I should have mentioned that my flask use will be for revolvers only...I really enjoy shooting the revolvers. I have 5 at this time including the 1858 Pietta Remington type from Cabela's and I ordered another one today. I must be infected with black powder or something huh. This is my last one unless...I sell, swap, trade a brass frame model for a steel frame.
So, if I'm careful, what do you think about loading directly to the revolver cylinder? I know there is always the possibility of a horrible accident and I would never load a long rifle directly from the powder horn/flask. I also started using a loading jig that I bought. Have to remove the cylinder but I like doing that...
Right now I'm using a Lee's 1.3cc scoop and I scoop from a container and pour into the cylinder using a funnel...and I could keep scooping I guess. Anyway, Track of the Wolf has a lot of pieces, parts, and complete flasks. Gee I guess I need one for each revolver now huh?