Poll: Who has been the WORST President in United States History?

Who has been the WORST President in the History of the USA??

  • Franklin Pierce

    Votes: 3 1.1%
  • James Buchanan

    Votes: 7 2.5%
  • Warren Harding

    Votes: 7 2.5%
  • Calvin Coolidge

    Votes: 1 0.4%
  • Lyndon Johnson

    Votes: 10 3.6%
  • Richard Nixon

    Votes: 2 0.7%
  • Jimmy Carter

    Votes: 158 57.2%
  • Ronald Reagan

    Votes: 3 1.1%
  • William Clinton

    Votes: 33 12.0%
  • George W. Bush

    Votes: 52 18.8%

  • Total voters
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There is so much ignorance in this thread that I don't want to even make a comment.

FDR was America's first Socialist dictator. His policies began the slow spiral into authoritarian Federal government policies that have become a defining characteristic of this country's government.

Lincoln belongs on the list also.
+1 Burke

too bad ya beat em too it tim, I absalutely love the guy but ya got to hate him as well. he did nore damage to the constitution than all others put together. HE pretty much laid the groundwork for FDR and George W.
If you're talking about a presidency that has had long lasting negative effects, it would be a toss up between Wilson and FDR.

Of course it was Lincoln who started the course that made Wilson and FDR's tyranny possible.

Johnson was an idiot, but he at least had enough sense to decline nomination for a second term.

Jimmy Carter's abortion of a presidency was cleaned up by Reagan, although the way he handled the Iranian Revolution and hostage crisis left us open to what we're having to deal with today.

G.W. Bush isn't finished scribbling his history yet, but he's well on his way of occupying a place in the Rogue's Gallery of US Presidents too.
I had to go with Jimmy Carter. The economy was at its worst point in my lifetime. His lack of a spine (or if he has one, his head is at the wrong end of it) opened the door for the middle east problems we have today.
GW Bush... worst.

Price of gas: $1.85
Price of gas $4.00

$1.00 USD = $1.00 USD
$1.00 USD = $0.64

National Debt = $5 trillion
National Debt = $9 trillion

I felt like I had privacy
I feel my government has more ability to spy on my personal life if it chooses.

America had never been the agressor in a war
America has invaded a country (Iraq) unprovoked

Republicans were considered conservative
Republicans are little different from Democrats

Thank you George W. Bush for helping to ruin a once great party (GOP) and thank you for helping to ensure that my children and grand children will be paying off the debt YOUR government has run up in pursuit of your socialist ideas.
There have been so many bad ones, it's tough to say. I'm not a presidential historian.

Herbert Hoover should be on the list, though.

As I see it, it's a toss-up between Hoover, LBJ, W. Bush, Carter, Nixon, Grant, Taft, and Jackson (mostly for separation of powers violations, but I'm not convinced the US is better off with Florida than without it :D).
Lincoln burned the Constitution. FDR create the middle-class entitlement. LBJ signed us up for more of the same. But Jimmy Carter was such a wiener. I just don't know. There are so many.
Personally, I liked Clinton. I couldn't care less about what he did with what woman and with what object. All parties involved were consenting adults. His questionable personal morals aside, I had more faith in my goverment, the economy was stronger, and my money was worth more.
Redneck, I couldn't have cared less if clinton was shaggin her on the great seal carpet... But it was the fact that he lied under oath that was the crime he committed... The first POTUS to lie to us was Washington but he was before my time a little...
Yes, there was far more to the 1990s than Waco, Ruby Ridge, and Monical Lewinsky.

In total, it really wasn't such a bad decade. Then again, maybe we were just asleep?

But a president is just a part of that equation. There's Congress to consider too, and we had a pretty good one after 1994...for a few years at least.

Still, the groundwork for 9/11, the collapse of Enron, and the Islamification of the Balkans was laid in the 1990s under Clinton.

Artificial barriers placed between our intelligence agencies to hinder their cooperation may have played a role in leaving us open to 9/11. Refusal to use sources that may have questionable moral histories (nice people don't join al Qaeda, but does that mean you shouldn't seek them out as informants?) probably played a role too.

Then there were the non-responses to terrorist attacks that killed Americans in that decade.

And treating such instances as a matter for law enforcement and the courts rather than the business of stealth bombers, carrier battle groups, and armored divisions.

Obama has tacitly endorsed going back to treating terrorism as a law enforcement/courtroom matter. I heard a soundbyte from him where he pointed out that after all, we did arrest and prosecute the original WTC bombers in the 1990s.

To which I can only reply, "Yeah, Obama, after they set their damn bomb off."
the Phillipines
China (boxer rebellion)
the Confederacy
Dominican Republic

Thse are just a few of the countries, under many different presidents, that the US has invaded over the last couple hundred years.

Most of the people in this conversation completely lack any sort of objectivity or historical context.
All right, who voted for Reagan?

I mean, really...

When he arrived at the White House, the American economy was in shambles, our street cred was low, and the Soviet Union looked like it would be around forever. [Remember how Reagan was mocked by American "intelligentsia" whenever he suggested the Soviets weren't going to be around forever?]

When Reagan left office, the economy has had a pretty good run ever since, our street cred was high, and the Soviet Union was consigned to the ash heap of history...just like Reagan said he'd do.

All right, he had some help from Thatcher and John Paul, but how can you get voted "the worst" when that stuff happened on your watch and you were instrumental in making it happen?
Most of the people in this conversation completely lack any sort of objectivity or historical context.

I personally would vote for FDR and Lincoln as the two worst.

However interesting history is and speculating on who the worst was, I'm more concerned with who our next President will be. In my opinion whether its Obama or McCain were in trouble and either one of their Presidencies is going to rank near the bottom of the barrel.
WHERE is f.d.r. in that list? Seriously how could you not include the man who presided over the bankruptcy of the federal corporation (initiated in March 1933), it's decent into receivership, and it's total and UNCONSTITUTIONAL reorganization in favor of the creditors (falsely called the so called "new deal" which was 100% marxist). F.D.R. came for our main property (gold) effectively IMMEDIATELY in 1933, then he came for our guns and succeeded in overthrowing the 2nd amendment in 1934. And in perfect order, he rounded up FREE and totally INNOCENT americans and put them in concentration camps (fine they were "internment" camps )

Wow, I'm seriously asking how you don't include f.d.r. in that list. :confused::confused::confused::confused:
Well, I thought about it a little more, and have come to realize the few good things that came out of the New Deal are minor for paving the US as a socialist state.

Going all the way back to Lincoln, he violated the Constitution by starting the Civil War and I also believe he suspended habeas corpus.

ISC's in your face criticism of our posts helped me realize this.

Hayek, the US has gone to many places unprovoked. We went in the name of business.
Please don't focus on OUR "vilification," please focus on the facts of what F.D.R. actually did to the constitution.

I didn't even vote in this poll because no one comes close to what F.D.R. did as far as long term, irreversible destruction of the constitution. Lincoln's damage was reversible.
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