powder throwers

Very cost effective and highly repeatable results from my Frankford Arsenal Intellidropper. I can't say it's the most accurate dispenser. I don't have any scientific scales to compare it to, but it easily records to <0.1gr...according to my Bald Eagle scale.
My Hornady powder dropper is nearly as accurate with ball powders. It chokes a bit on stick and flattened ball...such as Universal...which is the primary reason I bought the Intellidropper.
There are a couple points that are usually overlooked in this kind of discussion. The first being that volumetric powder measures don't operate on weight, and the second is that for most reloading, precision down to +/- 0.1gr isn't significant.

And when it is, that's what SCALES are for...:D
If you are wanting a accurate way to measure out a certain amount of powder the Chargemaster is the best & fastest way. If you are wanting a powder drop to handle all powders go with the Lee Perfect Powder measure. It's cheep looking but it will measure stick & rod powders better than any other powder drop because it has soft lips that doesn't need to break the rods or sticks, so it's a smooth throw of powder.
You powder drop will throw a more accurate if you leave the charge handle in the dump position until you need another charge. Keeping the handle measure position will let the powder to settle from vibrations of your loading table & will lead to erratic powder measurements.
A uniflow for ball powders, small stick powders (and unique) without weighing every charge. When using stick powders for precision rifles, am weighing each charge. For very small powder charges, break out a Redding BR (32 and 380 acp).

Uniflow is a great powder measure, but stick powders and very small charges are not it's forte.

And like some others, prefer not to rely on electrical.
My Hornady is not accurate enough for me with large stick, but works well. It throws most smaller stick powders to +/- 0.2gr. It throws ball powder to around +/- 0.05gr.

It’s main failing is it leaks Enforcer! I called and they basically told me it was my fault or it could be wore out…also on me.I honestly think it is lack of fit in their design. Probably due to not being able to set tight enough machining tolerances.

It is about 20 yrs old. I wonder if they make them better now??

The first being that volumetric powder measures don't operate on weight, and the second is that for most reloading, precision down to +/- 0.1gr isn't significant.
And when it is, that's what SCALES are for...

That is exactly the problem the Chargemaster solved! Dispensing onto a scale, while, linking scale and powder dispenser - automagically.
If you are anti-electric, then unplug your modem, router, keyboard and monitor, and enjoy the darkness.
That is exactly the problem the Chargemaster solved! Dispensing onto a scale, while, linking scale and powder dispenser - automagically.
If you are anti-electric, then unplug your modem, router, keyboard and monitor, and enjoy the darkness.
Not wanting to rely on electronic reloading equipment has nothing to do with modems, electronic communications etc. Being anti electric in a discussion on powder measuring should be taken in context.
I'm not at all "anti electric", I have tons of things that are electric, including the majority of my house. But, I also like to have some things, like the wood stove in my living room (or the oil lamp in the closet) that work when the electric company does not.

I have nothing against any of the electric reloading tools, (other then the cost :D) fine for the home shop, I just like the idea that I could, if necessary reload just fine when the power is out.
There are a couple points that are usually overlooked in this kind of discussion. The first being that volumetric powder measures don't operate on weight, and the second is that for most reloading, precision down to +/- 0.1gr isn't significant.

And when it is, that's what SCALES are for...:D
Volumetric powder measures (and dippers etc) work. The weighing of every charge proves that. Once you establish what weight you get from a certain powder lot you are done weighing because they all weigh the same.
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Once you establish what weight you get from a certain powder lot you are done weighing because they all weigh the same.

Yes, IF you are uniform on the method used to fill the measuring cavity. Dippers work, very repeatably, IF the user is. :D

And i sure ain't reloading by candle/oil lamp light, and my case rumbler plugs in.

Nor am I reloading by lamp light, but I could, if I needed to. And my tumbler plugs in, too!
I have rcbs uniflow. It is alright. I use it for all my loads, except for one caliber or two. I have trained myself to do +/-0.1 to 0.15gr on regular basis. It came with 2 vernier inserts; rifle and pistol. I don't know where the rifle insert is. I won't be needing it till I get myself into loading magnum rifle rounds. The smaller diameter of the pistol insert gives me better precision. I have worn out its original plastic drop tubes. The aluminum replacements work better.

Is +/-0.1gr good enough? It depends. I like using percentage. 0.1gr out of a 50gr 30-06 load is 0.2%. Not bad. 0.1gr out of a 5gr pistol load is problematic 2%. MV varies with powder charge almost percent to percent. So I can't use it for my .25acp with charge barely over 2gr. For those rare occasions, I have trickler with electronic scale that can resolve 1mg (0.02gr).

Talking about scale. I did try balance scale. I can't bear it. When I use it to set up the uniflow, it tells over or under with ok speed. But it would be pulling teeth if I want to know over/under by how much. I need that to adjust the vernier on the uniflow.

I have been experimenting with .223 loads lately. 0.2gr out of 25gr is 0.8%. For MV of 3000fps, I shouldn't be surprised to see MV variations of +/-20fps or more. I have noticed spread opened up when I switched from ball to stick powder. Perhaps I will do trickling.

Electronic dispenser is cool. But I'm too cheap to spend the money. Trickling does the same.


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I have accumulated quite a few over the past 50 years, so here goes with my experiences.
First off since you asked about accuracy I need to say that I just recently went with the A&D with the powder trickle or system from Adam McDonald and there is nothing and I repeat nothing that is going to get more accurate for our needs however, it comes at a cost Now in regards to the other throwers I have the Herrels is really accurate but you’ve got to get a rhythm to get consistent. The unit flow from RCBS is the oldest in the stable still works beautifully. I have had a Lymans auto dispenser. It was OK, but crapped out after just a couple of years and I went with a RCBS unit (with the straw insert) and probably use it when I don’t need ultimate precision it usually gets me to 0.1 grain consistently. There is also a Hornady LnL thrower on my AP and it is fine for pistol work on the progressive
I probably need to add for the sake of clarity that before I got the McDonald’s system I did use a little dandy trickier and typically threw a load a couple of greens under what I needed and tripled up, but that was long before I got the upgraded A and D scale and trickle system
when I needed precision loads.
It looks like both the A&D and what Erik Cortina is showing on his vid here is more or less the same thing I do in terms of measuring components used. One thing that seems to be missing in the discussion is the importance of accurate calibration and zeroing; The instrumentation on the individual components might not measure and calibrate the zero in the same way resulting in a bias difference. For example, in Erik's video I would not be surprised if the chargemaster and the scale showed different weights for the powder pan (which he skillfully did not show for the chargemaster :D) I find that I have to recalibrate and rezero for each charge weight as that difference can result in growing error. That error is mostly in the hundredths of a grain but can start into tenths of grain pretty quickly. I can't tell for sure if the A&D system only needs one device for calibration.
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