Powder Jug Handling

Buy a big plastic funnel because pouring from those large containers can be hard & at the price of powder these days any spill is expensive.
What he says about a large funnel is correct ... large diameter so it is easy to pour into and make sure the opening from the funnel / tube is nice and large ...
Powder needs a large opening to flow easily through and most Liquid Funnels and funnels found in cooking and automitive are sized for liquids ...For powder to flow easily get a large funnel with a large diameter tube , if not the powder fills the funnel , clogs the tube and your stuck juggling a full funnel and a 8 pound powder keg ... trust me !!!
Funnel hack...

Next time you stop at a convenience store, grab a half dozen of those paper funnels they have for oil. Cut about a quarter inch off the bottom and your good to go.

Best part is they fold flat and don't take up much room.
Real easy to pour from an eight pounder into the old #55 with its 7000 grain hopper.

Not a big deal to pour into a bullet box for scooping to the antique Redding scale either.

Nothing is hard unless you make it that way.

I keep all powder stored in its original container, its easier that way.
