poor tactics- disturbing video

I actually watched the "Line of Duty" segment which was done on this incident. If I remember correctly, the shooter was a Vietnam and used a M1 Carbine. He was a socopathic nut job who had a history of problems with the police, gov't and authority in general. One of those idiots, like David Koresh or Carl Drega, who some of the more "radical" members of the gun media tries to put up as some sort of 2nd amendment "Patriot".
The Officer died at the scene. The shooter was found a few hours later, alive , gut shot and hiding behind a tree on his own property. He stated to the cops who found him that he was "Waiting to die". After he was arrested, he told the police that he wasn't trying to kill the officer, because he using an M1 Carbine and he didn't think the rounds would penetrate his vest.
pretty sad. :confused:

What was the police officer waiting for?
He warned the guy to put the gun down numerous times. How many does it require?
It actually looked like the officer was waiting while the guy was loading his rifle in his truck instead of stopping him before he got the rifle out ready to shoot.

I know it is a police officer's duty to keep everyone alive, if possible, but he took it too far and cost him his own life.
He should of shot as soon as the guy walked or danced...back to his car. I would have. Whats the old saying...better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6?
Unfortunately, that officer waited much too long and gave the guy too many warnings before acting. He never took the opportunity to end the situation before he lost the advantage.
Can't watch the video in question because I'm not at a computer that will do it; but it sounds like people are saying that this officer did not apparently have the nerve to use lethal force.

You know, like when a crime victim exhibits the knee-jerk reaction of, "I'm gonna get a gun," and gun owners who know the person say, "Wait, slow down; do you even know for sure that you could shoot somebody if it came to that?"

It sounds like this officer did not "have what it takes to pull the trigger," and may have been forestalling doing so because of what he perceived as the grave implications of shooting a human being. It's not a decision that everyone would make in the same amount of time. Sorry that he could not make it fast enough.

Anyone know if the officer had any history of having drawn/fired before?

Deputy Dinkheller had been "disciplined" a couple of weeks before this incident for pulling his weapon on a citizen. This is why many people familiar with this incident say he was so slow to act. I do not watch this video anymore than I have to now, since I have seen it too many times. However, every new Deputy at my agency is made to watch it, and I think every LEO should watch it. There is a lot that can be learned. May God Bless Dinkheller family.
I am not a trained LEO so do not know what training would suggest. But at the point of "put the gun down, sir" it seems obvious that if that doesnt look like it's going to happen very soon the next move is "BANG" on the officer's part. I sure wouldnt have convicted him seeing this tape.
A real pity.
Deputy Dinkheller had been "disciplined" a couple of weeks before this incident for pulling his weapon on a citizen. This is why many people familiar with this incident say he was so slow to act

It's unfortunate that that had to happen prior to this altercation. That "discipline" may very well have cost him his life. It's sad to see things like that happen. Unless his prior issue was so blatant that this "discipline" was the best recourse, not to say that it wasn't because we dont know, then it's bull5hit. If he pulled his service piece before for fear of life or to protect than he should have been backed up by his superiors. It's hard enough doing that job and it's made worse by superiors' sometimes unneccesary reactions to problems that didn't exist.
That guy's a scumbag and I hope he rots in jail/hell. To this day, he has never expressed any remorse for killing Dep. Dinkheller. Dep. Dinkheller left behind a wife, a kid, and a kid on the way (pregnant wife).

Unfortunately the deputy made some major mistakes that led to his death. It's easy to monday morning quarterback what happened, but it's pointless. It's a useful training video, but it would be a great one if the scumbag fell instead of the deputy.
MAN that was disturbing

Hindsight is always 20 20. Once the shooter got back in his truck (after repeated pleas from the officer) I would have assumed he was getting a gun. At that point- He should have reached in his police car and grabbed a shotgun. As soon as I seen the guy with the gun I would have unloaded on his ass. THats what I think I would do. Yeah-- because I would be scared shi_less.
Yep, watched this one at the academy. Talked at length about it. We did not critique this officer becuase we didn't like him, but so that we could learn from his mistakes. And allowing this man to load the firearm was his mistake. The man should have had at least 3 rounds in him once he picked up the unloaded gun.
For those who can't see the video, it's much longer than you expect it to be.

The video begins with both cars stopped and the man opening his truck's door. The deputy calls out to the man and asks him to come back to the squad car. The man starts to comply but then refuses and begins to act very irrationally. The deputy tells him to get back repeatedly (about 15 times). At this point the man is literally dancing in the middle of road telling the deputy to kill him and screaming obscenities at the deputy. The deputy is still calling him "sir". "Sir, get back. Sir, get back now."

The man goes back to his truck and with the door open he reaches in and pulls out a gun. The deputy begins shouting for the man to put the gun down. He repeats the command 6 times over a period of 26 seconds while the man is apparently loading the firearm. The deputy isn't saying "sir" anymore. Interspersed in the commands to "drop the gun" or "put the gun down" are calls over the radio asking for help.

I can't tell who shoots first, but the shooting lasts for about 50 seconds with the attacker rushing and retreating a couple of times. The last time he comes up close and shoots several times while the deputy screams. Then he returns to his truck. At that point the video ends.
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AMT8951 said:
If I remember correctly, the shooter was a Vietnam (vet) and used a M1 Carbine.
The shooter states on the video he was in Vietnam so I'm inclined to believe that you do remember correctly. ;)