Post Ban Guns--is the 9mm obsolete?


New member
I was wanting a new Glock 17 or 19 but I figured why bother. I would have been more than happy with a gun that can hold 17 rounds of 9mm ammo but since the magazine ban, you have the choice between 10 rounds of 9mm, .357 SIG, .40 and .45 in comparibly sized packages. Why would anyone choose 10 rounds of 9mm over 10 rounds of .40 or better? I know the price of 9mm ammo is slightly cheaper than .40 ammo, but is that the only reason?
Well, unless you live in one of the two or three states that have banned sale or posession of preban hicaps, Glock preban hicap mags are very plentiful and easy to find. A bit pricey, but if you shop around and don't insist on drop frees you can find them for under $50.
I have to agree with RikWriter. It's not as easy or a cheap as it used to be, but hi-cap pre-ban mags are still pretty easy to find.
If you're looking Glock, just remember to buy factory hi-cap mags. They will be more expensive than aftermarket, but they will be more reliable.
It has been my experience that hi-cap mags for the Browning Hi-Ppower and the Beretta 92 are a little cheaper than the Glock if cost is a concern.

As to marksmanship, it is not what you once did, rather it is what you can do on demand.
I'd have to agree to some extent. One of the major factors in my buying a 9mm pistol was the fact that I could stuff 15+ cartridges in the mag. With that option missing in new pistol designs, like the HK USP, I'd think that most people would looking at either ultra compacts or larger calibers, maybe a combo of the two. After not having much interest in larger calibers, I find myself looking for something in either .40 S&W or .45 ACP.
Thats debateable, I happen to really like the 9mm round- it may not be my top choice for defense (not that its bad, but of course we know there is better).
But I love target shooting with 9mm, its so much fun- its accurate, very little recoil, like shooting a pellet gun (well, to me anyway). Yes of course 22lr is really like shooting a pellet gun, but if I want to shoot a larger caliber-the 9mm is great, doesn't wear on me after 100 rounds (where .40 and 357sig-start turning my palm beat red after 50-60 rounds)-especially 357Sig.

So there will always be a place for 9mm handguns (compact and midsize) in my safe- even ones restricted to 10rounds.
I've purchased a few high capacity pistols since the '94 law. With the exception of one .40 S&W (which was later traded) they have all been 9X19mm. The latest was a Browning High Power purchased about a month ago. A Glock 19 is next on the must have list. If I didn't have to spend so much on all these magazines, or these guns were unavailable, I would buy a HK P7M8 or SIG P210-6. Long live the nine millimeter!
Greetings, Why 15 round magazines? If you
are a good shot as most who post here say
they are; you shouldn't need 15 rounds to
disperse of the bad guy. Only when dealing
with multiple adversaies should one ever
need 15 rounds or more. For one BG, 15+
rounds of 9m/m is an over kill; and the
court's will have your fanny for that big
mistake. :) That's my opinion; what is your's?

Best Wishes To All,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member

Message edited by Dan H. Ford on 01-11-00
Ala Dan, my friend, Why oh why do you need that big 8 cylinder engine in your car when the rest of the world gets along just fine with 4 (or 3 here in japan--on trucks even)? Why do you covet broadband internet access when your 56k modem gets the job done just fine? You really didnt need that 19" monitor when the 15 incher was working fine, did you? And look at Intel and AMD and the MHz race. You can never have enough firepower, just as you can never have enough bandwidth, money, training, gigabytes, pixels or------fill in the blank.

God I miss the States. Why don't you come live overseas and drive an anemic little 3-banger car on the wrong side of the road and have no firepower, and I'll come back home to my 911 and hi-caps and 50 cal? (and dog)

END of rant
Is the 9mm obsolete? Not at all!!!! I own three of them! My primary carry pistol is of a post ban design, so although hi-cap mags are available (they are still imported from Germany and sold to regular Joes like me! :)),they are very expensive. I just carry more magazines to make up for the loss of six rounds!! :D Besides, good shot placement beats big bullet and/or high cap any day of the week!

Just as there is no such thing as too much fun,
there is no such thing as owning just one gun!!!

Now, go do the right thing, and buy that Walther!!
9mm is all but obsolate, it's getting new users around the world all the time. I have read that even Russia is starting to issue 9mm to their military. As a defence round, 9mm loaded with good JHPs is nearly as good stopper as any handgun round can be (100 percent stopping power from a handgun is impossible), and recoils less than those slightly superior in that respect, making faster follow up shots possible than heavier calibers. And of course, in my country (Finland) like most other countries of the world outside North America we can still buy mags of any capacity we want.

One of the biggest reasons for shooting a 9mm is the cost of the ammo. Practice is important and I can get twice the practice in cost-wise using a 9mm compared to a .40 or .45.
9mm is obsolete. Send me your 9mm pistols and I will dispose of them properly. ;)

The Glocks 17 and 19 are excellent. I prefer the latter because it's more compact, but even with 10 rounds it's a great pistol. If you want something smaller consider getting a Glock 26. You'll be well served by either of these pistols.

So many pistols, so little money.

[This message has been edited by Tecolote (edited January 11, 2000).]
My reason for choosing 9mm over .40s&w, .357sig, and .45, I shoot it well. I am more accurate with it, and it is a reliable, proven round. Heck, it's been around a century it cant be all bad. Being able to practice for an hour at a time, 300-500 rounds into the target. Practice, practice, practice. And the last rounds on target are just as accurate as the 1st rounds. No fatigue.

I have two handguns at the moment. I've been able to find standard capacity magazines for both, a Taurus 99 (15 rnd), and a S&W 669 (12 rnd). So I normally carry either 30rnds or 24rnds of 9mm Remington 124gr Golden Sabers. Heck if I were limited to diminished capacity magazines (10rnd) so I would carry 3 instead of 2 magazines.

Peace through superior firepower...

If the 2nd is antiquated, what will happen to the rest.
"the right to keep and bear arms."
I shoot a BHP in 9 because that's what I shoot best. Platform has a lot do with my choice.

& as far as availability - $14.97/ProMag for BHP 13 rounder in CTD ... gonna order a coupla more in about 10 minutes. ;)

No offense intended here, but how could you even think of putting a term of obsolete next to a round which is probably supported by more handguns and sells more ammo than any single caliber out there worldwide.

It is wonderful to shoot, inexpensive, reliable, controllable (which alone makes most civilian shooters *more accurate* than any other round without going down in caliber), and kills dead, dead, dead when needed, God forbid.

Most 9mm owners on this forum have other calibers, as well, but would be loath to declare their 9's as obsolete. ;)
Shoot whatever caliber you can shoot best. Practice with your reduced capacity magazines, load your standard capacity magazines for "business".

Your 10 rounders are replaceable, your 17 rounders are too for the moment but are more expensive.

There has been a lot of talk like "well if I can only have ten.. might as well be ten rounds of 45, 357, 44 etc etc etc. Better to be able to HIT your target with 6 rounds of 38, than miss with 17 or 10 of another caliber.

Lots of very serious folk carry 9 mms.

As a shootable package in the smaller guns,
you can't beat it.

I can shoot the 40 versions just fine but
settled on carrying the 9s.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by RikWriter:
Well, unless you live in one of the two or three states that have banned sale or posession of preban hicaps, Glock preban hicap mags are very plentiful and easy to find. A bit pricey, but if you shop around and don't insist on drop frees you can find them for under $50.[/quote]

RikWriter, give us a shout as to where those sub-$50 Glock full cap mags are. I went looking right after I got my M23 and the cheapest I found for nondrops was $75.
Nope, my Luger still shoots just fine. It only carries eight in the handle, though. :D
IMHO, Lugers are the Mercedes-Benz of 9 Mike Mikes. :D :D

Be mentally deliberate but muscularly fast. Aim for just above the belt buckle Wyatt Earp
"It is error alone that needs government support; truth can stand by itself." Tom Jefferson
If you have to shoot a man, shoot him in the guts, it may not kill him... sometimes they die slow, but it'll paralyze his brain and arm and the fight is all but over Wild Bill Hickok
Remember: When you attempt to rationalize two inconsistent positions, you risk drowning as your own sewage backs up.
45 ACP: Give 'em a new navel! BigG
Big G.. meaning overpriced and over engineered marvels that require lots of TLC and regular maintenance?? ;)

Just kidding.. but when you ccw that thing do you dress like Dr.No or just opt for the black leather trenchcoat? ;)

Nice to see your posting. Is yours vintage or a modern made Mauser or Mitchell arms luger?
