Powder Coating

Update... added a little acetone to the mix... bullets coated... but i think i used wayyyyyy to much powder... the coating looks almost like pudding lol... maybe not as thick ... but its thick... bullets are on the cookie sheet and in my wifes new convection oven
Well pulled them out of the oven... there all like welded to the cookie sheet... ugg
Not a good one in the bunch... in the garbage they went along with the bowl an beads...

Will either order a diffrent pc or go back to HF and get tge air gun thing
Non stick aluminum foil over the tray in the toaster oven. Works well. I have never mixed anything with powder to make it stick, just the static electricity. I will, with Harbor Freight cheap power, to coat twice to make sure all the driving bands are covered. I just dump, size, and do it again. Takes time, but worth it.
Old 454 Let's see if we can help you get some better results with you powder coating. I did some NOE 124 gr. TC bullets yesterday in purple an clear coat as well as some Lee 185 gr. RN in Signal Blue.

First off I do my coating usually outside in my building but sometimes I have to do it in the house if the humidity is too high an bake on the back porch, I like it to be around 40% or lower as it helps create static when the air is dry.

I start off with a container like this one as I've found it works the best for me. They are just recycled #5 plastic containers and lids that we get takeout in from the Chinese restaurant or you can just pick some up at the restaurant for about a quarter each.

I fill the container about 1" deep with these plastic beads you can get at any Walmart or craft store cheap. You can wash them off and reuse again an again if you want to switch colors.

I put about a 1/2 tsp of powder in with the beads and shake it up for about 30 seconds to get everything mixed well, you may need to add more powder but I only add about half as much 1/4 tsp as too much can make the powder clump on the bullets, you just want a fine coat. As you can see the powder is already clinging to the plastic bowl.

I hold the container like this in my hand an swirl everything around for about a minute sometimes less or if your lazy and need to do something else you can set it in your tumbler for a couple minutes.


I place all my bullets on nonstick aluminum foil base first an bake at 400 degrees for 20 minutes.
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You should end up with something like this when you look in the container.

Coated bullets ready to size.

Clear coat


Signal Blue
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Damn those are nice. !

I put beads in a plastic bowl...i know i added way to much powder ... first it was a spoon full... added my bullets and shook the bowl for a few minutes... didnt cover the bullets very well at all.... i rubbed the bowl on the carpet trying to get a static charge and added more pc... still no coverage. Very spotty at best.

I thought i read over on cast boolits some one adding acetone to the mix so i did that.
Bullets covered real well but had way to much PC and it clumped up on bullets. Baked at 400 deg. For 15 min. Damn if those bullets didnt stick to the cookie sheet like they were glued.
Had to drop the sheet on the ground to break them free.
I threw most away... kept a few... but cant post a pic due to some missing security token.
I think HF Red does OK lots of people use it. I have some so I will give it a try today using my process an see how it compares to being spray on. In the past when I used an ES gun I just sprayed the Yellow and Red on it came out much better.

Sprayed on HF Yellow an Red
I wouldn't I would just buy some good quality powder an try that first. You can get 3 1/3rd. lb samples of powder for Smoke over at CastBoolits for $19 shipped. I recommend the Yellow Green, Carolina or Signal Blue or Red and the Clear coat as well.


If you want to go elsewhere Eastwood Powders http://www.eastwood.com/hotcoat-powder-coating/powders.html are excellent as well you can buy it in 8 oz. bottles for under $10 sometime as low as $7, either way, a little bit goes a long way. Colors that work well are Orange/Vermillion, Medium Green.Lime Green an Maroon.
So HF powder not good for tumbling PC bullets .?? ...
No it is not. Only Red is half-way good for tumbling, albeit great for use with an Electro Static (ES) gun. However, even when tumbled, the finished coating will be thinner than powders available from places like Smoke's. Also with HF Red, the color gets darker as it is being used (shaken) over and over leading me to conclude that the abrasiveness of the HF Red powder is grinding away on the lead bullets and the lead swarf is darkening the powder. It seems to go from Red to more of a Maroon so I reserve it's use to my ES gun.