powder selection for 45 auto

Yes, BE86 is now my favorite. Speer publishes data for it as well as Alliant. In most loadings BE86 gives higher velocities over Power Pistol. I gave up on local powders supply and only buy through www.Midsouthshooterssupply.com which currently has one and eight pounders of BE86 in stock. They have a lower HazMat fee of $20. I recently bought Aguila SPP and a second pound of BE86.
Unique for serious social uses...

Unique works well in 45 ACP with heavy bullets, pumped up real nice. It's one of its better applications. (I don't consider Unique to be particularly versatile; contrary to reputation.)

BE86 is now my favorite.

I've been working on my first # of BE-86, and I am quite pleased. As much as I'm trying to keep the number of different powders I hold, this one is almost certainly going to get a re-purchase.

In most loadings BE86 gives higher velocities over Power Pistol.

Some time back, an Alliant representative here on TFL chimed in regarding BE-86. He (or she) stated that it is flash-suppressed Power Pistol - as most of us here are well aware. But he also stated that the flash suppressant increased the burn rate, putting it near Unique. I haven't tried any direct side-by-side comparisons between PP and BE-86, but I suspect pressure signs with BE-86 will manifest at lower velocities than Power Pistol. Running such an experiment (next year, once it gets warm again) might be interesting.

Getting back to our OP, I have yet try BE-86 in 45 ACP, but I suspect it would do quite well - especially with his 230 heavies.
BE86 really shines with 45 ACP 185 GDHP. Speers data says 1172 fps. With the lighter bullets this IMO really changes the 45 from the old big slow 231 loads at 800 fps, and makes it a modern big bore pistol with devastating ballistics.
Not so much with the 230's which top out at under 1000 fps with BE86, ahead of, but with the pack.
I am gaining interest in Blue Dot which seems to deliver max fps with heavies. I found an old paper cannister of BD in my garage, no signs of deterioration or off smell. It should be the fastest for 230 and also 124's in 9mm.
Ramshot Competition or Clays for target loads.
Power Pistol or HS-6 for hot loads.

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(I don't consider Unique to be particularly versatile; contrary to reputation.)

Just out of curiosity, what does a powder have to do for you to consider it "versatile"??

I have Unique loads for every pistol cartridge I have from .32ACP on up, covering light, midrange and standard velocity for everything but the big magnums, and heavy charges of Unique reach the lower end of magnum performance in those rounds, as well.

Unique isn't suitable for the heaviest magnum loads, but below that I've found it is quite "versatile", so I'm curious about your requirements to be considered versatile.

is it the best powder for some specific applications? No. Nothing is for everything. But there are loads that will work for nearly everything, which is, as the old saying goes, why it is "Unique"...:D
I like Unique as a versatile backup powder for hot handgun loads. I am also planning on loading up some 308 cast bullet loads using Lyman data, for shooting steel plates at 100-350 yards.I think my shoulder will appreciate it.
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N320 and WSF have been my Go-To powders for .45ACP.

When I run out of N320, I might have to experiment, or use up the old stash of Clays.
what does a powder have to do for you to consider it "versatile"

Nothing, I suppose. I say that because versatility isn't a primary characteristic I'm looking for in a propellant.

I'm not saying Unique isn't versatile. I'm just saying I don't find it any more versatile than many others. Clean, consistent burns over a wide variety of calibers, bullet weights, and most of all - charge weights; is my definition of versatile. Unique tends to run sloppy unless it's loaded up into higher pressures. I have found that it makes excellent 230gn 45 ACP ammo (as mentioned, but they are probably running over sammi spec pressure) and great 125gn 357 Mag ammo (short of full-magnum performance, of course). But other than that, I have found it rather troublesome in the clean burn area. I suspect it would do well in 10mm Auto, but never tried. 9mm Luger too, except its metering characteristics in such a small case makes me nervy.

I bet BE-86 can do anything Unique can do, and do it cleaner. For instance.
Fair enough, I've never used BE-86, or most of the other newer powders, since Unique and a couple others always did what I wanted. Versatility is just a plus, and being "clean" isn't really on my priority list.

being "clean" isn't really on my priority list.

Same here . . . in and of itself, that is. But clean burns mean consistent burns. Consistent IS on my priority list.

Unique is able to do a lot of different stuff well enough, and that is generally considered to be versatile. It's just been my experience that it doesn't do any more particularly well than any other intermediate burner.

I suppose load style has a lot to do with it too. I don't like to deviate much from a propellant's wheelhouse. Using a given powder because "it'll do" is not my way. It needs to be "great for the application." That point of view narrows my definition of versatile.

Because of what I load and how I load, I consider WW231 to be versatile. It works great in at least 80% of my 38 Special and 45 ACP applications - my two most popular calibers. From where I'm sitting, that seems quite versatile.

We define things based on our perspective and experience. Unique has been around a long long time. That alone speaks for itself.
AA # 7 has to much barrel flash for my liking. My series 70 colt G. Cup gets alone well with AA#5 just fine. A substitute powder I again like for the 45 acp is Win 231. Never did shoot much Unique here..
Winchester 231/HP-38 has been my standard 'zero-to-sixty' handgun powder for decades and it's all I use for bulk 45 ACP loads, usually with Bear Creek's 230 grain flat point.
Caliber L Bullet Case Minimum BBL Primer Powder
(inches) OAL Length
45 Auto 200 gr Speer LSWC Speer 1.19 5 CCI 300 Unique 5.4 790 -
45 Auto 230 gr Speer LRN Speer 1.27 5 CCI 300 Unique 5.8 849 -
45 Auto 185 gr Speer GDHP Speer 1.2 4.4 CCI 300 Unique 8.2 1,015 -
45 Auto 200 gr Speer GDHP Speer 1.2 5 CCI 300 Unique 7.3 984 -
45 Auto 230 gr Speer TJM RN Speer 1.26 5 CCI 300 Unique 6.5 832 -
45 Auto 230 gr Speer GDHP Speer 1.2 5 CCI 300 Unique 6 806 -
45 Auto Speer 230 gr CPRN Federal 1.26 5 CCI 300 Unique 7.3 966 -
45 Auto Speer 230 gr CPRN Federal 1.265 - CCI 300 Unique 7.3 966 -


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