Post Ban Guns--is the 9mm obsolete?

Well I didn't mean to insult the 9mm cartridge, I like it a lot and thats why I was considering a G17 or G19. I have a SIG P229 in .40 and a Witness .45 as well as a .38 special, so I have all I need for defense purposes. Besides, here in South Texas, the crime section of the paper is usually filled with stories like, "27 Year- old Woman Calls Police After Man Calls Her 'Stupid'" (that was an actual story), so my pistols are mainly for fun. My main reason for considering the Glock 9mm was 1) Increased mag capacity at the range means more time shooting; 2) reduced recoil of the 9mm makes for a fun day of marathon shooting; 3)Obvious cost advantage and availability of ammo;4) can shoot the heck out of the Glock without worrying about wear and tear (I like to keep my SIG in perfect condition)5) Finally, I don't have a 9mm so I want one :)
The thrust of my question was that, being a bit of a cheapo when it comes to budgeting, would it be worth it to buy a post ban 9mm, especially when the high caps they have here in TX are going for $100. I know that LE and the military will always have a place for the 9mm; I should have stated that I was referring to the civilian market when using the term "obsolete". Thanks for all the replies fellas...18 responses in less than 12 hours!! BTW I don't mean this to be a 9mm vs. .40 thread...just an honest debate about the merrits of the post-ban 9mm for the civilian market and what some of you members feel about the issue.

[This message has been edited by Piggy (edited January 11, 2000).]
I don't think that 9mm is obsolete. In its better hollow point designs, especially in its hotter loads, the data available to us shows very little difference with 40 or 45ACP. Common Handgun cartridges, as small and slow as they can push bullets through short tubes are all pretty enemic when compared to long guns. When comparing 9mm to 40S&W, try to keep in mind the same comparison to typical long gun calibers, or even the less common 45 Super, etc.

According to my opinion, for what its worth, its the 1) training and 2) gun and 3)load selection within the caliber that is far more important than the little bit of difference between hollow pt. 9s and 40s and 45s.

The question posed makes for interesting conversation though.

"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)
I don't think that 9mm is obsolete. In its better hollow point designs, especially in its hotter loads, the data available to us shows very little difference with 40 or 45ACP. Common Handgun cartridges, as small and slow as they can push bullets through short tubes are all pretty enemic when compared to long guns. When comparing 9mm to 40S&W, try to keep in mind the same comparison to typical long gun calibers, or even the less common 45 Super, etc.

According to my opinion, for what its worth, its the 1) training and 2) gun and 3)load selection within the caliber that is far more important than the little bit of difference between hollow pt. 9s and 40s and 45s.

The question posed makes for interesting conversation though.

PS: The fact that public servants in a "free" country like ours enact laws which have anything to do with weapons is tyrany. period. exclamation pt! Advice, buy what you like. Practice with it and enjoy it.

"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)

Another round that is obselete is the .30-.30 just don't tell that to the man in Arkansas who owns the slaughter house where our deer are dressed out.

If you are proficient with a larger caliber, by all means avail yourself of the extra power but don't discount the 9mm.

These types of debates sell gun rags. Remember, in the Miami shootout, the BG's were well experienced and I believe both had formal advanced Military training. If I'm not mistaken, they began the firefight by shooting under the cars at the LEO's feet thereby disabling them from the get/go.

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."

[This message has been edited by Will Beararms (edited January 11, 2000).]
I never said 9mm Para was a crap round. What I was saying is that the future trend will be toward pistols that are smaller in size and fire larger caliber cartridges. Hi-cap 9mm mags will eventually become outrageously expensive, if they're not that now, and new models won't even have that option. It's not going to disappear, probably ever, but it's supremacy will begin to deline.
Will Beararms; you are mistaken. The 1986 FBI shootout was started by Platt shooting his mini-14 at the FBI car adjacent to him, and then at another FBI car which was approaching. Platt was later hit in the foot, which caused him little, if any, incapacity. Here is the URL where you can read the entire story:

Read it; there are lots of mistakes made by the Feebies, which probably accounts for the fact that the reconstruction of events and the autopsy results weren't released until 10 years later. Hope this helps, Walt
Hello, Piggy. No! It's my belief that 9mm is not obsolete nor will it be for a great time. It remains one of the most efficient cartridges out there in terms of ft/sec vs gr of powder and its diminuitive size allows you to either make small, concealable "carry" guns chambered for it or service pistols that hold a sizable number of rounds. Don't forget that the '94 "Assault Gun" Ban will eventually sunset and if not re-enacted, high cap mags as well as the rest are no longer verboten. All that's required is a less anti-gun president and a Congress about like what's there now or better! In any event politics aside, I think the 9mm will be around for quite a long while. Best.
I would have thought that the .32 was made obsolete by the .380 when similiar guns became available in the bigger caliber, but the .32 is growing fast. The same thing happened when the .40S&W tried to displace the 9mm. I chose the 40S&W for my hi-cap gun, but the slightly smaller 9mm is fine in my little Kel-Tec P-11. The 38spl survived the new 357 magnum back in 1935.

The point is smaller and lighter guns, combined with advances in ammo technology, are keeping each of the smaller alternatives desirable. I'll probably buy another 9mm, they will always be with us.

Say good riddence to the .25 though. :p

Teach a non-shooter to shoot. Educate a voter.
Walt Welch thanks for the site and for setting me straight on the Miami Shootout.

Destructo thanks for setting me straight as well. I still lean towards a Commander Style 1911 chambered for .45ACP since the 1994 "Crime Bill" was forced on us.

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."
Personally, at present I am still optimistic about the 10-round limit sunsetting or being repealed, at which time 9mm will make an incredible resurgence (if it happens). Remember, it's the world standard as the NATO round. I believe the '94 gun ban is clearly violative of the second amendment period, and if not repealed or overturned, should serve one of the bases for revolution or secession. Once down the slippery slope too far, there's no going back. Until repeal, overturn, or revolution, I'm buying hi-caps and looking for a G34 in 9mm.
Oh yeah, Get a Kel-Tec or a G26 and 10 rounds is about all they will hold anyway, and you've got a great, super-concealable pistol with a great cartridge. I'd get the Kel-Tec though because the G27 is the same size as the G26, but the P40 is bigger than the P11, I think. There's a reason to still buy a 9mm.
I hope the mag limit gets repealed. It won't happen if we sit on our rumps, however. Join the NRA, JOA, JFF, any pro-2nd Amendment org is better than none. Only through hard work will this happen. What won't happen is that the ban will sunset. It's not part of th Brady Bill but instead a rider tagged onto the Clinton Crime Bill. We can thank our spineless reps for letting that one through.

So many pistols, so little money.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>It's not part of th Brady Bill but instead a rider tagged onto the Clinton Crime Bill. [/B][/quote]

Tec, please tell us more about what you know. What is "it" in the above quote from you? Which one will sunset? Brady check system or 94 crime bill, and in whole or part? Thanks.
The 9mm has been around for a long time. It is one of the oldest auto rounds onthe shelf. It works. It is the most popular handgun/subgun round on the planet.

I think it is fair to say that it will be around a tad while longer.

Yep, jes' wif' my Luger, I can't miss as much as y'all wif' yer hi-caps!! LOL ;)

Be mentally deliberate but muscularly fast. Aim for just above the belt buckle Wyatt Earp
"It is error alone that needs government support; truth can stand by itself." Tom Jefferson
If you have to shoot a man, shoot him in the guts, it may not kill him... sometimes they die slow, but it'll paralyze his brain and arm and the fight is all but over Wild Bill Hickok
Remember: When you attempt to rationalize two inconsistent positions, you risk drowning as your own sewage backs up.
45 ACP: Give 'em a new navel! BigG

The Brady Bill is scheduled to sunset, the Clinto Crime Bill has no such limitation. Only a repeal from congress can eliminate the ten rounds limit.

So many pistols, so little money.