Portable climbing deer stand recommendations?

""One of the best features of the Lone Wolf is that it folds almost completely flat. Don't underestimate the advantage of that. Not only does it not stick way out behind, causing maneuverability issues but being flat also GREATLY reduces the leverage that its weight has pulling down on your back. It's really a radical difference, even compared to other stands of similar weight.""

What Brian said right there.......pay attention to it.

I'm not very big so things like that get noticed. The Summit's are strong and stable but heavy, Lone Wolf expensive.....but nice.

Currently using a Timber Tall.......very light, not as stable as the Summit.
hogdogs said:
Another mention of FALL GEAR!!! Don't even try out your new climber in your yard with out HIGH QUALITY FALL GEAR YOU ARE WILLING TO BET YOUR LIFE ON!!! Because everytime you climb you are doing exactly that...

Yes, and speaking of fall gear... the one thing I DON'T like about Lone Wolf is their restrain system. The part that you attach to the tree is great, really nice, I use it exclusively, but the body harness is just about the worst thing I've ever seen. When I first got it, I kept using the harness from my old Guerrilla stand and I din't even like that one. I finally bought a Hunter's Safety System vest and it is MUCH better. Still not perfect, but light-years ahead of whatever that thing is that Lone Wolf provides.

As for price, yeah, it's a good chunk of change but I paid around $150 for a Guerrilla stand and it was starting to rust out by the 3rd season. The Lone Wolf is going on it's 4th season and essentially looks brand new, being Aluminium, it won't rust, ever. New straps every... 5 years or something... and you're good. $350 and worth every last penny.
the older i get the more i like my summit viper.i have had it for it 10 years( i think) of worry free comfort in climing and sitting.
try it

Climbers have come a long way from when I bought my first one. And as a rabid bow hunter living in a state with over 100 day season, and living next to about 30,000+ ( I think) acres of public hunting land, I have climbed a BUNCH of trees.

REad what you can, talk to alot of guys, don't get in a hurry, and if at all possible, climb some trees with a few (what are pals for) to get a feel.

I asked for and recieved a really nice, new Summit as a "bow stand" as a gift. LIght, portable, easy to shoot from, but I cannot climb with it as I'd like and it sets mostly unused in the shed as I continue to use an old favorite.

Great stand but we are not a match.
Two more questions:

1) Could someone comment about seat climbing vs. hand climbing stands? Any big benefits of one over the other? Or is it just a preference?

2) I only plan to use the portable stand 3 days max per season so is the included body harness that comes with most stands acceptable - safety and comfort wise? Or should I invest in something better?

Can't comment on #1

#2, yeah, it's functional. Actually, the only included harness that I really disliked is the one that came with Lone Wolf. The rest were acceptable.
On the harness, the one's I have seen that come with stands are usually very "spartan" (just uncomfortable straps). They are also VERY hard to put on in the light and impossible to put on in the dark. Personally, I'd invest in a good vest-type harness. I bought the Hunter's Safety System not long after it came out. Since then, there have been other versions that have come out that may be even more comfortable and easy to put on.