Powell for VP with McCain?

Powell lost his credibility and reputation when he went to the U.N. with the dubious (falsified?) justifaction invading Iraq. It's not his fault; he was following orders and got set up to be the patsy.

Rice is also poisoned by her involvement in Iraq, but at least in her case it was her own doing.

Four years ago, either one of them would have been a contender for *President*, not just V.P.
Powell? No I don't think so. McCain needs someone a little more conservative, just enough to get more conservative votes but not enough to push the centrists over the hump to Obama.
+1 on Rice and Powell, would both make excellent Pres. and V.P. IMHO, compairing Gen. Powell to Obama is insane. There`s just no comparison. Look at Gen. Powells track record and compare it to Obama`s. Oh wait! Obama doesn`t have one
While I do not agree with Powell on some issues, he is 100% an American and has the judgement and experience to do ANY job well. Some people may see him as Black, but I see him as Red, White, and Blue with a lot of grey matter.
Juan Williams?

OK, can we get Rush Limbaugh to comment on the best running mate choice for Obama next?

Juan's knowledge of conservatism is skin deep, and so is this "recommendation" from him.
In a recent L.A. Times poll, Obama leads by 12 points but when Ralph Nader and Bob Barr are factored in the Obama lead widens to 15 points. The difference there is independent voters leaving McCain.

Nice logic. So the problem is libertarian voters leaving McCain for Bob Barr and the recommended solution is to add someone who is even more moderate to the ticket? Seems to me like the only thing this strategy is good for is making sure your base doesn't even bother to show up for the elections.
It's far more likely that Colin Powell will be on the Democratic ticket than on the Republican ticket. He is almost certain to come out for Obama.
Juan's knowledge of conservatism is skin deep, and so is this "recommendation" from him.

I'm conservative and I think I understand liberals very well.

Juan makes no claim to be conservative.
ZeroJunk, you might just be smarter than Juan Williams. ;)

Sorry, but to me the guy has always seemed just one step above Jesse Jackson on the sleaze-o-meter. He looks around at the prominent Republicans and just happens to decide that the best one is a black guy.
one step above Jesse Jackson on the sleaze-o-meter.

Well, you are certainly entitled to your opinion. He is certainly left of center, but not nearly as annoying as somebody like Alan Colmes or Keith Olbermann,etc.

It's curious that Boyce Watkins called him a "happy negro" for not falling for the black racist agenda.

I still think that saying a Powell recommendation can only be explained because of his color is nonsense.
If he has to pick a black person, *I'd* like Alan Keyes, but J.C. Watts is probably more electable.

If he has to pick a woman, Sarah Palin (governor of Alaska.)

If he has to pick a Mexican/hispanic, well it's too bad Henry Cisneros self-destructed back in the 90's. (yes, I know he's a Democrat)
I still think that saying a Powell recommendation can only be explained because of his color is nonsense.
I'm just saying I think that's the explanation in this case. The same article written by someone else would probably carry a different meaning for me. Anyway, this shouldn't be the "publius doesn't like Juan" thread...my apologies.

To the subject at hand, I think Powell would probably be a pretty good VP, but I doubt he wants the job. As I recall, his wife really didn't want to be a public figure. The question candidates must ask about each potential VP is: which electoral votes might he bring? OK, if Powell would take the job, which electoral votes might he bring?
After Powell lied his buttocks off in front of the UN he might be more of a liability than an asset.

Depends on the media of course.
Your saying you believe Colin Powell KNEW the information he was presenting was incorrect and intentionally misrepresented it. That he 'lied his butt off' huh.

The difference between being wrong and lying is hard for the 'true believer' isn't it........
Bruxley: I am saying that Powell knew the information he presented was false. The only other choice is that Powell was/is a simpleton and I don't think that is a credible argument.

Within hours of Powell's presentation everything in it was proven to be either demonstrably false or highly questionable. Many of his claims were information that had been debunked well before he appeared at the UN.

The justifications used for information were amazingly convoluted. Things such as the "mobile weapons labs" were too old fashioned, for their stated purpose of generating hydrogen for weather balloons, that they must be used to produce biological or chemical weapons. It never was mentioned that the more modern versions of the trucks were on the sanction list and could not have been imported into Iraq.

Here's the thing; If a private citizen with a modem can find errors in Powell's presentation, what is/are the reasons that Powell, the Secretary of State, did not know.
I do not think Gen Powell would present information he knew to be false as truth. From everything I have read and heard (directly from people that worked under him) he is not that kind of person. He would be a fantastic VP and a better President, but I don't think he will rise to the bait, his family and retirement are too precious to him.
I may just vote for any candidate associated with Colin Powell. Having had the pleasure of hearing him speak live I can say that he is truly an amazing person and one who I actually believe in.

Sadly, I think of it an an indictment of the Republican party that they aren't more aligned with persons such as him and it only reaffirms my decision to register as an independent.