Poll: Who has been the WORST President in United States History?

Who has been the WORST President in the History of the USA??

  • Franklin Pierce

    Votes: 3 1.1%
  • James Buchanan

    Votes: 7 2.5%
  • Warren Harding

    Votes: 7 2.5%
  • Calvin Coolidge

    Votes: 1 0.4%
  • Lyndon Johnson

    Votes: 10 3.6%
  • Richard Nixon

    Votes: 2 0.7%
  • Jimmy Carter

    Votes: 158 57.2%
  • Ronald Reagan

    Votes: 3 1.1%
  • William Clinton

    Votes: 33 12.0%
  • George W. Bush

    Votes: 52 18.8%

  • Total voters
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Thank LBJ for escalting Vietnam and generational welfare, resulting in generations of crime and lack of accountability still with us today. No party is without shame, seem like we only vote for the lesser of evils.
Well, I was all prepared to start complaining that Lincoln wasn't on the list, but many of my compadre's have included him via write in ballot. Too bad Boothe wasn't any quicker in getting the job accomplished.
Worst President Ever

Bill Clinton, with his disrespect for the Presidency, his "loathing" for the military, his arrogant gun laws -- and for his gross overestimate of himself.

How in the world did the US have the power to back Japan into a corner as such to have no choice but to attack us?

The US cut off Japan's oil supply. The Japanese then had three options

1. Give in to US demands and cut the crap in China.

2. Grind to a halt.

3. Attack.

How an attack came as a surprise given those options, is what has led to all the conspiracy theories.
See, this is where the criteria for worst President is important.

Lincoln was bad for liberty, but good for the country in that he kept it from fracturing into several countries.

From a historical standpoint, Bush and Reagan damaged the economy, but did not do nearly the damage to liberty that FDR was. I know many of you think that Bush has been some despotic tyrant, and while it is true that he has some policies that are the antithesis of liberty, none of them come close to doing the damage that FDR did with executive order 9066.

Still, Taft made it all possible by giving the government to do all of those nasty things in the first place: He gave the FedGov money, and money is power. FDR could not have made the New Deal a reality without money. The 16th Amendment made it all possible.

I would lean towards Taft, FDR, or Lincoln, each for different reasons.

Lincoln for his tyranny, FDR for his destruction of Liberty, and Taft for the income tax.
If the Iranians thought Reagan was a sap, what did they think of carter:D?
I know who got them released...
You could look at it another way.

Who destroyed Carter and got Reagan elected? Oh yeah, the Iranians.

Besides, they took new hostages to replace the ones they released.
I doubt the Iranians thought Reagan was a sap on April 18, 1988 when the U.S. Navy destroyed two Iranian oil platforms and sunk or damaged 6 Iranian ships.

I imagine that got their attention.
Reagan ?

Reduced federal income taxes substantially, from 70% (!) to 28%.

Fixed Carter’s hyper-inflation.

Created sixteen million new jobs.

Appointed Antonin Scalia to the Supreme Court.

Threw the communists out of Grenada.

Reversed decades of appeasement and crushed the Soviet Union via military build-up that bankrupted the Soviets.

His average approval rating: 57%.

He was probably the best president of the 20th Century.
What utter hypocrisy you have here in your criticism of FDR's administration. First you complain that we allowed trade with Germany, and that it helped them prepare for war.

Then, you have the exact opposite complaint with the US government regarding Japan, saying that we somehow forced them into declaring war on us by imposing trade sanctions because of their aggressive and ruthless war of conquest they were waging against China.

We cut of Japans lifeline. we are talking about blockading oil and trade. this was not permited in any treaty it was just the US bullying them into a bad spot.

I am not saying that we should not have let fuel into germany, what we DID do was allow them to build a large war machine(built with our factories and investments.) we are talking about thousands of internationally illegel tanks, planes, U2 rockets...you get the point. if you cant see the differance in those two things(blockading living essentials from japan on one hand and helping germany build an illegal army on the other), well...
Reagan ?

Reduced federal income taxes substantially, from 70% (!) to 28%.

Fixed Carter’s hyper-inflation.

Created sixteen million new jobs.

Appointed Antonin Scalia to the Supreme Court.

Threw the communists out of Grenada.

Reversed decades of appeasement and crushed the Soviet Union via military build-up that bankrupted the Soviets.

His average approval rating: 57%.

He was probably the best president of the 20th Century.

Don't forget that he also increased the national debt from less than 1 trillion to over 3 trillion. Sure, he reduced the marginal rate of taxes from 70% to 28%, but in so doing he increased government borrowing, and spent money like a drunken sailor on shore leave.

57% approval? Easy to do when handing out money.

He called the Dems "tax and spend" which is an apt description. The Reps are "borrow and spend" which is just as accurate, and since borrowing is just a delayed (more expensive) tax, I see no real difference between the two.
It's hard for me to choose any one worst, but here's my short list.

Lincoln: Assumed dictorial power with the most absurd level of violence ever seen in the western hemisphere. Changed the proper relationship between the States and Federal government into a system of national government and its provinces. He often gets credited with holding the nation together; this would be like me slapping around my wife until she's had enough and decides to leave, so then I really beat the crap out of her so she can't and then people talk about how I held my family together. He's also given credit for ending slavery; read his speeches and see that he never really cared about it until he was loosing his war and had to come up with a new cause. Slavery was about to end anyway for economic and moral reasons; ever notice that it peacefully ended in the rest of the western hemisphere?

Wilson: Got us involved in WWI. It was not our fight and the results of it lead to the rise of Hitler. He signed the Federal Reserve Act which turned over the nations money supply and policy to a group of private banks.

FDR: More dictorial use of presidential power. Strong armed the courts into upholding anything he did no matter how unconstitutional. Planted the ideas of Marxism in America with his New Deal programs. 1933 gold confiscation; theft on an unpresidented level which further strengthened the Federal Reserve. With all the Japanese military was up to in the Pacific, including invasions of China and Philipeans, Hawaii was left open to attack and then it happened. I think he wanted a war.

Why was Coolidge even a choice in the poll? All he ever did was his best to uphold the Constitution.

There are others presidents that have been very bad for the US, but I chose to focus on the ones that had the most long lasting negative affects. We naturally tend to focus on ones that we remember. I remember so badly wanting to get rid of Clinton and then he got replaced with someone who is different but not any better, and now I want to get rid of him.
Lincoln may not have initially fought the Civil War to end slavery, but one thing is apparent.

Secession definitly was about preserving slavery. And if it was about to end anyway, then why secede?

This is usually the point in which a historical revisionist tries to tell us that the main reason for secession was tariffs or similar nonsense and folderol.

The respective states' "declarations of secession" made it quite clear the main reason they were seceding, and "taxes" or other economic reasons are either not mentioned or given decidedly second shrift.

Lincoln may not have been fighting to end it, but the Confederacy was certainly seceding to preserve it.
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