Powder Jug Handling

chris downs

New member
So I have an 8 pound container of powder coming tomorrow. It's all they had and all I could get. I am familiar with using 4 pound jugs and an 8 pounder seems like it will be unwieldy. Or is slinging around 8 pounders no big deal?
If you have a empty 1# bottle, just re-label it with masking/painters tape, etc., so you'll know what is really in that re-labeled bottle.
Yup, have done that for a long time. I don't want to be swinging an 8 lb container over a powder measure. I even have proper 1 lb bottles from when I tried out a powder, liked it, then bought in quantity.
Pick an empty that is a style you prefer. Some have narrower mouths than others, and some are flat and narrow rather than cylindrical. Just find a shape you are comfortable with and that you can control well pouring into the powder measure. Fill it only halfway. Label it something like "powder name - working stock". You can print it on a sheet of the peel-off, stick-on labels and put one on your measure when that is what is in it. You can also return powder to it (this is why God made funnels) if you have to change out what is in your measure, though I would get in the habit of leaving the container as the only powder container on the bench until that is done. Otherwise, you increase the chances of accidentally mingling two powders. Never pour anything back into your 8 lb jug. If you realize (you should always look at powder when you pour it out, as an added check) that you've mixed two powders, you then have only a partial container of orphaned powder rather than being faced with the nightmare of trying to segregate an intruder from your larger store.

Make sure you rip the label off, don't just paste on over existing.

I collect them now, I only buy in 8 lb jugs (when its available).

I also keep a few 8 lbs spares, I found 9 lbs of powder a while back in 1 lb. So I put it all in the 8, labeled it as such, kept one of the 1 lb.

The 5 lb R17 just is handy as it takes 8 and you don't have empty space (again when you can or could get it in 5 lb).
I would add that, in transferring and storing in smaller containers, you should include on your label, not just the name of the powder but also the date of purchase and lot # ...in case of a recall or a problem that you need to discuss with the manufacturer.
Buy a big plastic funnel because pouring from those large containers can be hard & at the price of powder these days any spill is expensive.
I have had no issues using my hand as a guide. But then I deal in 8 lbs and a lot of 30-06.

I spill far more vs none when I forget to shut the gate on the auto dispenser!
Dollar store funnel for me; the white funnel gets used for dispensing powder and shot and has a nice graphite coating on part of it from decades of use. Also handy to pour the powder BACK into the jug.
I pour it right into my Dillon measure(use a funnel) from the 8# jug, also fill my MEC bottles the same way.
Buy a big plastic funnel
I simply cut the top half off a 2 liter pop bottle as a funnel. Works great. Had it for years. Nice wide mouth.

I always keep a 1lb bottle of each powder around just for this purpose. Large jug into small bottle, already properly labeled....
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Except for some rifle powders from decades ago, I haven't bought a 1# jug of powder in 20+ years. Minimum is 4#, typical is 8#; the unit price per pound savings is just too great
I have saved a 1# empty container of every powder I've used. If/when I get a 4# or 8# batch, I will dispense exactly 1# (using a kitchen scale and funnel) into the saved 1# container. Using a label, I'll put the date dispensed, and the lot#.
Small liquid laundry detergent bottles work well for storing a pound or so of powder from your bulk jug. Wash it out well, make sure it's totally dry. (they also work well for storing a quart or so of laundry detergent out of a 2.5 gallon bulk pack. Or 5 pounds of birdshot. Etc.) Make sure you label it ;)
I will dispense exactly 1# (using a kitchen scale and funnel) into the saved 1# container
I refill the smaller container to the brim each time. Seems to work just fine :) . Powder doesn't seem to mind... I've also went the 'other' direction. When powder was scarce, and I'd run across a bottle or two of what I use, I'd buy and pour back into the large jug until full ...filled to the brim. Then toss the smaller bottles away to save space....