Powder: Weight VS Volume

George, Thanks but it's about 200 miles for me just to get to Wheeling and another 30 or so to hit the southern Penn line. We have some a little closer and the new Cabelas is in Wheeling. Can't get Goex or Swiss there but they have the Pyrodex "P".
I'm sure I'll find a place within 50 miles by doingb a little more checking.
When I was a kid my Dad and my brothers and I built a Cabin in Brookville Pa.
Beautiful spot with good Deer and Turkey hunting and lot's of Bear but they were hard to hunt with a 2 day season back then. Really good trout fishing for native Brookies and a few rainbows in the stream next to us.
There was several places in Brookville that carried all the powder you needed back then. That's back when we had wooden ships and steel men:)
Clarksville Arkansas. I know it's a long way from everybody. I visited there with Don Eichenberger of Clarksville Rod and Gun last spring and bought a few cans of Swiss. A few months ago, I shot off an order for 25 pounds of goex and a 4fg priming powder. The whole thing cost me about $250 which is kind of minimum because they they only deal in 25 pound and over orders. The Hazmat fee was like nothing with that size order.

Don, and I think one other place there in Clarksville have a powder magazine constructed according to the specifications of the masters who make the rules for the wisemen and the fools and which seems to be the main stumbling block for wide distribution of black powder. Other stores that sell it frequently order it in in maximum lots of 5 pounds. The orders are usually scooped up by lurking CAS shooters as soon as they hit the door. there is an internet store Graf's I believe that will send you as little as five pounds per order.

Don can be located by internet search-phone or web site, I believe. I've mislaid his card.
Is this the place MEC?

Clarksville Gun & Rod
803 1/2 Vine Street
Clarksville, Arkansas 72830
(479) 754-8358

Found it with a Google Search for Black Powder Clarksville Arkansas.
Maybe some could get together to buy 25 lbs shipped to a central point.

I'd sure hate to see BP(the Holy Black) not being available anymore.

Makes my cans of Elephant more valuable every day. OK so I stole them for $10.00 for 15 1 lb. cans
low these few years ago.
There is a place in Lodi Ohio that's called the Log Cabin Gun Shop and they carry black also and there specilty is nothing but muzzle loaders. It's about 350 miles for me.
Glad to see that the Log Cabin is still in business, must be the grand kids running it now. I visited there way back in the 70's also visited H&B Forge in North east central Ohio many years ago.
Is this the place MEC?

Clarksville Gun & Rod
803 1/2 Vine Street
Clarksville, Arkansas 72830
(479) 754-8358

That's the place. Don is a great guy to deal with.

Ignore my post in the other thread. I didn't know you COULD go 200 miles in any direction in WVA and still be instate.

Have fun with the '51, innyhoo.



BTW, did you get the casting stuff from Cabela's, too, or Bosesguns or someone else? The Production Pot IV looks like a toy, but it does hold 10 pounds, and it does melt it in about 20-30 minutes. S'prised me.


George, The pot I got cost around $43.00 and it does hold #10 and has the spout on it so you don't need a laddel.
From where I live it's 130 miles to the Ohio River and Marritta, Ohio if I go up 77. From my house I have to go up 79 to Rt 50 and then on into Washington county Pa. Long way for me.
Next time I go to the Akron area to visit kids and grandkids I swing by the Log cabin gun shop in Lodi Ohio and stock up on Black.It's about 20 miles out of my way on the way up.

Forgot to tell you: Got the pot and the .454 mold from Cabelas but had to get the .380 mold from Midway.They are both Lee double cavity.
"I was loading some Unique Smokeless this last evening so I can shoot my "58's inside and not cause any problems."

You're kidding (or I'm hopefully misunderstanding). Loading a Cap and Ball '58 remington repro with Unique smokeless powder? :eek: I'd consider that a recipie for disaster.

Too late now, but I did mention bosesguns a couple times.

Got the Production Pot IV, 10 pounder with the up front spout, for 36 and change, the 380 and 451 double cavity moulds for 14.48 each. Dropped on my porch in about 3 days.

Little mini pot that it is, soup can size, the damned thing DOES hold 10 pounds, and it does melt that in 20 to 30 minutes, got 20 pounds from the s'in'laws dad, offered to buy, he said hell no, I'll give it to you. Good ole boy. Few years older than me, a better shooter than me, want to get him to go shoot BP with me.

Shoots bowling pins with a TC 44 mag. 24 or 25 every week. Got plaques for his shootin'. Like I said, hell of a shooter.


Wow, Now that has got to lead to good shooten when you shoot that much.
I have some lead but not much. A friend of mine who works for the phone company said he can get some pure lead off some old equipment that they through away. Don't know what it is but he said he would have some for me in a few days. I think Steve get's his from the same source and he may know where it comes from or what equipment the phone company has with lead in it.
Thanks for the heads up anyway!.
Nope! I'd never load Smokless in the BP cylinder.
I just use the smokeless for shooting my pistols(with the conversion cylinders) at a range that is inside. I don't like it because of unburnt powder, so I have worked up a load that doesn't leave so much unburnt powder.
I called all over my area yesterday looking for IMR Trail Boss, the new Cowboy Smokeless loads that pretty near fills the cases with a safe Cowboy load and allows for compression with the bullet. Either out of Trail Boss,or a dumb answer. I understand that the Trail Boss powder doesn't have that unburnt powder problem. The problem seems to be finding a source of obtaining it. My local range/gunshop is out of it. Anyone out there using it?
Trail Boss

Old Dragoon

I have some and like it. There is only one place that I
can get Trail Boss close to me. Next closest is almost
200 hundred miles. It is hard enough to get that if I want
some, that I ask the shop to keep some for me when they
get some. They have some customers that will buy all of
the Trail Boss that they have on hand.

So far the only loads that I have used it for are .32 S&W,
.38 S&W and .38 Special. All loads were with round balls.
I got it for my .44/40, .44 Special, .45 Colt.

I have been house bound for quite a while now hence the
light loads with round balls. My .38 Special load that I
shot yesterday was 2 grains of Trail Boss. Filled the rest
of the space in the case with corn meal, a round ball
crimped in. It shoots well and will bury it self flush
in a piece of hard wood.

Shooting it in the basement.
I read of a place in El Monte, CA that carries Trail Boss and that they sell other loading supplies also. I'm gonna haveto call them and order some I guess. I googled it yesterday and founsd a supplier, Mid South...their's is all on backorder too.

Wow I remember basements.....Never shot in one, but that should help your healing process, just being able to go down there knock around and to be able to shoot too. You'll be back good as new shortly. I will still keep you in my prayers.
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Old Dragoon

‘You'll be back good as new shortly”

You got that right, maybe not new, but my wife told me
that I am taking her to Hawaii in March and that’s all
the time she is giving me to recover.

As a wise man once said “ yes dear ”

I spend almost all my time pushing my self to do more so
I will recover as fast as I can. My wife tells me I am like a
dog with a bone. I am not sure what she means but it must
be a good thing?

The prayers are most appreciated, thanks very much. I need them.
If ever I can be of any help to you, do not hesitate to ask my friend.
Glad to hear you're shooting in the basement, Tink. I used to push a primed .38 case through an old, partially used bar of soap and shoot in the basement to fight off the stir-crazies. Worked o.k. but your round ball sounds better, just don't miss the board! When I was loading very light charges of unique behind a 148 grain wadcutter, I used to sharpen the case mouths with a deburring tool. after I primed and charged the cases, I would cut them like a cookie-cutter through a styrofoam tray and push the wad down on top of the powder with a pencil eraser. I didn't use any filler, the wad kept the powder against the primer no matter how the gun was angled. They shot pretty good!

Mike, the phone company lead I have is lead pipe. Apparently they used to have to run cable through lead pipe for certain applications and aren't allowed to use lead any longer. If there is unused lead pipe in the inventory of your local telephone service department, you might be able to pick it up very cheap, or maybe for nothing like I did. They just wanted rid of it.

Steve. We just got 911 two years ago. There is no fiber optics here or anything close. The first internet service was 5 years ago due to problems with the lines that would drive the providers crazy.
They just started replacing all the phone wires this year. Two guy's I know who are lineman for our company said they would get me some good lead but never said where they would get it.That's when I remembered you telling me that you got some from the phone company. Just found out today that I can get a lot of wheel weights too.
My 51 should be here tomorrow along with the Lee melting pot and casting goodies. Bought a couple of steel cup cake pans for ingot molds. They will make 24 3" round ingots. Still looking for a metal spoon with holes and a good steel ladle that doesn't cost an arm and a leg. I have a large old dutch over pot for smelting.