Post your Mounts

I love those, but an animal that I'm absolutely itching to get is a fox. I've gotten a couple coyotes, but I'm dying for a fox. The last time I saw one I was trying to figure out what was wrong with an airgun that belongs to my friend's dad, which wasn't shooting, when I saw a red fox come out of the corn about 75 yards away. Closest gun I could reach when I snuck back inside was a .22, said heck might as well, by the time I got back outside he was gone. The saying "you never see the same fox twice" seems to stick around to haunt me. One of my friend's uncles got the grand slam(3 is grand slam? Lol, fox, coyote, and mountain lion) of Texas predators in ONE DAY, and I totally envy it. I believe he actually had that picture published in some magazine. Anyways, that's my hunt right now! Thanks for the appreciation, get our there and get you some!
Youngshooter said: animal that I'm absolutely itching to get is a fox. I've gotten a couple coyotes, but I'm dying for a fox.

Fox make some wonderful mounts, had this one done stalking a ringneck pheasant in snow. Make sure you get one with their pelts in prime condition and color.

I like to look at mounts but is rather shoot does or spikes. They taste better and mounts are so expensive. I'd rather buy more reloading components. Y'all keep those mounts and I'll keep my freezer full.
chewie146 said:
Rembrandt, where did you get that squirrel reading?

Had the taxidermist do it.....used for table display at gun shows and trade shows. I call it table bait....people can't help but stop and comment, especially the women & kids. Works extremely well.