Powell set to endorse Obama.


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ources say former Secretary of State Colin Powell will endorse Barack Obama at the Democratic National Convention, Weekly Standard Editor Bill Kristol told FOX News exclusively on Thursday.

“He may well give a speech at the Democratic convention explaining his endorsement of Obama,” Kristol said, citing inside sources.

“This is not an absolute done deal, but these people are very confident that Powell will endorse Obama,” Kristol said, adding that he thinks Powell still has “a high respect” for John McCain, Obama’s Republican rival.

Powell spokeswoman Peggy Cifrino strongly denied the report.

“There’s absolutely no truth to it whatsoever,” Cifrino told FOXNews.com. “Colin Powell will not be at either convention. There’s absolutely no truth to this.”

An endorsement by Powell could go a long way to attracting moderates and wayward Republicans to the presumptive Democratic presidential candidate.

Over the years, Powell himself has been touted as a potential presidential or vice presidential candidate. The former national security adviser served as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the 1991 Persian Gulf War. He was secretary of state for the younger President Bush.

His tenure is most notable for presenting to the U.N. Security Council evidence that Iraq was pursuing weapons of mass destruction. His presentation led to a resolution endorsing military action against that country, but he later described it as a “blot” on his record.

Powell has unofficially advised Obama and Republican candidate John McCain but had not endorsed anyone. A spokesman said in July that he was undecided.

In April, Powell praised Obama’s response to controversial remarks by his former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who had said the United States brought the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on itself by supporting terrorism and that the government created the AIDS virus to “destroy people of color.”

“I thought that Senator Obama handled the issue well,” said Powell, the nation’s first black secretary of state. “He didn’t abandon the minister that brought him closer to his faith, but at the same time he deplored the kinds of statements that the Reverend Wright had made.”

Obama later turned his back on Wright after the minister courted controversy again with additional comments in public.

Kristol said sources told him Powell will “quite possibly” speak at the Democratic convention on the same night as Obama’s vice-presidential selection and former President Bill Clinton.

“The Obama people are quietly trying to line up a pretty strong convention,” Kristol said. “I think the Obama campaign shouldn’t be underestimated. Obviously anyone would like to have Powell’s endorsement.”


We all know Powell is a highly respected man in Washington. He has been at odds with the neocon foreign policy since the beginning of the Iraq war. I think this is a major political coup for Obama and will help him win moderate Democrats and Republican and Independents. While this might not change the minds of many hardcore conservatives it will effect the overall election. What are your thoughts. Please refrain from simplistic answers, and personal attacks.
I think most Americans have made their minds up already and these endorsements won't do much to sway people. The country has seen all they can see with Obama.
That's really troubling news, if true.

It also would represent an interesting form of hypocracy from the left if it happened, though.

BushTheNeoCon is a hated object to the left, and any component of the Bush administration is a Bad Thing (tm). Colin Powell is the head of the serpent that lied to the UN and to Congress in order to get war authorization for Iraq.

Why should Obama want this man's endorsement at all?

And why would Powell want anything to do with rabid leftists? This lowers my opinion of him quite a bit if it's true. Is this a more politically complicated version of "Bros before H___s?"

I just don't see how Powell can be a military man, act as Secretary of State for a Republican administration, and then side with an avowed Marxist candidate for President.:confused:
I agree with you. Powell is a respected man and to endorse a hard left rookie is beyond me. I can understand Obama being endorsed by the community party, the new black panthers and other kook groups, but a decorated general has me questioning Powell's judgment.
I would have thought, and still think, that Colin Powell will not be duped by Obama's unfocused obsession with empty slogans and covering up his lack of experience.
I believe race is a major issue on both sides in this election and for some it may be a overwhelming issue that blinds.
Sadly, this story may well be true. Powell could be aiming to become Secretary of Defense under Obama.

Powell was asked in an interview this past February about who he was going to support for President. This is what he said 6 months ago:

"And I will ultimately vote for the person I believe brings to the American people the kind of vision the American people want to see for the next four years. A vision that reaches out to the rest of the world, that starts to restore confidence in America, that starts to restore favorable ratings to America.

Frankly, we've lost a lot in recent years. I am going to be looking for the candidate that seems to me to be leading a party that is fully in sync with the candidate, and a party that will also reflect America's goodness and America's vision.

And I will be looking for the candidate that I think will be the most competent candidate. The one who can deal with problems and bring the government together with the Congress to solve these problems. "

Those statements sure sound more like Obama to me, than McCain.

“There’s absolutely no truth to it whatsoever,” Cifrino told FOXNews.com. “Colin Powell will not be at either convention. There’s absolutely no truth to this.”

Nobody can read or nobody trusts Powell's spokesperson to tell the truth?
azredhawk44 is right as far as I'm concerned. Powell can take his endorsement and shove it.

I can see this as a nice political trick though. Start mass rumors that Powell will endorse, then start a counter rumor that Powell became so disgusted with Obama that he nixed the endorsement.
Repeated enough it will become a fact that Obama lost Powell's support.
And here there was once a time that Powell was the darling of the GOP. There was even talk that he would rescue the country from the Clintons.

I wouldn't be shocked; It was my impression at the time that the only reason Powell registered as a Republican at the time was that he had Presidential ambitions, and the Democratic nomination was already tied up.
It was my impression at the time that the only reason Powell registered as a Republican at the time was that he had Presidential ambitions, and the Democratic nomination was already tied up.

Powell made a statement to that effect. He was a Democrat, but they weren't winning so he switched parties.
If this is true, it's not surprising that Powell would endorse a centrist Democrat. Powell has always thought indenpendently, and is/was obviously fed up with the GOP in the White House over the last 8 years. If endorses McCain, or no one, that will also be because he thinks it's the right thing to do.
I guess Colin Powell was impressed with Obama's two years experience in the Senate. Make that three years if you count a year running for President!
A lot of people here had suggested Colin Powell as a presidential candidate. I guess those folks must be feeling pretty foolish now, if there is any truth in this story.