stated I would have endorsed Powell for Pres. Still would. I`ll also be foolish enough to state Powell endorsing Obama is a bunch of fabricated B.S. I think Powell is smarter than to believe the " Garden of Eden" scenario Obama is painting to the gullable people of the world.
Powell always struck me as more independant than that.
I would have seriously considered him for President, but he apparently listens to his wife and didn't run. Smart man.
Of course Obama is a centrist. It's how he gets the votes, the nomination, and how he polls as he does. You'll notice that non-centrists, like Kucinich or Nader or Perot or Ron Paul don't do so well.

It's also why Powell will consider endorsing him. (Though Powell will consider endorsing McCain too, or endorsing noone.)

Tis the way of the world.
I for one am one of those foolish people that stated I would have endorsed Powell for Pres.

I have too, but if he hitches his cart to a Marxist puke like Obama, he's revealing much more about himself than I can support.
I don't think it's outside the realm of possibility he'd endorse Obama. The republican party did pretty much hang him out to dry with the whole WMD thing and he was pretty moderate/centrist to begin with.

The only endorsements that I pay any attention to are the unusual ones. When the teacher's union endorses a democrat, it's old news. When they give the nod to the republican I take a lot closer look at the candidates.

That said, I'm not even all that sure Powell's relevant any more. Damn shame he turned his back on the window of opportunity he had. Damn shame.
Of course Obama is a centrist. It's how he gets the votes, the nomination, and how he polls as he does.
No. He won the nomination by NOT being a centrist, same as all his previous nominations. Now he has problems because his hard left past is being seen.

There are only a couple reasons to vote for Obama

1. You are a hard left liberal who agrees with his policies.
2. You are a racist. You are a racist in the same sense as those who push affirmative action are racists, they believe race should be used as justification for reward or punishment.
3. You are an deluded. You believe the "Change" rhetoric and fail to recognize what type of change Obama really wishes to bring.
4. You absolutely want out of Iraq immediately and no one or even group of issues can possibly out weigh that factor.

I think the majority of people in the middle who are supporting Obama fall into a combination of groups 3 and 4.

Racism will not loose the election for Obama but it may win it.

Powell may carry respect but he will have far less if he supports Obama.

Reason 1 should not apply given what I have seen of Powell.
Reason 3 should not apply because I think he is smart enough to see Obama for what he is.
Reason 4 is most likely not the factor. I believe Powell wants out but doubt he would sacrifice the nation to get it, especially with improvements starting to appear.

That leaves Reason 2, which is not uncommon these days.
I'm doubt anyone on this thread has ever met or even seen a politician that is "hard left" or "Marxist." Certainly, not a national politician in the United States.

Those terms are thrown around in place of discussion of issues....it's silly, but it's apparently what passes for political "discourse" in certain circles these days.

Obama's positions on issues and how he has acted over the years is dead in the mainstream of American life. Otherwise, you don't get where he's gotten.

And that's a fact, Jack!
How is it that "racism" will win it for Obama?????

Of the two candidates one must look at the situation in Georgia. One has made a few statements and has kept pretty much quiet. The other fool is antagonizing a nation that is fully capable of putting nukes over all of our PCs... I mean, he hasn't met a war he did not like.

Powell has felt the sting of the neocons and was brushed aside for Kindasleazy Rice. He was fed lies about the WMD facilities and was made to look the fool.

I'd like to see him chosen as a VP to Obama. Of course, race will take a much larger stage if that were to happen. It's sad that race still plays such a role in the nation.

As for Obama's stated positions I don't care for some of it but I deplore the jackasses who have led this nation astray and I cannot philosophically support them for another four or eight years. Will Obama really try to change this nation for the better? I don't know. At worst he'll do what McCain will do - initiate direct conflict with Russia and China.
Obama's positions on issues and how he has acted over the years is dead in the mainstream of American life.
He is dead in the mainstream for Chicago...which is definitely NOT dead in the mainstream for the US.

To get to where he is (IL senator and presumptive Democratic nominee), he had to win over the Democrats in Chicago, then get the base of the Democratic party...which is definitely different than the "base" of the US population.
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Powells reputation is in tatters after he was made to look like a complete idiot or a total liar in front of the UN back when he was Sec of State. I doubt much of what he says will really do much.
medicine bow, I can't disagree with your charectersation of Obama as a centrist enough. Your statement is ridiculas. I can't believe that anyone purporting to be informed would try to say it with a straight face.The only way you can consider Obama a centrist is if you think Hugo Chavez is a moderate leftist and consider Bush a far right extremist.

Ok, some nut jobs do just that. Maybe that is the context of the remarks in the posts above.

I think Obama's people put out the Powell rumor knowing that he doesn't want to be involved and a Powell repudiation of Obama would make him involved.

If Powell endorsed Obama it would end any credibility that Powell had as a altruistic leader or centrist politician.
Obama's positions on issues and how he has acted over the years is dead in the mainstream of American life.

You have not examined his past or public opinion polls. That, or you think YOUR views are mainstream and don't bother to check what others believe.

Obama is FAR left of the mainstream American. He is dead center with the vocal minority extreme left.